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Xchange (2001)

Xchange (2001)

Stephen BaldwinPascale BussièresKim CoatesKyle MacLachlan
Allan Moyle


Xchange (2001) is a English movie. Allan Moyle has directed this movie. Stephen Baldwin,Pascale Bussières,Kim Coates,Kyle MacLachlan are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2001. Xchange (2001) is considered one of the best Sci-Fi,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

In the near future, a company called Xchange owns a mind transference technology that enables instantaneous travel by swapping bodies with someone at the destination. A member of the privileged corporate class ("Corpie") Xchanging for the first time unwittingly switches bodies with a terrorist. Forced to hide in a limited life span cloned body with just 2 days remaining, he races against time to stop the terrorist and regain his body.


Xchange (2001) Reviews

  • Much better than its reputation


    Don't listen to the other comments here. This is one science fiction movie that works. It manages to get all the things it's got going against it, work *for* it. Take the male lead, for instance. Stephen Baldwin is not the sharpest knife in the drawer (and indeed, hasn't exactly starred in a lot of quality movies). So in this movie he's got no mind of his own. He's an assembly line clone, used as a host or worker body for the corporate jetset. That's putting a man of Stephen Baldwin's caliber to the best possible use! The movie is about mind transfers. That's the plot, and the writer takes the utmost consequence of what this means. A plot that would be an insufferably silly stunt-of-the-week on an episode of Star Trek, Stargate or Farscape, manages here to be described disturbingly realistically and in a near-present day setting. Every possible twist that could possibly be imagined if this technology existed is commented on in one way or the other. No stone is left unturned. The sexual possibilities alone remain an important on-going sub-plot. This is highly unusual for a run-of-the-mill sci fi/action flick. The SFX are fairly few, and integrated seamlessly and perfectly into the story. The one-molecule-thick cutting wire is really cool. Like I said, it works. All of it. It is engaging, coherent, tasteful (all the four female main characters have topless scenes, and no, they are *not* gratuitous, but enhance the characterization), well-written, and goes out of its way to avoid clichés. For commercial flicks of any kind, this doesn't happen often. It's too bad the guy who wrote it hasn't done anything else. I'm amazed to see that most of the commentators here have such a low opinion of this movie. Don't listen to them. This movie succeeds in everything it sets out to do. For a B movie, it is good. Surprisingly good. It will hold up for several viewings, if you're the type of person who can appreciate it. This is going to be a cult favorite. 8 out of 10.

  • Once again the old adage is proved true...


    You don't need a big budget to make a fantastic film. Simply put: This is an entertaining and surprising movie with everything you could ask for - genuine suspense with believable plot twists, well-timed action, memorable comedy, and special effects that actually has a purpose beyond the "see-what-we-can-do" arrogance of many blockbuster productions. I regularly contribute to IMDb's I Need To Know Board where many board favorites tend to be the memorable kitschy flicks. In the coming years - this will be one of them - I guarantee it. Not only is this a really fun movie to idle away a 'popcorn video night', it's filled with unique visual hooks and interesting plot twists that tend to find their way into the collected memories of film fans. While others have noted similarities to other well-known films of the genre - I urge you to watch this with a fresh mindset (pun intended). This is probably one of the best Stephen Baldwin films from his hodge-podge career. Had he chosen to do more along these lines I suspect his limelight wouldn't have gotten so dusty that he'd end up as a B-rated 'star' for reality TV schlock. Doing solid, low budget, but profitable films is a career track that had Edward Herrimann and C. Thomas Howell working for decades while their "will-only-work-for-great-scripts/directors" driven counterparts have been forgotten or relegated to the world of early retirement.

  • One of the best films I have seen for a while


    This was another of those films you catch when channel hopping the movie channels, normally I just catch the start of many films and get very quickly bored and move on, not this time. It created a whole new (scary) world that was very clean and very techno. Our hero was very competently played by Kim Coates with whom I was not very familiar with, as the film moved on (without giving too much away it's about the transfer of conciousness from one body to another) the lead was played by a succession of characters, Kim Coates for the introduction part, Kyle MacLachlan for the 'what's happening to me' bit and finally Stephen Baldwin for the action role. Each one bringing just what was needed to pull off the role. I highly recommend this film. My congrats and thanks to all those involved.

  • For once a genre movie that's got a brain and plenty of action, too


    Very cool film with one of the best ticking clocks ever.The hero, a guy whose body's been stolen by a terrorist, has three days to find himself before he dies.Kyle MacLachlan gives one of his best performances ever. When he finds out his body ain't coming back, you feel his pain! Stephen Baldwin's pretty good, too, as the clone body Maclachlan has to borrow & proceeds to trash like a rental car.And Pascale Bussieres, where'd she come from?Beautiful, sexy, smart, really good actress.There's lots of good future-shock touches to tell us we're not in Kansas anymore, like gadget boutiques that sell weapons to executives (check out the "protonic monofilament") & assassins who use "seeker" missiles that circle the skies for days waiting for their targets to show (now you know why the movie opens with a bang!). The whole travel-by-body -exchanging angle is original & very clever in the way it plays out. For once we get a genre movie that's got a brain & plenty of action, too. A real surprise coming from director Allan Moyle, whose previous films, including the delicious PUMP UP THE VOLUME, seem more focused on teens, music, & sex (though there's plenty of that here

  • Had potential but doesn't have any tension or excitement

    bob the moo2004-03-07

    In the near future, corporate customers can save time on air travel by jumping into other bodies for short periods of time. Despite being unwilling, Toffler jumps into a body in order to attend a meeting in San Francisco. However, when it comes to returning to his old body he is told that his body has been stolen by the terrorist who had been in the body he jumped into. Toffler jumps into a clone in order to escape and, with a temporary body decomposing over 54 hours, he sets out to find Fisk and reclaim his body. In the near future, body switching is possible for the rich, id badges tell everyone who you are, High Fidelity is playing at the cinema, but yet nobody has ever seen the film Face/Off. Yes - this is the future as seen in a low budget movie. Alarm bells rang for me when the credits revealed that this was, yes, a film who's main cast were Baldwin, MacLachlan and Coates! Happily though, it wasn't actually that bad, just rather unexciting and uninspiring. The plot has promise but it doesn't deliver it well enough. Face/Off had the same basic plot but it moved much quicker and slicker than this. The problem is that the plot feels too baggy and ill thought out with too much that isn't fully expanded on. This wouldn't be a major problem if the film moved slickly and with a lot of energy. Sadly, it doesn't. The film has the odd exciting moment but generally it lacks tension and is a bit too slow and talky. Three times the film falls back on needless sex scenes in an attempt to give the audience what it came for. The conclusion of the film is obvious and, for that reason, lacks punch. It's a shame because, even with a low budget and less-than-perfect effects, the film could still have been exciting if the director had done a better job with the pacing of the film; as it is he delivers it too slowly. The good ideas flicker up along the way - the best being near the end as Toffler's disregard for his cloned body becomes useful, but generally it is quite lacklustre. Even though the cast suggested worse, they were actually reasonably good. Coates is always watchable and, don't worry, after a brief spell as the good buy he soon changes to the bad guy role. MacLachlan seems to have taken the role just as a cameo and a chance to have a sex scene. Baldwin is slumming and it shows a bit too often. He is OK for the film but he didn't have that much in the way of charisma; sure he played more than one character, but he still wasn't all that hot. Overall this is not as bad a film as I have maybe put across here. If you have rented it as a cheapy video or are watching it on a low rent cable station, then you probably know what's in store. As such, it works OK but it is still hard to overlook a plot that could have been tighter and a film that really needed a lot more in the way of tension and excitement to keep it going. Worth watching if you're in the mood.


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