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You Will Love Me (2013)

You Will Love Me (2013)

Marina PetranoChristopher IngleRhea RossiterWeston Adwell
Stephen McKendree


You Will Love Me (2013) is a English movie. Stephen McKendree has directed this movie. Marina Petrano,Christopher Ingle,Rhea Rossiter,Weston Adwell are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2013. You Will Love Me (2013) is considered one of the best Horror,Mystery,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

After visiting a supposedly haunted forest, a teen girl comes to believe that a violent poltergeist has followed her home and is stalking her and so with her brother and friends, sets out on a mission to unravel its mystery and stop it before it harms someone.

You Will Love Me (2013) Reviews

  • You Will Love Me: Confusing mess


    You Will Love Me, otherwise known as The Poltergeist of Borley Forest is a messy awful excuse for a horror made even more complicated by the fact it's also known as American Poltergeist 2. Why is that complicated you ask? How about the fact that American Poltergeist came out in 2015, 2 years after this! A messy uber low budget haunting tale that tells the story of a girl who gets targeted by a malevolent spirit after visiting some infamously haunted woods for a party. Basically everything that happens from opening credits to closing you'll have seen before. The film doesn't have a single original moment, which wouldn't be so bad if they'd actually done a good job in crafting the movie. Mostly lifeless and boring it's made worse by just how poorly put together it is. Shoddy editing, random audio spikes and a highly uninspired script make this a chore to watch. I could rant but I'll resist the urge, there isn't much to say about a movie as unoriginal and shoddily made as this. The Good: Competent enough young cast The Bad: Dreadful sfx Unforgivably bad sound balancing Plain boring

  • Unwatchable... GOD AWFUL!!!


    Don't pay attention to any review that paints this catastrophe on film in a positive light... these were mostly likely written by one of the morons involved in its production. It boasts horrid acting, horrid cinematography, and horrid writing with barely any creativity. The best part of this... I won't even call it a film... fodder-ridden, straw-stuffed horse **nt is the title sequence, which kept me in the movie for five minutes before the pervert in me found the FFWD button to see if this $#!t fest had any redeeming value in the form of nudity... big surprise there... NONE! *yawn* The acting is laughable as is the contrived nature of the story, but not enough to warrant you or anyone on earth watching it. Your time is more valuable than that even if mine isn't... trust me on this if on nothing else. God, we should just outlaw low budget horror distribution and work on getting every horror film from the 80's digitally remastered and redistributed... I've had enough of crap like "The Poltergeist of Borley Forest" sitting on shelves in the fleeting number rental shops in America. Do they even know what a poltergeist is? It's evident through the movie that they do not. Did they figure they covered their tracks by having the ghost throw Paige's ridiculous paintings all over the room and randomly rearrange flowers? I'm sure that d-bag professor who turns into a cartoon just before he's dismembered comes up with some half-cocked explanation in that scene I watched on >> x8. Stupidity begets stupidity, and I suppose I am proof of this.

  • A who cares, slow, plodding nodfest.


    A cast of character that one could not identify with nor care about. I think there is a plot here that could make fifteen minute short perhaps. Let us elongate that pain into almost two unbearable hours and one attempting to view said film could find themselves at their stove attempting to boil their own head. This constant preoccupation with one frame? Digital video runs 25 frames per second so a 1 frame anomaly would not be noticed. Plus cleaning up 1 frame that has an artifact for complete clarity would be impossible. I am a digital editor as a living. It is amazing that everyone these days can be in movies and NOT everyone is an actor. Just do not watch it unless you need a catalyst to put you to sleep.

  • Just walk away...


    I gave this movie a 1 only because there is NO 0. Couldn't even finish watching this movie....halfway through my wife just got off the couch and said "I can't take anymore." She was right, of course...I tried to give it the benefit of the doubt, but the bad acting, the low budget's a true wonder how this piece of trash got the green light in the first place. When I rented it out of the Red box, it said new...but when I looked it up on IMDb, it said the movie was made in 2013. What gives? Was this movie so hot back in 2013 that it just couldn't be released until now?! Lets also discuss the 3.7 rating it got....WOW. Generous IMDb. All in all...I lost a whopping $1.60 to watch half of this awful...AWFUL movie. Please take my advice and just walk away. So not worth it.

  • Even for a micro budget film... Please don't waste your time.


    Now this movie isn't the worst horror film I have ever seen. Quality of the shots are great. However whoever filmed this needs to learn two things. Personal space and correct angles. Im not a professional by any means but every shot is literally in the actors face! Camera man back the hell up. The story drags on and there is absolutely terrible acting from most of the actors. especially the main girl in the film. Their speaking is dry and very regulated or unnatural. The camera is tilted more often than not and the low angles do the film no justice. The parents are idiots. I assume whoever wrote this couldn't find any real reason for them to act as they do. On top of that the only thing you really see most of the way through the film that partially indicates it is even a poltergeist is the camera's flickering. The ghost actually straight up attacks the girls in their bed. Dry and a horrible attempt to make something unique out of a great genre. You failed. Im sorry. Save yourself the time. I was utterly disappointed as I love supernatural films.

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