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TV: The Movie (2006)

TV: The Movie (2006)

Steve-OPreston LacyJason 'Wee Man' AcuñaChris Pontius
Sam Macaroni


TV: The Movie (2006) is a English movie. Sam Macaroni has directed this movie. Steve-O,Preston Lacy,Jason 'Wee Man' Acuña,Chris Pontius are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2006. TV: The Movie (2006) is considered one of the best Comedy movie in India and around the world.

A celebration of the ever increasing depravity of television in our society, it's a channel surfing adventure through the most utterly ridiculous spoofed television programming and commercials.

Same Director

TV: The Movie (2006) Reviews

  • More like an hour and a half long TV sketch show


    For those who have seen cKy and Jackass, there will be no new surprises with this movie. Around 50% of this film features stunts from ex-Jackass celebrities Steve-O, Wee Man, Chris Pontius and Preston Lacy intermingled with spoofs on popular TV shows such as Fear Factor and Cops. The first thing you realise when watching this film is that it looks cheap. Very cheap. The second thing you realise is that this in not so much a film, but an hour and a half long sketch show with some gags funnier than others. Much of the humour strangely focused on stereotypical Mexican culture and may be offensive to some, but if not, don't worry, the is plenty more to be offended by. The acting is sub-standard. While Steve-O and co. are stuntmen and skaters, they are not actors. This becomes evident in any scene involving Wee man, where he can't seem to deliver a line without a huge grin on his face. Pontius makes a good effort playing Jesus, unfortunately the writing is quite poor so he never has the chance to be really funny. One thing I did feel for this film was Pity. Pity for Steve-O. Its been well documented that Steve-O has had problems with alcohol and drugs, and in and out of rehab, but in this film you are wondering how much is real and how much is scripted. In several scenes it is very apparent he is intoxicated while he destroys his house, his belongings and several body parts. Worse still, the impression is given that this was encouraged by the filmmakers for some easy footage. It soon becomes depressing watching Steve-O slowly destroying himself on screen. The movie is attempting to parody modern day television and the MTV culture, but it turns out that they are just parodying themselves. In fact, one section is named 'The world's most pointless stunts' I can only concur. While I enjoyed Bam Margera's cKy series and Jackass, this offered nothing new. There have been countless spin-offs of the genre, and the material has become very tired. There is only so many clips of a guy throwing himself on a coffee table I can watch before I get bored. Even Steve-O complains he has been short of work. He should take this as a sign and get a job which doesn't involve bodily harm. The shows parodied in the film were very recent, which suggests in about 2 years the subject matter will be pretty dated. Some of the sketches (The Jackass doll sketch most notably) were pretty terrible, but admittedly there were some funny moments. The Mexican 'COPS' spoof was funny, but will probably be seen by some to be racist. 'XXXL,' A spoof on Triple-X starring Preston Lacy did offer some laughs, and is the closest thing to a proper movie that it gets. The only welcome surprise in this film was the appearance of Jason Mewes AKA Jay from the Kevin Smith movie world. But don't expect Smith's sharp comedy writing, again the poor scripting prevents Mewes from really having the chance to shine. If you like Jackass and are determined to like this too, it is advisable to put your brain on stand-by, and you might come away with a smile on for face.

  • Garbage


    I enjoy National Lampoon's stuff, and I love all the Jackass movies and TV shows and all that, but this movie was absolute garbage. It was the worst put together and least funny movie I have ever seen and I actually feel insulted that this was made a mainstream movie. I didn't pay for this movie, but it was so bad it makes me want to try and get my money back. The only reason I gave this movie a 1 is because you cannot give zeros. This is by far the worst movie-going experience I have ever had and am extremely disappointed in everyone who played any part in the making of this junk. I drove way out of my way to see this expecting something stupidly fun, but instead I got something stupidly awful. I would say this is the worst film I have ever seen, but to call this a film would be a gross overstatment, all this can be described as is garbage.

  • Horrible, Annoying, Unfunny, Boring, Disgraceful


    This movie tries to be funny but fails completely. There are a few moments worth chuckling at, but the rest of the movie is so dull and pathetic that you simply won't be in the mood. The preview is actually a lot better. Don't bother with this movie, you'll just sit there wishing it will hurry up and finish. Borderline racist and blatantly sexist. I feel sorry for the reputable actors who agreed to be in this film as it will surely damage their careers. Absolutely nothing like Jackass, or cky, so don't be deceived by the fact that some of the Jackass crew feature in it. There are barely any stunts, and the sketches are disjointed and inappropriate. The humour is consistently so lame it actually makes you feel embarrassed. Anybody that says it was a good film, or that the people giving it a bad review "just didn't get it" are absolute morons; the jokes are so obvious, and so old, that it's impossible not to get them, they just aren't funny. Unquestionably one of the worst movie experiences of my life.

  • Insulting the Viewer's Intelligence!


    If I can describe this movie in just three words, I'd say: "This movie stinks!" The jokes were not funny, it was blatantly stupid and deeply embarrassing. I waited for about half an hour, hoping that the movie will eventually become better, but it didn't happen. Instead, the movie became worse halfway through the show. There are many movies making spoofs about movies and commercial, but they did it much better. For example, the Scary Movie. Both Scary Movie and National Lampoon : TV are the same in the sense that both made fun of the movies, but while Scary Movie made me laugh out loud, National Lampoon : TV made me crinch in embarrassment and made me look so stupid. I can't remember any good moments in the movie except the part about El Apprentise ( a spoof about the Donald Trump's The Apprentice), when the candidates went to the boardroom to face the Columbian drug-lord. Other than the brief moment, everything about this movie in forgettable. Heed my advise. Find / rent another movie instead.

  • A fun film with a dark sense of humor


    I have read a few reviews on here that said this movie was awful. i rented it to see dian bachar and didn't expect much because of what i had read. i was very annoyed at the reviewers who didn't GET this film. it's hilarious. i probably laughed really hard at a good 2/3rd's of this movie. it's belligerent, absurd, fillthy and has a VERY dark sense of humor. it crosses the line between fiction and reality as some of it's filmed in some very real situations, but set up to be fake. lee majors was awesome, the guy from capote blew me away (didn't know he was funny!) and the jackass guys were all very funny. so for the snobby people who hated this film, i think you were just looking too hard to find something that was never there in the first place. this is not a "good" film, but it is a funny one. and that's worth something.


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