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The Oakley Seven (2006)

The Oakley Seven (2006)

Sandra EcheverríaKelly BlatzAlison MacInnisWalter Perez
Adam Schlachter


The Oakley Seven (2006) is a English movie. Adam Schlachter has directed this movie. Sandra Echeverría,Kelly Blatz,Alison MacInnis,Walter Perez are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2006. The Oakley Seven (2006) is considered one of the best Horror,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

A group of young students is being stalked by a bloodthirsty creature, which starts to kill them one by one. Their only hope for survival is to try to find a way out before the cave becomes their grave.

The Oakley Seven (2006) Reviews

  • Excellent Satire Of Horror Film Archetypes


    "The Oakley Seven" is an excellent satire of horror film archetypes: The heroine, Ana Maria, a Mexican immigrant with a dark past. The love interest, Zeke, the rebel without a cause. The blonde bombshell, Jessica, the hot girl with an attitude. The troubled soul, Anthony, who hides behind his gangster persona. The cocky athlete, Jock, whose only goal is to get laid with his clueless girlfriend, Cosmo. Finally, the nerd, Janice, whose love for her teacher, Whitney, prevents the truth from coming out. This film is unlike most modern-day horror films, which rely too much on hyper-violent gore and not enough on characters. Great job!

  • Characters carry the movie


    The film was a pleasant surprise.Unlike most current horror films in which the special effects carry the film this drama is a flashback to the older movies when acting was the most important factor of a movie. The believable dialog between the teen characters worked well. Also, because the film did not constantly show gore the actors and actresses maintained the suspense by their facial and body language. I too saw The Descent and enjoyed the special effects but can't clearly remember the characters unlike this film. The flashback at the beginning set the atmosphere for the main Hispanic character's fear in confronting her childhood "demon". This also made her struggles and heroism to escape the cave's confines more dramatic.

  • Can't Wait for the DVD


    This was a low budget film which showed that, yes, even without a bigger budget, a good film can be the outcome. Even though some say this is a low budget version of the "Descent" I found it to be more enjoyable, and the acting to be much more professional. A horror film can be just as frightening without the gore, which is what this film showed. The filming and directing were excellent, as were the actors. They all seemed to work well together. I particularly liked the differences in all the characters, and the fact that the most unlikely candidate for a high school romance with a teacher was a geek named Janice.

  • He proved he CAN direct.....


    I am not a horror/thriller fan, but I went to see the film because I am a fan of the Directors personal story "My Backyard was a Mountain." Once again the director was able to pull off what a lot of independent filmmakers are trying to do. To be able to tell a compelling and believable story with a very very limited budget. With a setting that primarily takes place in a cave, throughout the movie I was wondering is this cave real? After the Q&A I asked that question. The director said that the cave was not a real one, but built for the movie. Wow!! Impressive! The director was able to pull all the shots. Making a cave look like a labyrinth when in reality it's a little stage is what I call a truly independent director. Another point of the movie that I really was impressed with was that he had a Latina protagonist. No, she was not a maid or a slut...but a leading role in a film that showcased her talent. This director probably took a chance at that because America does not feel comfortable with leading actors that are not white, but this young lady did a great job. With the little resources the director was given, he proved that he CAN direct. I just cannot wait to see the unbelievable magic waiting to come out on screen when this director is given a bigger budget.

  • Incredible.


    I thought everything about this movie was impressive. Even though the budget was minimal, they made the best of what they had and did an incredible job. The shots of the cave were amazing and looked unbelievably real. The casting was absolutely perfect... every single actor made the storyline believable, and really made the movie. As shown in his past works, such as "My Backyard Was a Mountain", Adam Schlacter once again directed another breath-taking film. Continuity was great and the whole movie was so realistic. The ending was creative and well thought out. It left the movie open for even more possibilities. Also, I loved how you could only get a few glimpses of the monster before it would disappear. It added quite a bit to the plot and the suspense of the movie. I definitely would recommend this to anyone wanting to see a great horror movie with even better acting. It doesn't take special effects to make this movie a hit.


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