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The All Together (2007)

The All Together (2007)

Martin FreemanCorey JohnsonVelibor TopicDanny Dyer
Gavin Claxton


The All Together (2007) is a English movie. Gavin Claxton has directed this movie. Martin Freeman,Corey Johnson,Velibor Topic,Danny Dyer are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2007. The All Together (2007) is considered one of the best Comedy,Drama,Romance movie in India and around the world.

Martin Freeman plays Chris, a frustrated TV producer who is forced to leave his unreliable flatmate Bob played by Velibor Topic in charge of showing a series of real estate agents around the house he is trying to sell. Worried by Bob's habit of spending all day working in the basement playing loud music, Chris asks his friend to listen out for the door bell and show anyone who comes calling inside. Bob promises to do exactly that and for once, not to let him down. Over the course of the day, whilst Chris struggles to cope with his insane TV presenter colleague Jerry, played by Richard Harrington - back at the house it is soon clear that bonkers Bob is taking his promise to Chris rather too literally. Bob has indeed, allowed anyone inside, including a couple of gun-toting gangsters - an incompetent young Brit played by Danny Dyer and an incontinent American played by Corey Johnson. That evening, Chris is surprised to return home and find his flatmate, four estate agents, two Jehovah's ...


The All Together (2007) Reviews

  • I liked it


    This little film has some terrific dialogue. It's deceptively smart and really proper rather than pretend funny which I find most things i watch. Freeman is excellent as usual as other lots of the other actors who I was less familiar with. Very hectic and pretty short but mainly it's the amount of big laughs that really grabbed me. Read some pretty negative reviews which was odd. Maybe cos a least two of the characters are quite scathing with swipes about some British TV and film. Also much hatred of the cult of celebrity in particular and got flack for this I think. Anyway if you're into crash bang wallop pictures don't bother with this. It's very dialogue-heavy, little 'action' but lots of laughs. I would say its limitations are obvious however and if watching truly low-budget films ain't for you don't bother.

  • Funny film, another good British film to add to my collection.


    This was a very funny film, all the actors fit their roles very well, i even enjoyed the French guy, he made added a lot of funny scenes to the film. Although its nowhere near as good as Shaun of the dead or Human Traffic, it is a decent film and I'm glad other people have left good comments about it because otherwise i would not have watched this film because of the bad comments it receive but I'm glad i did get to see this film. Its quite a short film, 1hr 15mins but its well worth seeing. We need to support the British film industry so i will purchase this when its available on DVD.

  • Why hasn't this film been everywhere?


    I hadn't seen or heard anything about this film. I got roped along. But must say I thought it was funny. It just made me smile. A lot. Looked it up when I got home and it's only on in a few places!!?? But why? I suppose it might come across as being too smart/cynical which may account for some of the angry reviews I saw. But it is full of great lines and actually really warm and cheerful if you watch it all and take it in. I don't claim to be an expert but to me this was a good one. A really good one. It's not on at the cinema I saw it at anymore - after one week. So maybe I'm in the minority!

  • All Together Rubbish


    Almost from the word go this film is poor and lacking conviction but then again most people would struggle to show commitment to a script as uninspiring as this. The dialogue really does not flow and sometimes as in this case more is less (or should have been). This is also backed-up by odd scenes (e.g. the Cemetry slow-motion walk) that you think might lead somewhere but only seem to waste a few more seconds of your life. The plot is a strange combination of gangster / situation comedy which I am sure seemed a good idea at the time but if ever there was a case for someone needing to be honest with the scriptwriter then here was it. Martin Freeman is okay but then he seems to have one character which always plays so I am beginning to wonder if he was given a script or just filmed and told to react as normal. Finally - humour. This reminds me of the 'Python (I think) quote about Shakespere, of his 'comedies' - If he had meant it to be humorous he would have put a joke in it. Well I didn't see one. Don't waste your time - I did because I was watching it with a friend and kept hoping that it was going to get better. It didn't.

  • Watch it even if it was but for the wonderful soundtrack


    I can imagine that some people might be put off by the film's ironic attitude towards the media and gangster movies. Maybe it takes a spitefully uncommon sense of humour to go along with the teasing and (self-) depreciative mood that at times is exposed. The opening scene already dwells on this attitude, when exactly those things are performed that the lead character, a scriptwriter and would be writer, tells us he would never do in a movie. All the while you will get off comments that either give a deeper "truth" to or foil what you are seeing, and almost every aspect of modern culture is made fun of: TV, modern art (I believe Velibor Topic's character is not French like some reviewer said, but rather ex-Yugoslavian - hence his comment that it would be easy for him to get corpses in his home country, I simply cannot imagine that of France ;)), the close relations between the USA and the UK, religion, Batman, French movies etc. The real highlight of the movie is the wonderful soundtrack, music you are not likely to hear in other movies and I must admit that it incited me to look for at least digital copies. BTW Danny Dyer and Martin Freeman do get a scene together but one of them is no longer able to talk.


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