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Truth About Kerry (2010)

Truth About Kerry (2010)

Stana KaticJessica DeanDarren Keefe ReiherPaul Hardiman
Katie Torpey


Truth About Kerry (2010) is a English movie. Katie Torpey has directed this movie. Stana Katic,Jessica Dean,Darren Keefe Reiher,Paul Hardiman are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2010. Truth About Kerry (2010) is considered one of the best Drama,Mystery,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

When a young American woman is found dead on a beach in Ireland, her best friend, who has become haunted by the mystery, travels to the remote fishing village to investigate what really happened to her. She realizes that the village may be hiding more secrets than she thought, and it isn't long before she develops an obsessive belief that her friend's death may have been no accident.


Truth About Kerry (2010) Reviews

  • Truth About Kerry - a great little movie!


    I love independent films, and I loved Stana Katic in "Quantum of Solace", so I was really excited to see "Truth About Kerry." Stana's portrayal of Emma, the best friend of the title character, Kerry, is wonderful. This film was shot earlier in her career, but it's not hard to see why the producers hired her. She's beautiful and likable on screen, and the role of Emma gives her an opportunity to demonstrate her range as an actress. Additionally, Darren Keefe has a bright future ahead of him as an Irish leading man. His brooding and intense presence on screen is at once disarming and unsettling. He brings an authenticity to the role of Patrick, the troubled photographer with a salacious past. The cinematography is quite beautiful, showing off Waterville, Ireland to the uninitiated. The footage of the Irish countryside is so lush and magical, I wouldn't be surprised if "Truth About Kerry" was used by Ireland's Chamber of Commerce to entice tourists and visitors to come and see the locations where the movie was shot. Incidentally, this film won a Best Screenplay award for writer/director Katie Torpey at the LA Femme Film Festival. Well-paced with a steady build toward the denouement, "Truth About Kerry" is edited together in an engaging 84 minute story. And there's a shocker at the end that I never saw coming, making the film even more intriguing. It's worth watching twice!

  • This movie is so bad!


    The plot of this movie was promising. Woman visits Ireland. Woman dies in Ireland. Woman's friend goes to Ireland to find out the truth of her death. Was it murder or accident? I am amazed that I found good reviews on this film. The writing was incredibly amateur - the dialogue could have been more professionally written by a teenager. The acting was poor and amateurish. The film was loaded with the typical American version of Irish stereotypes. The Irish do not use the word 'grand' in every single sentence. Don't waste your time watching this movie. The scenery was nice - filmed on the Ring of Kerry - but that was the only positive I could find.

  • Saved by a good ending


    I found this to be a badly acted thriller which was a shame as the premise was pretty good. The Irish scenery was nice but the direction was pretty laboured and the dialogue was pretty clumsy and off-putting. Just when I had written off this film as totally dreadful the surprisingly brutal ending saved the day. I just wasn't expecting it after 70 pretty uneventful minutes beforehand. Just as a poor ending can break a previously good film then a good ending can make a poor film that much better and for me that was the case with this effort. There was a decent film in here somewhere trying to get out and with a a stronger cast and a higher budget this could have been a success but unfortunately this low budget effort isn't likely to appeal to many people i'm afraid.

  • disappointing


    I have to disagree with the reviewer who wrote, "cinematography is quite beautiful, showing off Waterville, Ireland" as it seems they never caught Ireland on a sunny day - or even a sunny moment. All the colors are bleak - not something that would do Ireland's rep any good. As to the acting - tho it's early in her career - I was annoyed at Ms. Katic's mannerisms - or perhaps how the director chose for her to do... but she was constantly flipping her hair into her face and then dramatically pulling it aside, her mouth (as well as the other actors) always hanging open (I mean - really annoying) and then her putting on her "research" side with hair pulled back, nerdy glasses and attentive, mouth open, hair flipping dramatic...wait...wait... wait for it... and ... nothing - just a scene with her doing some intensive, serious nothing. She barges in on people, brash, rude, and using really unnecessary vulgar language. The screenplay is weak, as is the dialogue. So, so much more should have been done with this play. Then - the ending - while predictable ... the only ones seemingly NOT in the know are the participants in the screenplay. Sad.

  • Poor quality


    As I write this the film has a score of 6.7!! This is from 63 users who I can only assume must be the cast and crew as this film does not deliver on almost all levels. It was clearly low budget, which wouldn't be a problem if they had more of a choice of interesting sets other than an ugly uninspiring holiday home, an ugly charmless pub and bits of bleak looking scenery. The wild and mysterious Irish seascapes did little to give depth to the otherwise drab indoor scenes, it all ended up looking a bit grey and miserable. I did think the acting was quite good seeing as they had a stilted and unimaginative formulaic script to work with and there were hardly any characters. There was nothing particularly 'irish' about the story despite attempts to conjure up a vibe with a bit of pipe music. It really could have been a story in any remote village. In this village people are seemingly quite willing to answer all of the lead's questions except for randomly thrown in was one hostile resident - no explanation or relevance to that. In addition it was pretty obvious early on who the culprit was. Oh an there was no way that 'Kerry' was 29. Thats about it.


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