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The Whole Truth (2009)

The Whole Truth (2009)

Elisabeth RöhmSean Patrick FlaneryEric RobertsJim Holmes
Colleen Patrick


The Whole Truth (2009) is a English movie. Colleen Patrick has directed this movie. Elisabeth Röhm,Sean Patrick Flanery,Eric Roberts,Jim Holmes are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2009. The Whole Truth (2009) is considered one of the best Action,Comedy movie in India and around the world.

An acting coach makes it big ... Not in Hollywood, but by coaching criminal defendants on how to win over juries. But when one of her clients turns on her, she's now the one being judged!

The Whole Truth (2009) Reviews

  • bad screwball comedy - was that the twist?


    Saw this at its world premiere at SIFF, where half the audience was cast/crew members. Between that, the fact that it was filmed in Seattle (I even unknowingly saw a scene being filmed), and that I'm an Elisabeth Röhm fan from Law & Order, I think is keeping me from panning this movie to the level it deserves, but I'll try. This movie is certainly entertaining, which, after labeling itself a screwball comedy, should be a given. The problem starts early on, when Elisabeth Röhm's character Angela transforms into a loony screwball character after playing the first several scenes fairly straight. You keep waiting for her to "drop the act" and play it straight again, especially since Angela went to acting school, but she never does and her wacky behavior is never explained. Are we really supposed to believe that this alpha woman who on a professional basis transforms criminals into likable witnesses at trial would herself completely lose her composure on the stand? The supporting characters were all great, my favorite being Pisay Pao as Angela's housekeeper-in-disguise. Sean Patrick Flanery was Angela's wanna-be leading man Gary, written as the unoriginal nice guy friend who's been making puppy dog eyes at his friend since forever, hoping she comes around to seeing him as the man she wanted all along but didn't know it. When they finally get together at the end, the scene feels forced and rushed, resulting in classic bad acting. This is the scene that for me sunk the whole movie far lower than it could have been. In the end we're supposed to believe Angela has "seen the light" about how her job undermines justice, but the movie fails to convince, in part because Angela is still not being played straight, but also because the movie here fails to follow the first rule of storytelling, "show, don't tell". Also, several elements of back-story are alluded to but never developed further. Maybe they would have given this movie some much-needed depth.

  • Cringe-worthy


    How this movie made it into the Seattle International Film Festival I'll never understand. It's not that I didn't like the subject matter or disagreed with the point of view, it's more like... well, it had no point of view. It had no point! I got the feeling that the cast and crew of The Whole Truth were involved in some kind of inside joke that the audience wasn't privy to. I felt sorry for Elisabeth Rohm because she is such a good actor, but the role and how she was instructed to play it was totally ludicrous. It was beneath her and she should have never accepted the part. I'm sorry to say this but the director/writer Colleen Patrick should be embarrassed. Check out the audience comments on the SIFF web site http://www.siff.net/festival/film/detail.aspx?id=29098&FID=123 for more info.

  • The Awful Truth


    There are some movies that start badly, but make me hope for something worth staying for. Sometimes I am rewarded, sometimes I end up just satisfied enough and sometimes I just laugh at the train wreck that is unfolding before me... ...and sometimes, I get to the 30 minute mark and realize that the movie was always dead on arrival, and that there really isn't even a shred of hope. Welcome to "The Whole Truth". The "You're lucky I'm not Korean" line (spoken to a dog...oh, I get it!) was one of many painful and embarrassingly bad attempts at humor. I mean without exaggeration that the writing is truly cringe-worthy. Ever watch amateur comedians flop on stage and feel embarrassed for them? Yeah...it's that bad. I heard a few quiet (and possibly just nervous/embarrassed) giggles in the first half hour. For a movie that promised "rapid-fire" laughs, there was a painful amount of silence in the theatre. Additionally, the soundtrack was right out of a sitcom pilot that never got picked up for a first season, the acting was forced and brutally unfunny, and the general feel of the movie was that of a decent concept given terribly amateur treatment. Oddly, I read a comment about a test screening that went really well. The audience at the (sold out!) Seattle Int'l Film Festival screening would probably beg to differ, and the reviews on the SIFF site are very telling. I would have been very curious to see the Q&A session after the movie. I can't help but wonder if anything of interest was said. Did the filmmakers receive any honest feedback? I've heard that Sundance audiences have actually booed and hissed at selected screenings...I've never seen that happen here. Then again, I had to leave at the 30 minute mark. I couldn't take it anymore.

  • Very confusing and uninteresting story


    This script is all over the place - with characters who are not introduced with any reason to be there - and plots that come and go out of nowhere. It's a bad story - with good actors and decent performances where there is nothing to act with. Over all, it's a mess - and the cast does the best they can with nothing to support them. Imagine how good they could have been with a real story and thought behind them. Good production work on a story that is a complex and utter mess or biblical proportions. An hour later and I still had no clue what the story was about.

  • beyond awful


    Elisabeth Rohm stars in "The Whole Truth" from 2009, also starring Sean Patrick Flanery, Eric Roberts, and Tin Tin, a dog who is the best actor in the film. The premise is a funny one: an acting coach, Angela Masters, prepares defendants for court, making them look and sound amazing so that they are found not guilty. One of her clients is a Russian mobster, played by Eric Roberts. The only problem with this movie is its horrific direction. It is so over the top that it is embarrassing. Elisabeth Rohm, a good actress, a beautiful woman, screams and shouts her way through her role. Eric Roberts hams it up but good. If the movie had been toned down a little, it would have been so much better. Only Sean Patrick Flannery and Tin Tin the dog emerge with their dignity intact. Pisay Pao, who plays Angela's maid, is good, but I think I missed something. From what I can gather, she pretends to be her own, elderly aunt, and when Angela is out of the house, she is her young self, seeing clients in an office. It took me the whole movie to figure out her profession. I think it was financial planning. Not recommended unless your idea of comedy is overdone performances.


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