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The Party Never Stops: Diary of a Binge Drinker (2007)

The Party Never Stops: Diary of a Binge Drinker (2007)

Sara PaxtonChelsea HobbsJames KirkNancy Travis
David Wu


The Party Never Stops: Diary of a Binge Drinker (2007) is a English movie. David Wu has directed this movie. Sara Paxton,Chelsea Hobbs,James Kirk,Nancy Travis are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2007. The Party Never Stops: Diary of a Binge Drinker (2007) is considered one of the best Drama movie in India and around the world.

As mother's girl, Jessie got good enough grades and track and field results to be the Brenner family's first going to college. But her immaturity soon allows addiction to alcohol in the Greek life, which her lewd dorm mate Shanna introduces her to, wrecking both college pursuits. She also wastes her virginity without asking questions, then dumps the dream prince for not being monogamous, only to become another party slut. Only musically gifted Colin is a good influence. Only after an Internat scandal, mother discovers the extent of Jessie's orgiastic debauchery.


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The Party Never Stops: Diary of a Binge Drinker (2007) Reviews

  • The Stupidity Never Stops!!


    Bad directing, bad writing, bad acting, bad characters, bad music. Honestly, the stupidity never stops in this pathetic excuse for a movie until the credits stop rolling. It is exactly what a 120 minute commercial against abusive college drinking would be like, made by people who have no experience in the subject at all other than their own paranoia. This is truly a hideous piece of work. I realize that there are many real problems that revolve around young people abusing many different kinds of substances. I went to college, I've lived in a college housing area, I've seen the real thing over and over again. However this film really has nothing enlightening to share about the problems of youth substance abuse. It really has nothing genuine to offer to the viewer at all. The most you will get out of it is a few laughs because of its sheer ridiculousness. Well perhaps if you are a fairly naive person, with little experience around this real problem, you may then buy into the stupidity of this movie and develop prejudices and paranoia about the reality of its subject. God help you! Definitely there are some things that happen in this film that do happen in reality, however they are just not done in a way that is authentic to real human beings. The characters are all stereotypical cartoons with no depth. Therefore the films situations have nothing thoughtful to offer to this issue, and that is the biggest reason why this movie stinks so badly. If you want to watch a quality film about young people with substance abuse issues, that is actually somewhere close to the authentic thing. Then watch 'Prozac Nation' or even 'Sid & Nancy', or something like that. Avoid this movie at all costs, unless you just want to laugh at something really fake and stupid. This film reminds me a good bit of the infamous old trash film, 'Tell Your Children (Reefer Madness)' because of its lack of real knowledge of the issue it presents, and also because it is driven 100% by paranoia. 'Tell Your Children' may just be the worst film ever made. Let me just say that this stinker really isn't much better. The same thing that could be said about, 'Tell Your Children', could also be said about this movie, and that is..."It is not so much a movie, but rather a preacher, preaching about that which they do not know.". 1.5/10

  • Terrible movie. Like a train wreck that I couldn't turn away from.


    This movie was an incredibly unrealistic view of college life and alcohol use. It is true that college students drink. To assume otherwise would be ignorant and naive. However, this movie was blatant holier-than-thou propaganda trying to spark fear into the hearts of parents sending their babies off to college for the first time. I mean, honestly, the ending was so ridiculous that I laughed out loud. It was like an hour long public service announcement containing the same quality of material presented in 1985.Instead of this movie presenting a non-biased view of alcohol use in college settings, it completely went to the extreme, making any use of alcohol seem like it would only lead to unsafe sex, failing grades, and even death! I would have liked the ending to have shown this girl being able to drink a couple of beers, or some wine with responsible and mature friends without taking off her top and driving drunk. This would have shown that yes, it's OK to drink, as long as it's in moderation, with people you can trust. All this movie did was show that college students will either only drink extreme amounts, in extreme settings, and fail in life, or not drink ever again and live life happily ever after. Ridiculous! Horrible Horrible movie. Don't waste your time.

  • Good TV Movie, But Not Realistic..


    The movie title and the fact that this is a Lifetime movie, gives you the basics. You know that this is a cheesy movie with a "made for TV" feel. However, if you enjoy those type of movies (like I do), you will most likely enjoy this flick as well. As expected, there are a lot of unrealistic scenes. The first thing that jumped out at me, was how our main character is *startled* when SEEING a bottle of champagne. She literally jumps. I don't know who makes it to college without witnessing some underage drinking. Personally, I didn't drink until my 24th birthday, but I DID witness plenty of it in high school and college. Never SEEING people drink is very unrealistic. Also, her Mother becomes suspicious when she calls her daughter at 2:30 in the afternoon and her daughter is taking a nap. I'm sorry, but is that really THAT crazy? Aren't college students allowed to nap? I remember taking many naps after cramming in the library (and being out late as well). I am a parent now, and I would not be scared if my daughter was napping while she was away at college. They really played that up. Funny note: pay attention to the fraternity "Luau" party. The guy who asks her to dance - as he walks off to dance, he does the SILLIEST, most badly-staged dance I have ever seen. It literally made me laugh out loud, no joke! I think they also overdid the "binge" drinking. The timeline doesn't add up. I wouldn't call a college student getting drunk 3x's between September and January a "problem" drinker. I would call someone getting drunk nightly or weekly a "problem". But 3 times over the course of several months (esp. in college), is not that insane. Granted, they do show the drinking increasing as the school year progresses, but it still never shocked me. Also, this entire movie is narrated by our main character - literally, the whole thing. It's very odd. It didn't bother me that much, but again, I think it would have been a little less cheesy without it. They also have a WET T-SHIRT CONTEST WITH THEIR BIKINI TOPS ON UNDERNEATH THE WHITE T-SHIRTS!!!! They eventually take it off, but omg...funniest scene ever. At the beginning of the contest, the main character is sober and laughs at the girls who are doing the contest. At the end of the contest (apparently after a single drink) she is up on stage as well. So yea...apparently she went from stone-cold sober, to drunk and peeling her clothes off in a few minutes? Please. Speaking of our main gal, she is painfully thin in this movie. She looks like she suffers from a possible eating disorder (another Lifetime movie perhaps..lol). All in all, give this movie a shot if you like made-for-TV movies that are cheese ball. It is better than the last few LMN movies that I watched. I don't think males would like this one - it's definitely a chick movie, and definitely more of a comedy than drama. 6/10

  • Hilarious


    The star of the film is a beautiful blonde who is usually a goodie-two-shoes but is pressured to binge drink by her manipulative best friend. Watching this my own memories of college came back to me and I remembered my former best friend who also pressured me into similarly compromising situations. That being said and without giving away too much I was really pleased by the ending of the movie! It's also nice to think that girls as beautiful as Sara Paxton would actually experience adolescent angst and go for the slightly less attractive guy. The hilarious part of this movie is how it takes a G-Rated approach to such topics as underage drinking, drinking and driving, and public nudity. The result is this kind of clunky accidental comedy. For example, Sara Paxton's character states that she would never expose herself for a "Girls Gone Wild" type video, and you don't believe it but suddenly you KNOW that is exactly what will happen, and you even feel a little guilty for suddenly getting excited!

  • A Good Movie that sadly paints a reality at most colleges in America.


    A good movie. Thats plain and simple. The comment I read about this not being realistic is silly. Obviously its a MOVIE so its painting it slightly dramatized. But, as a young woman in her early 20s myself, I have friends in college who have gone through a lot of the same things. Unfortunately, the money can come from mommy and daddy or from a side job. Its not hard to find a small part time job in a college town. I live near one and its always packed with the students working the restaurants and visiting friends. Getting alcohol is not difficult for a college student at all. I think this movie is a serious wake up call to any college freshman who says "that could never be me." Sadly, it could and its completely possible. I wont let the cat out of the bag in this but there are serious issues that can arise from drinking too much. A great idea and fabulous story line.


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