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Temptation (2003)

Temptation (2003)

Annette O'TooleLyn VausElisabeth MossH. Jon Benjamin
Kim Caviness


Temptation (2003) is a English movie. Kim Caviness has directed this movie. Annette O'Toole,Lyn Vaus,Elisabeth Moss,H. Jon Benjamin are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2003. Temptation (2003) is considered one of the best Comedy,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

Down and out in L.A.'s Valley, two longtime married, politically correct pornographers - played by Annette O'Toole and Lyn Vaus - are forced to confront the changes in their New Age values and marriage when they discover in their archives extremely salacious old footage of TV's currently #1 sitcom star.

Temptation (2003) Reviews

  • Smart satire of LA phonies and $$$ chasers


    A surprising entry in the indie DV arena: a dry, point-on parody of New Age delusionists, sit-com sell-outs and the lust for sex and cash. A little slow to start, Temptation eventually kicks in with smart dialogue, some good laughs and involving drama as two down and out new age X filmmakers have to choose between being wash-outs or sell-outs when they discover a 20 year-old sex tape of a big TV star in their library. In an age of dumb, gross out "comedies", Temptation dares to shoot for social satire, and scores. Nice cameos by familiar (to perverts, that is) XXX faces Randy West and Bridget Powerz, too.

  • It stinks to high heaven - like a cheap porn actress after a hard day's work


    Plot - to be phoned in later. Script = whee don' need no steenkeeng script! Actors courtesy of Looney Tunes Casting Inc. Cinematography - one rented movie camera on a tripod which they obviously had to get back to the rental center ASAP. Film editing - scissors and Scotch tape. Humor - much beating of horse corpses which in life were tired old nags named SoCal porn clichés and New Age clichés. No wonder they picked O'Toole for this one - she did such a great job playing the one-dimensional cop's girlfriend cliché in 48 Hours. I have insomnia and at 3 ayem will watch almost anything with seeming promise (e.g., recognizable cast members) on Netflix streaming video, but I started giving up on this one when she gave a Buddist blessing to the sausage and potato w/ wine dinner, and started vomiting at the line, "This is twenty years of our *life*! Twenty years!" as a setup line for the main "plot" (apologies to serious movie buffs and plots everywhere for using that word in this review - twice now) and watched Herbie Fully Loaded instead. See, I figured that Lindsay Lohan's boobs might well have more talent than the entire cast of this abortion. I was right. Actually, each of them separately did.


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