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The Code Conspiracy (2002)

The Code Conspiracy (2002)

Jim FitzpatrickMaria Conchita AlonsoDavid WarnerLou Rawls
Hank Whetstone


The Code Conspiracy (2002) is a English movie. Hank Whetstone has directed this movie. Jim Fitzpatrick,Maria Conchita Alonso,David Warner,Lou Rawls are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2002. The Code Conspiracy (2002) is considered one of the best Action,Mystery,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

What if a computer disc held a code so powerful that it could change the world forever? While translating the Dead Sea Scrolls, a professor discovers a hidden formula that not only unlocks all known computer encryption, but also scientifically proves the existence of God! Religions, governments and mankind itself could rise and fall based on this information. Now the faith of one man is the only thing standing in the way of unscrupulous government agents and deadly corporate mercenaries who will stop at nothing to get the disc.


The Code Conspiracy (2002) Reviews

  • Tremendously Interesting


    The Computer age has arrived. There are complex discoveries unveiled daily. Hence this recent film supporting theories of all sides. "The Code Conspiracy" is the hardest kind of movie to review-but it's also the most enjoyable kind of movie to watch...due to the depth of it's conclusions. It's been months since I've viewed this film, yet it stays with me. Before writing my slant, I wanted to let its theories, content, and characters sink into my head. The film was based on an idea of ultimate knowledge. I could spend pages discussing the techniques of Whetston's intentions and decisions, but I will not. Jim Fitzpatrick and Maria Conchita Alonso are two of the greatest actors American cinema has to offer; it's pure pleasure watching their characters clash, meld and roll. The sexual tension was more than sufficient for the story to play out.

  • Brilliant, simply brilliant!


    I cannot believe that there are people out in the world that refuse to accept foresight and sci-fi concepts such as these. I am currently enrolled at Cambridge, and I was absolutely enthralled with the possibilities of this prose. How can you not hope to reach a higher level of understanding and meaning. As a Bio-Physics major, I am continually searching for answers without questions first. Ideas that have spawned a thought process of imagination. I believe as do another critic which I read earlier, that ALL things are possible, if you can think it. Otherwise, how did you come up with the concept. I firmly believe, that God gives us the dreams and imagination we have, because we can achieve it. As far as the film was concerned, I watched it several times. I recognized several British actors, as well as, the American James Fitzpatrick. I saw him another British Film, called U.S. Seals. A fine actor he is. If you are going to dream...dream imaginatively...not rehashed.

  • Intellects will enjoy this piece.


    You have to at first understand and contemplate all various positions on our existence as we know it. Henry Whetstone, undoubtedly has his own theories, which I could embrace, if the storyline was just a little bit more clear. The acting was unusually good, the lead actor (James Fitzpatrick) has a very charismatic appeal. And the supporting cast was equally good. The philosophy of the piece, is deep, mesmerizing, thought-provoking. Philosophically engaging, I loved it. Only those with deep insight and intellect will truly be able to appreciate the magnitude of this work. Those film goers interested in magnanimous action and gratuitous sex need not bother. The Code Conspiracy is a revelation of a sort.

  • it's not real, but it's amazing


    nothing could be less or more accurate than this movie. we all know there's no such thing as a key-less encryption but yet we know nothing about the bible. people forget where technology is taking us, sometimes it could be amazing and sometimes it could scare you to death, but it always for the good reason. just looking on the guy sitting there on a boat in the islands makes you think "ohh well, all you want is to chill out and live a peaceful life" and technology might be a good way to earn it, but again if it won't exist it'll be also a good way to earn it. acting was fine as well, and theme music was very appropriate. 9 out of 10, but again it depends. recommended for computer geeks who needs vacation ;)

  • THIS film is PROFOUND and HEAVY!


    Do you have the slightest idea where we came from, where we are headed, and why? The writer/director Whetstone poses and interesting dilemma when it comes to proving his theory. Yet, he makes the story compelling enough to ponder the possibilities. The stars (Jim Fitzpatrick, Maria Conchita Alonso, David Warner) are perfectly cast. The writing is straight forward and pulls no punches when it comes to including the backdrop of Whetstone's Christianity. His religious beliefs are upfront and obvious, and I don't have a problem with that. I think that when people stick to one theory of life, and don't listen to other's opinions, they have stopped the educational process. You can never stop learning...never stop growing. I feel that this film is as strong as any I've seen in a long time.


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