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The Only Good Indian (2009)

The Only Good Indian (2009)

Wes StudiJ. Kenneth CampbellWinter Fox FrankPaul Butler
Kevin Willmott


The Only Good Indian (2009) is a English movie. Kevin Willmott has directed this movie. Wes Studi,J. Kenneth Campbell,Winter Fox Frank,Paul Butler are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2009. The Only Good Indian (2009) is considered one of the best Western movie in India and around the world.

Set in Kansas during the early 1900s, a teen-aged Native American boy (newcomer Winter Fox Frank) is taken from his family and forced to attend a distant Indian "training" school to assimilate into White society. When he escapes to return to his family, Sam Franklin (Wes Studi), a bounty hunter of Cherokee descent, is hired to find and return him to the institution. Franklin, a former Indian scout for the U.S. Army, has renounced his Native heritage and has adopted the White Man's way of life, believing it's the only way for Indians to survive. Along the way, a tragic incident spurs Franklin's longtime nemesis, the famous "Indian Fighter" Sheriff Henry McCoy (J. Kenneth Campbell), to pursue both Franklin and the boy.


The Only Good Indian (2009) Reviews

  • Is The Only Good Indian a Dead One?


    If you know your history, this story does a great job encompassing the issues of the late 19th- early 20th century. Dramatizing the changes of the dying "Wild" frontier to industrialization. The late 19th century was a crazy time for the USA. Land expansion, Civil War, Spanish American War and Native American Resettlement. Cowboys were NOT really Cowboys but more often outliers and Bounty Hunters, flip flopping between enforcing government law vs. the laws of the wild west. The Wild west as it was, was winding down. Many people thought they were doing right, the Missionaries who were coming in in droves to "civilize" thought they were doing right, the Bounty Hunters (Sam and McCoy) thought they were doing right. People like McCoy really were Lost because they realized they were becoming "Obsolete" (Turned into legends like Wild Bill being written about in mini-books and Silent Movies). The ongoing analogy between the Main Characters and VAMPIRES was SO COOL! Great writing. By focusing on the inner turmoil of those that truly believed they were doing right, (scene where McCoy kills the Indian Trafficer who felt he was "ENFORCING THE LAW"...and burning him)...(When Sam throws down his Pinkerton letter) realized they were doing wrong... were the true Vampires who preyed on innocents...(Native Americans) Eventually, they too would die out from "overhunting" each time losing more and more of their humanity along the way...the humans they needed to exist were diminishing. Thus these "Men" (or Vampires) eventually had to prey on themselves (final shootout). Who was the real Vampire? Sam or McCoy.(Hmmn, McCoy gave up on his humanity, had a breakdown when he saw the movie, he could no longer carry all the evil he inflicted). He felt he had to kill Sam for he believed Sam was the culprit who was sucking the life from him... an Indian. The true Vampire, or Devil had to die...One HAS to accept who they are...by killing the demon within (the knife embedded in the body) and relinquish the lies a person tells himself (Sam attempting to "live as a white man). When Sam beat the knife thru McCoy he regained his humanity. One must live in peace and honesty in ones own mind and heart. Sam regained his while traveling, and "teaching" the boy to be White, eventually noticing the true beauty and innocence of Sally...His People. This movie BLOWS away AVATAR on so many levels...AVATAR is HYPE, this story hits home on so many levels. My family came here 100 years ago. My grandparents forced my parents to speak only English, to "Blend into "Society" or white man's ways...We have done so. My children's history is not as vivid as mine. We have sacrificed our traditions for this Countries. We are now Lawyers, and Doctors...I imagine this is the sacrifice our ancestors agreed to make upon coming to this country to give us a better life. I feel deeply for the Native Americans as Well as the African Americans who were forced into servitude against their will. This movie demonstrates with excellent historical accuracy, that people AT THE TIME thought they had good intentions, but many were just as cruel as the other. As time dictates in retrospect, the movie demonstrates how truly ignorant and intolerant man can be and still is towards one another. But if he truly sees himself for what he is...and repels evil...Man CAN CHANGE. Great historical flick.

  • If you are looking for a drama with heart and some action, check here.


    I read James Boyd's review and almost didn't watch this movie. I am glad I decided to watch the movie. James missed a lot of the major points in this movie, betrayal, love, hate, greed, deception. All these things are what make a good Drama. I understand that most people now days don't want to hear about the way the American Indians faced genocide, humiliation and reprogramming. It is a part of the history of this nation, and movies like this, addressing the past aren't just about revenge. People can be greedy and cruel, but it takes a real man to own up to his past and do what is right. I believe this movie shows that courage and honor.

  • Bitter truth


    After accidentally catching this fine film, I found myself seeking a copy to show in the U.S.History courses that I teach. While not Native myself, I do find that you cannot understand the problems of the modern US without taking a close look at the status of Blacks and Native Americans in a land built on the concepts of freedom, respect for culture and equality. The period detail is excellent. The archival images included in the film are striking and well thought out. The acting and plot elements very appropriate and excellently developed. The characters are complex and a very good representation of how individuals of that time would have functioned. The topic and supportive info detail an environment and actions by citizens, commercial parties and the government that are amongst the worse in US History. While I could see how some who would, by cultural background be forced to relate to the negative characters in the film, might desire to keep these types of events buried in the past. Exposure helps explain why we still have much to overcome if this society is ever really going to effectively blend. I recommend this for open-minded individuals who appreciate good historical fiction. Those leaning more towards revisionism might want to pull out their favorite copy of "Birth of a Nation" or "They Died with Their Boots On" (Good movies, but get real!

  • A Beautiful metamorphosis


    The Only Good Indian is a tribute to the plight of the Indian during the struggles of the early 1900s. The story is artistically crafted by director Kevin Willmott who creates a constantly moving aesthetic paradigm indicating the kinds of injustice man must suffer unto man in a period of upheaval for the Native American. It is an extremely human picture that carries the weight of a whole people and raises them up to a level of justice. I loved this movie. There are so many little deft touches that come home to the human heart. A young Indian boy, Charlie (played beautifully by Winter Fox Frank) takes off from his indoctrination school, and gets hunted down by self taught detective, Sam (Wes Studi), who has hopes of becoming a Pinkerton detective. Charlie must go back to school where Sam wants to take him to collect his $10 for bringing him back on the motorcycle and sidecar that Sam has purchased from a catalogue. Along the way to bringing Charlie back to his school he sees a Pinkerton reward poster for $1000 for another runaway Indian girl, Sally, who has been accused of murder (though it turns out she killed an orderly at an insane asylum who had raped her). He finds her living in a church where she has become beloved by the pastor and his wife. Sam takes her with them. The white man's ways have nearly convinced Sam to play the game the way the new world of white man's order would have it. Along the road to bringing back his captives however, Sam gets reminded in savage ways of the white man's brutal ways. He is slowly remembering his native beginnings, as Charlie and Sally remind him in subtle ways how he once must have believed. Along the way, he turns down a Pinkerton job as he helps Charlie spring Sally from jail, runs from an ever following Sheriff, and gets re-composed toward his own true heritage. With fine cinematography and a very good cast, this picture had me teary eyed near the end, and gave me a glimpse of real sympathy into the native American heart.

  • A new and important addition to the "Western" film genre


    I live in Lawrence Kansas where one of the earliest "normalizing" schools was set up for Indian children. Parents, after having their children confiscated, traveled and set up tents around Haskell School where their mournful cries were heard every night. This film is the FIRST in cinema history (that I am aware of anyway) that attempts to refer to this era of American history from this point of view. The storyline and script are dramatically engaging. The movie showcases a clash of cultures but rather than generalizing, the film reveals the individuality of both white and native individuals and showcases just how war and strife can create opportunistic "survivors" from any ethnic group. I believe this movie adds a new chapter to the Western genre because the Native point of view is well represented in a realistic and powerful manner and because the protagonists, an Indian boy and man, are put into a fully developed role!


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