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Tube Tales (1999)

Tube Tales (1999)

Jason FlemyngDexter FletcherKelly MacdonaldDenise Van Outen
Gaby Dellal,Stephen Hopkins,7 more credits


Tube Tales (1999) is a English movie. Gaby Dellal,Stephen Hopkins,7 more credits has directed this movie. Jason Flemyng,Dexter Fletcher,Kelly Macdonald,Denise Van Outen are the starring of this movie. It was released in 1999. Tube Tales (1999) is considered one of the best Drama movie in India and around the world.

Collective film comprised of nine stories taking place in and around underground transportation in London, all based on true facts submitted by readers of "Time Out" magazine: in "Mr. Cool" (Jenkins) a young female worker is courted by a colleague who travels by subway and an executive with his own car; in "Horny" (Hopkins), a girl gets sexually aroused every time she takes the subterranean; in "Grasshopper" (Huda), youngsters, police inspectors and drug pushers get mixed up in the subway; in "My Father the Liar" (Hoskins), a little boy takes the train with his father and witness an unexpected incident; in "Bone" (McGregor), a musician is in search of his Muse in the train cars; in "Mouth" (Iannucci), an attractive female passenger rides a noisy train compartment, as she gets sick; in "A Bird in the Hand" (Law), an old man experiences a sense of freedom helping a trapped bird; in "Rosebud" (Dellal), a mother desperately looks for her little daughter, while the girl has a good time; ...


Tube Tales (1999) Reviews

  • Worth watching, if only for one segment


    Although some segments were poor and some just average, this is worth watching if only for one segment. 'My father the liar' was brilliantly directed by Bob Hoskins, and as always Ray Winstone (the father) and Frank Harper (the station guard who appears in a number of the segments) played their roles to perfection. The real star however was the young boy who played the son. Although only on screen for not more than 10 minutes it is clear that this kid should be a huge British star in the future.

  • Heartfelt and very funny (spoilers)


    The whole film is one of my most favorite British films of the last five years, because it is really entertaining and moving. There's not a minute in this movie which makes me feel bored. 'Mr. Cool' is cool. 'Horny' is very funny and lovely. 'My Father, the Liar' gives me some strangely undescribable feeling. 'Mouth' is amusing. 'A Bird in the Hand' is affecting. 'Rosebud' is pleasantly strange. However, my most favorite films are 'Bone' and 'Steal Away', because they can move me to tears. 'Bone' gives me the tears of joy and make me feel elated after seeing it. I thought what the guy does is one of the most beautiful and impressive ways to express feelings. It is one of the most heartfelt moment in cinema and affects me nearly as strongly as the ending of Eric Rohmer's 'The Green Ray.' As for 'Steal Away,' I can't help crying when the criminal turns to wash the feet of the foot-washer. I think this moment in 'Steal Away' has something in common with that moment in 'Bone.' In these two moments, there is some deep communication between characters without using words. While words tend to be deceptive or inadequate to express what one thinks or feels, what these two characters in different films do is communication from their hearts, and that leads to real understanding. Though the ending of 'Steal Away' is a little bit predictable, its effectiveness is not lessened. While other films give me a lot of laugh, I feel these two films speak directly to my heart.

  • A Collection of Short Stories


    A quirky, and very British, collection of nine ten minute short stories all set on the London underground.There is no obvious central theme, and no message. Just a celebration of the diversity of everyday goings on in our subterranean transport system. You don't have to, and are probably not intended to, like all the stories. There is no "eureka" moment.What you do get is idiosyncratic story telling by a distinguished cast. The dialogue is often sparse, placing great importance on acting, and space, which the film delivers in spades. In an era of increasingly formulaic and homogeneous film making this dares to be different, and rewards the viewer accordingly.Perversely the fact that the tales are no longer than ten minutes makes the overall running time seem longer, as you mentally "rewind" after each short. And if one is losing your interest? Well you are only a few minutes away from your next one.

  • As as exciting as a trip from Baker street to Neasden.


    Its funny how movies that are short stories seem to nearly always dissapoint and Tube Tales is no different. I am always interested in books and films that are a compilation of stories because sometimes you are not in the mood for 2 hour film or a 500 page book so this genre appeals. The fact is that you only ever get one or two tales that are any good and the rest are dross. With this film their are no good stories. They are all rubbish and are as dull as tube journey. This film was made by Sky TV and they have a long , long way to go to make films in the same way the TV company HBO do so brilliantly. There are some good actors in this film but the script is so arty farty it does none of their reputations any good at all. This film is destined to be shown at 4am on cable when nobody will or should bother watching. 3 out of 10.

  • Great actors, poor script.


    I saw this last night and was greatly disappointed. When I saw the wealth of great British talent in the opening credits I thought I was in for a real treat but sadly there is not one short movie in this which you could really enjoy. Some were just OK but not one was anything near great, way too artsy fartsy without any real substance. I saw New York's Subway Stories a year before I saw this and it was a great movie. Of the 10 shorts in Subway Stories the only one I disliked was the one directed by Abel Ferrara. Anyone who has watched Tube Tales and found it boring should try Subway Stories, it's far more interesting and it's based on 10 true stories. Overall I give this 4 out of 10, it would have been lower but some of the acting is good.


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