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Tru Loved (2008)

Tru Loved (2008)

Najarra TownsendJake AbelMatthew ThompsonAlexandra Paul
Stewart Wade


Tru Loved (2008) is a English movie. Stewart Wade has directed this movie. Najarra Townsend,Jake Abel,Matthew Thompson,Alexandra Paul are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2008. Tru Loved (2008) is considered one of the best Comedy,Drama,Romance movie in India and around the world.

Recently relocated from San Francisco to conservative suburbia by her lesbian mothers, Tru struggles like all teens to fit in and find love, but her quest is complicated by sexual politics, closed minds, and closeted friends as she seeks to establish her school's first Gay-Straight Alliance.

Same Director

Tru Loved (2008) Reviews

  • Alright, but annoyingly passive


    I recently saw this at the Vancouver Queer Film Festival to an almost packed house. Tru Loved is the story of a teenage girl named Tru (short for Gertrude) who goes to a new school. Of course, she doesn't fit in at first, mainly because she is labeled as a "freak" by the popular crowd (ie. about 3 or 4 people) when she looks quite average actually. The twist here is that her she has two sets of parents -- two moms and two dads, of which they're all gay. This element proves to be refreshing and comedic at times. However, when dealing with teenage themes, there are always going to be stereotypes and clichéd situations, especially when it comes to gay-themed films (ie. conservative parents, the anti-gay jocks). What set Juno apart from most other teenage films was the interesting and colourful characters. Tru, as the protagonist, first comes across as possibly interesting, but falls behind other major characters who have bigger problems than her. In the beginning, she fantasizes about outlandish scenarios, which, instead of adding her to character, only seem like something the writer added in the hopes of making her interesting when it in fact strangely clashes with her somewhat bland personality. She meets and befriends Lo, who turns out to be gay, and is reluctantly becomes his "girlfriend". This and other events happen TO her, and after a while, it is clear she doesn't have any particular goal but merely follows other subplots and guides people, which was frustrating at times. In fact, the entire film felt more like Lo's story rather than hers. This isn't to say that the film wasn't entertaining. A few great punchlines kept the audience roaring with laughter (as much as I want to, I can't repeat it. Go see it for yourself). The acting decent, the direction alright, the budget noticeably small but overlooked, Tru Loved is a good second film from Stewart Wade, but don't take it too seriously as real life.

  • moving, entertaining, funny and wonderful. Go see it!


    I absolutely loved this movie!! (and it seemed that the rest of the audience did too from their reactions). Here they took a serious subject, - one that is certainly timely, currently facing much publicity and discussion; - a great problem for many, emotionally, politically, legally and more - a hot button issue and in the news at this time, - and they presented it with clarity, and in a very entertaining way. I was moved deeply by this movie, but also very entertained and laughed out loud many times. Both the story and acting were excellent - a little over the top at times, but it fit well. For many people this subject is a little over the top. This movie teaches, without our realizing we are being shown or taught, about strength of character, compassion, understanding, tolerance and love. The lead actress, who played Tru, was outstanding. She was so natural. It felt real. I highly recommend this movie; especially for young people. They will love it, and unknowingly grow as a person from it as well

  • Tru Loved is a wonderful movie - What caused Mr. Ebert to miss the whole point -


    I think many people do not take a chance and find out the truth for themselves. In regard to movies, they depend on reviewers to take the chance and do the work for them. Doing so gives power to reviewers, which is an evil thing. Those very people who give away their rights will think that, since Roger Ebert dismissed 'Tru Loved', it is not a good movie and will not go to the trouble of finding out for themselves. And this confirms their prejudices and makes them feel secure. 'Tru Loved' is a very good movie indeed. So why did he dismiss it? Why dismiss a movie that deals wisely with two of the most difficult aspects of human relationships, sex and race, in an entertaining and unifying way. That has a fine story. That has excellent acting which is natural and convincing (Najarra Townsend, as 'Tru', is inspiring). That has the priceless effect on the audience of goodwill and fellowship. That is pure and genuine. Why dismiss such a terrific movie? I think the reason is that Mr. Ebert did not give the movie a chance to unfold. As a result, he missed the whole point of 'Tru Loved'--which is human unity. Then, in response to criticism, he went back and justified his position, still missing the point. Why did he miss the point that 'Tru Loved' is about human unity? Because of unconscious fears, distaste or antagonism? Because of physical illness? Because it reminded him of other movies he didn't like? Because it didn't taste like his cup of tea? Who knows why? Personally, I love 'Tru Loved'! I think it is a marvelous movie! I recommend it to all my friends. That's my review. But don't take my word for it, find out for yourself.

  • A Must See Movie!!!!


    You absolutely must see this movie. I saw it at the closing gala for Outfest and it is amazing. The story is funny, heartwarming, pertinent and deals with a subject that we and our children live with every day in our world. And, it deals with it with great honesty, love and heart. The film deals with adolescent self acceptance and tolerance and shows the importance of people working together to achieve common goals. I think it should be requisite viewing at every middle and high school as well as every PTA in the country. Stewart Wade has written a beautiful story that is brought to life by a stellar cast. Nothing short of fantastic. Theresa Shell Los Angeles California

  • I highly recommend this movie


    I too saw this about a year ago in Los Angeles. My son had seen it at his school and was very excited about it – he and his friends thought it was great. Apparently they were showing it in schools as a learning tool. When I saw it was showing in theaters, I went out of curiosity. I enjoyed it very much! I agree with all Theresa Shell's comments here . . . it should be shown in all middle and high schools as well as PTA meetings throughout the country. … A gentle yet entertaining way of expanding our thought processes toward tolerance and understanding. I understand that this movie was made shortly after a young high school student in Southern California had, because he was gay, been killed by a fellow student. High school years are such a hard time for so many kids trying to struggle with all kinds of social stresses; being gay just one example, it can be just feeling unattractive or being very shy, or over weight, or under weight, or family struggles or feeling shut out of a group they admire, or breaking up with a boyfriend or girlfriend, or being made fun of for any reason, or embarrassment over some thing that other people are not even aware of. It goes on and on. We all need to learn to accept others for who they are and realize, we all are struggling with who we are.


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