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The Wrecking Crew (2000)

The Wrecking Crew (2000)

Ice-TErnie Hudson Jr.T.J. StormDavid Askew
Albert Pyun


The Wrecking Crew (2000) is a English movie. Albert Pyun has directed this movie. Ice-T,Ernie Hudson Jr.,T.J. Storm,David Askew are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2000. The Wrecking Crew (2000) is considered one of the best Action,Crime,Drama movie in India and around the world.

A high-level government hit squad is sent into the streets in order to complete a deadly mission.

The Wrecking Crew (2000) Reviews

  • Amazingly Bad


    What can I say that hasn't already be said? This is one of the worst films ever made! I watched it while I was slightly tipsy so I could see the funny side but at the same time I kind of wanted to kill myself. As soon as the 'film' had finished we used the DVD as a frisbee and lost it over some building in Leicester. So if you are walking through Leicester and you should happen to see a DVD lying on the ground with the words 'Wrecking Crew' across it, do me a favour and burn it! Thank you.

  • Near impossible to watch


    This film is definitely the worst i have ever seen in my whole life. I rented it once because i am a big Snoop Dogg fan and saw him on the cover, so i thought i would enjoy this movie. I watched it and couldn't bear it anymore after 5 minutes. The quality is atrocious, the acting is terrible, and the dialog is just stupid and repetitive. This film has the quality of a cheap video camera. My most hated part in the whole film is at the beginning when the gang leaders are giving "influencial" speeches to their gangs. The way they talk and constant use of hand gang signs is very annoying. The only thing in the whole film which I enjoyed was the song played through the opening credits. I would have never thought that stars as famous and respected as Snoop Dogg and Ice-T would ever even allow such a horrible piece of work containing them to be shown to the public. I truly wish i could award this film a zero.

  • The worst film I have ever seen


    You have never seen a movie this bad. I know that you think you have, but trust me, you haven't. You may think you can deal with it. You may ponder, "Yeah, it's bad, but it's probably so bad it's funny." NO! This is not the kind of bad movie that's bad, but you may enjoy anyway because it's so bad. This movie is just plain horrible. There are no drugs you can take, no glues you can sniff, no quantity of alcohol that you can consume to make this movie enjoyable. It's freakin atrocious! Save your money, save your time, save your brain cells, watch something else. Anything else...

  • This movie was horrible!!


    From the terrible acting to the wanna-be "stylish" filming style, this movie sucked! I have seen all of Ice-T's movies, and overall it is hit or miss, this movie shouldn't even be called a movie. It was more like a long, boring rap video with no plot.

  • One of the ten greatest films ever...


    This movie ranks above any other movie ever made in history. It is a shame that it did not win an Oscar for best film. What was the academy thinking. I mean, with the monotone dialogue delivered by the actors actually made you feel like you were in the same intense situations with lots of guns and death, and saying great lines like "word" or fo sho." Not only was the acting great, but the cameras they used were hand held camcorders to add quality and make the movie more realistic. The set direction was beautiful too, with the random lighting every time the camera changed angles, it actually made you feel like you were in an empty warehouse with disco lights. And the movie score was excellent too. It contained great rap music that droned out and was exactly the same throughout the movie, which, again also led to realism because you know how there is always repetitive rap music playing whenever you pull out a gun. And, to top it off, the thing that makes the movie stand out above all others, is the 25 minute long opening credits that showed random clips that had nothing to do with the rest of the movie. Its like the directors were thinking, we need to have a random opening credit scene that would make the movie good because it would have nothing to do with the rest of the movie. A true work of art.


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