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The Biggest Fan (2002)

The Biggest Fan (2002)

Kaila AmariahRichard MollCindy WilliamsAdam Wylie
Michael Criscione,Michael Meyer


The Biggest Fan (2002) is a English movie. Michael Criscione,Michael Meyer has directed this movie. Kaila Amariah,Richard Moll,Cindy Williams,Adam Wylie are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2002. The Biggest Fan (2002) is considered one of the best Drama movie in India and around the world.

Teen heartthrob Chris Trousdale, lead singer of popular boy band Dream Street finds himself hiding out in the house of his biggest fan.

The Biggest Fan (2002) Trailers

The Biggest Fan (2002) Reviews

  • "The Biggest Fan" will be a definite teen classic!


    As a teen myself, I think "The Biggest Fan" is a great teen and pre-teen oriented film. I have seen the movie a total of 3 times and counting, and I think it will be a box office hit for teens when it hits theaters. The movie is a classic "dream come true" love story for teens, with a more modern tempo, featuring a popular boy band, Dream Street. Kaila Amariah, the main female character, portrays a devoted fan of Chris Trousdale, the main male character, the best that I have seen in a teen movie! Between the music and the acting, the film is awesome! The funny one liners could even get an adult laughing, while pleasing a younger audience at the same time. The audiences that I have seen this with have responded excitedly, some even memorizing lines (which I may say I'm guilty of!). This film is going to be a favorite for many when seen for the first time in theaters!

  • A young girl falls in love with Chris Trousdale of the wonderful and highly popular boy band Dream Street.


    At first, I thought dream street was just another one of those no talented boy bands, like N*sync and Backstreet boys, but, was I wrong! The biggest fan is the best movie I have ever seen! It is full of wonderful actors and singers! Not to mention dancers, although, the girl who plays Debbie is so horrible! Her nose practically takes up the whole screen, and that zit..! (whoa baby!) OK, I thought that monster was going to pop at any minute! Not to mention her voice is so annoying! My eyes started burning every time she came on screen! She almost ruined the best movie ever! But luckily, i lived through it, and am now here to tell you what an awesome movie it is! BUY MANY COPIES AND GIVE THEM TO ALL YOUR FRIENDS!

  • A Crap Classic


    The Biggest Fan reminds me of Vanilla Ice's much maligned masterpiece, Cool As Ice. Both films are fabulously out of touch with reality, contain fun cameos from B-grade fan favourites and are based around dubiously talented male singers who use too much product in their hair. What more could you possibly ask for in a movie?! I'm not sure when I finished being appalled and started to really enjoy this film. I think it was probably when the awesome Pat Morita first appeared as Mr Lim or when I realised that the producers had somehow managed to get Michael Winslow and Leslie Easterbrook to virtually reprise their Police Academy roles. These cameos alone are worth the rental price! The film really doesn't have a plot to speak of. Chris Trousdale becomes tired of life touring with Dream Street (Sharing a tour bus with Jessie McCartney would drive anyone to insanity) and then, under the influence of cough medicine, manages to escape from boy-band hell in an 18 wheeler. Chris crashes the truck and inexplicably walks into the home of his biggest fan, Debbie. Luckily for Chris, Debbie's front door is unlocked and she appears to be a very heavy sleeper because Debbie doesn't bat an eyelid when Chris climbs into bed with her. The rest of the film involves Chris experiencing life as a normal teenager - complete with a fabulously unconvincing Steve Urkel disguise at school. I thought that Chris Trousdale was surprisingly competent in the main role. I guess he was only playing himself but it could have been a lot worse (See Mariah in Glitter for the worst singer/actor performance of all time). The actress who played Debbie has an annoying voice and a weird mouth but this just makes her more amusing. This film has future cult favourite written all over it. Lovers of crappy movies will find much to enjoy in this feast of hilarity.

  • Very popular with teenage girls


    Like "Hard Days' Night" and the Elvis Presley movies, at the screenings at the AMC Westwood in Los Angeles, CA and the Beacon Theater in Manhattan, NY, hundreds of young, female fans screamed end-to-end. They love the kids, they loved the band, and they loved the music. The teen magazines gave it "top 5" status in every category, and they called Kaila and Chris the #7 "cutest couple of all time." The film should be in theaters this summer.



    I thought the movie was absolutely amazing. Chris is such a great actor, and Kaila did great as well! The plot was so good! I definitely think that everyone should see this movie. Two thumbs up! I can't believe this was Kaila's first acting job! She was so professional. I like the fact that all of the Dream Street members made cameos in the movie. I love the part when the guys all sang "With All My Heart". I absolutely love that song, and it fit the movie so well. I went and saw the movie with my sister and a few friends, and we all thought that the movie was so great. I think that the plot of the movie is so easy to relate to. It makes the movie more believable in my opinion. Altogether great movie!


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