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Zduhac znaci avantura (2011)

Zduhac znaci avantura (2011)

Zlatan VidovicJelisaveta OrasaninVujadin MilosevicKatarina Ilic
Milorad Milinkovic


Zduhac znaci avantura (2011) is a Serbian movie. Milorad Milinkovic has directed this movie. Zlatan Vidovic,Jelisaveta Orasanin,Vujadin Milosevic,Katarina Ilic are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2011. Zduhac znaci avantura (2011) is considered one of the best Comedy movie in India and around the world.

Our heroes are high school students spending an unforgettable summer, full of adventures, on their way to a big rock festival. Producer Sava and director Zarko Babajic are filming an extreme sports commercial with Marija and Sindi. Mysterious "Zduhach" "refreshes" Uros and Nenad with some local "kleka" juice. Stolen identity makes new rapper star G Spot Tornado angry, so things get even more complicated.


Same Director

Zduhac znaci avantura (2011) Reviews

  • Just bad pre-teen crap


    Serbian movies have fallen in the dumps ever since the early 2000. This movie is by no account an exception. Stupid dialog, irritating characters, with a few laughs mainly due to charisma of several high profile actors unlucky enough to end up in it. Not to include any spoilers, but the sheer level of unmotivation and general lethargy is evident. The actors are mostly trying to focus on their paychecks and squeeze out the horrible, unnatural lines that someone-somewhere was paid to write. Worst yet, several lower budget films (Life and death of porn gang etc.) have proved that even with low budgets and good energy movies can be great. Just not this one... Movie is absolute crap, recommend to avoid in a wide circle...


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