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These Girls (2005)

These Girls (2005)

Caroline DhavernasJacques GirardHolly LewisAmanda Walsh
John Hazlett


These Girls (2005) is a English movie. John Hazlett has directed this movie. Caroline Dhavernas,Jacques Girard,Holly Lewis,Amanda Walsh are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2005. These Girls (2005) is considered one of the best Comedy,Drama movie in India and around the world.

During their summer between high school and college, three girls blackmail a slightly older hunk into having sex with them.

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These Girls (2005) Reviews

  • Excellent Comedy


    This movie starts out a little slow but kicks into comedic gear quickly. Each of the three "teenage girls" offer their own believable, distinct, assertive and entertaining personalities. I particularly enjoyed the dialog and interaction between Keith and Lisa. If one looked beyond the superficial "action" that was taking place, Keith's character treated Lisa's "deflowering" with tenderness and consideration. The comic development that followed was also pulled in expertly in my opinion. David Boreanaz gives a wonderful performance as the adult male who clearly gets himself into more trouble than he can handle. Dialogue was sharp, quick and flowed nicely. The director and writer of this film clearly showed how none of the main characters got to claim the moral high ground after all the shenanigans they pulled. Although the movie appears light on the surface, it reflects all the gray areas of becoming an adult, human emotions and desire.

  • "These Girls" is a very funny look at the lives of three teenage girls


    I had the honor this evening to see a screening of the movie "These Girls" at the Philadelphia Film Festival. Going into the movie, I knew very little about it and just took a chance on it because the film's plot sounded interesting. So as I entered the theater just hours ago I wondered what the final verdict would be thumbs up or thumbs down. "These Girls" is the story about three best friends from a small town. Keira (Caroline Dhavernas) is the ringleader who basically doesn't know what to do with her life after High School but her father keeps pushing her to go to college which is something she doesn't want to do. Lisa (Holly Lewis) will be going away to a Christian school after the summer. And finally, Glory (Amanda Walsh) who plans on spending her summer babysitting. But this summer is going to be a special one as they all blackmail Keith Clark (David Boreanaz) the sexy older hunk who they baby-sit for. Fun times and a lot of laughs ensue… I normally don't like movies like "These Girls" but there is something about this movie that I really liked. I think the quality I liked most about it was that it seemed rather realistic. Three girls who want to explore their sexuality pick a hunky guy who lets all of them have sex with him only to be blackmailed by them later. It's a pretty funny tale about growing up, friendship and sex but even though it sounds pretty cheesy I can see majority of this film happening in real life. The subject matter here is probably a main reason why this film didn't get a mainstream release in the United States. All the girls in this film are suppose to be under 18 which if I remember correctly two of them are 17 and one is 16. Now in the USA even though underage sex occurs on a daily basis many production or finance companies won't finance a film like this because of the sexual content. This information was actually confirmed by the director himself John Hazlett at the Q&A after the film. The thing that gets me is that the sex scenes in this film aren't graphic and the nudity is minor. Not to mention that all the actresses in this film are way over 18 in real life. Go figure. What the movie does best is it provides a lot of laughs as well as very strong characters. I liked all the characters in this movie and each character seemed to have a "Now & Then" characteristic to them. The jokes were funny because they were cleverly written not because they were dirty or over the top. Everything seemed to flow together nicely both the comedy and the drama. The script was very strong. The acting was very good for the most part. I thought all the three girls were great. Caroline Dhavernas who also starred in one of the most underrated television series of all time "Wonderfalls" was just terrific; as well as Holly Lewis and Amanda Walsh who both did a fine job as well. David Boreanaz did a good job and he looked like he was having fun while shooting most of the scenes. The guy played a pot head so it was funny seeing him play that role. I had the pleasure of meeting John Hazlett tonight who seemed like a very nice guy and was very appreciative of the comments made about the film. I am shocked that this movie didn't go anywhere. I think with a little marketing behind it, it could have taken off. Sadly it's going to be one of these direct to DVD films which so few will ever have the pleasure to see. I think with what little budget Mr. Hazlett had to work with, the film turned out well and I think he did a fine job directing this little gem. For someone who typically hates teen sex comedies I can honestly say I really enjoyed this film. The character development and witty script allowed me to sit there for an hour and a half and be amused. This is a fine comedy because it has heart and spunk to it. I know I will be sure to buy this film when it comes on DVD on May 16, 2006. If you're a fan of coming of age stories, teen sex comedies, or romantic comedies be sure to check this film out because it's one of the funniest films of its kind to be released in years. MovieManMenzel's final rating for "These Girls" is an 8/10.

  • VERY entertaining


    I had the Pleasure of attending the Toronto international Film Festival and the extended pleasure of watching the World premier of "These Girls". I must say I am thoroughly impressed at the work of the team and ecstatic at the fact that this movie made history as the first New Brunswick film in TIFF history. John Hazlett's directing technique and Alex Vendler's Cinematography made for excellent artsy eye candy. The film had a pleasing flow with nearly flawless editing and the talent were a most entertaining team. David Boreanaz's work never surprises or excites me, however, his performance in this comedic role has given me a new outlook on his work... I quite liked this bumbling burnt-out character. The three girls pulled their own as well and presented terrific chemistry with each other and Boreanaz. Also, it is to my understanding that most other roles besides the four were played by local talent who were by all means wonderfully talented. "These Girls" will do well as a result of Boreanaz's fan base and the success of the whole team to make a VERY entertaining film.

  • Entertaining Romantic Comedy


    I had the pleasure of watching this two chairs down from (one of?) the Executive Producer at the Atlantic Film Festival, Which was interesting because he laughed at very different times than the rest of us. Filmed in Atlantic Canada, the movie is about three teen-aged girls who in one of their last summers of their youth, devote a large deal of energy to sleeping with a married 30-year old man, despite much protestation. It's definitely worth a watch, but the humour was geared a completely different demographic than the one I inhabit (Male 18-25), so I was shaking my head at the character's antics rather than laughing. Inspite of this, the story is strong enough to hold up for itself make it entertaining, without so much laughing.

  • Eh...


    Well, it didn't make me sad about seeing it. The narration in the beginning made me expect some wonderful coming of age tale for these girls. I was disappointed. I expected lots of good laughs. I was disappointed. I expected great indie performances; I was disappointed. The whole movie was a watered-down version of what it could of been. It just came off average. The female actors were given great roles, and didn't achieve greatness. David Boreanz did an adequate job; his part, however, may have been his downfall. The character was at one moment charming and the next a complete ass. I didn't feel the writing kept true to the character and served the sketchy plot more than the character. The ending was pretty dynamic though. It was an interesting story that wasn't told very interestingly. Oh well, it is still worth a watch though. I'm sure some people will like it far more than I did.


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