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Tears of Kali (2004)

Tears of Kali (2004)

Peter MartellAnja GebelMagdalena RitterNicole Ludwig
Andreas Marschall


Tears of Kali (2004) is a German movie. Andreas Marschall has directed this movie. Peter Martell,Anja Gebel,Magdalena Ritter,Nicole Ludwig are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2004. Tears of Kali (2004) is considered one of the best Fantasy,Horror movie in India and around the world.

A creepy three-part anthology which is actually constructed from a trio of German-produced independent short films that form a narrative around a mysterious cult in 1983 India as a wrap-around story. In the first story "Shakti", a reporter talks to an institutionalized cult survivor who claims to have murdered her boyfriend. In the second story "Devi", a man awakens from a therapy session to discover that he's been beaten senseless and held prisoner by his evil therapist. In the third story "Kali", a faith healer exorcises a spirit from a person only to discover that he has released it into his cellar.


Tears of Kali (2004) Reviews

  • Interesting And Original Splatter-Film...


    I had initially heard of TEARS OF KALI a while back and it sounded like something I'd be into, but with all the films I have coming in on a regular basis, it kinda fell off my radar. While roaming around the local WonderBook...I spotted the box for this one and grabbed it up. I have to say I'm pretty glad I did. TEARS OF KALI is a strange, gory, sometimes downright creepy film which is somewhat constrained by it's obviously low budget - but is still an entertaining and worthwhile watch. TEARS OF KALI centers around the fictional India-based Taylor-Erikkson cult group, that practices meditation and other rituals in the pursuit of facing and banishing the individual's "inner demons" - but apparently these techniques work either all too well or not well enough (depending on your viewpoint...) as dark forces are not only exorcised, but also unleashed upon hapless victims. The film is told "anthology-style", with a short but memorable and "eye-opening" intro sequence, and then proceeding into the three stories that make up the bulk of the film. The first (SHAKTI) is about a journalist who visits one of the cult-members who is being held at a mental hospital. The journalist goes in under cover of wanting to research the Taylor-Erikkson cult, but we find that her true motives may hit a little closer to home. When the interview takes a violent turn, the journalist finds that she may have gotten in over her head... The second part (Devi) concerns a violent young man who is sentenced to psychological rehab in lieu of a prison sentence for beating a young man into a coma. We find that the treating doctor in question is actually a Taylor-Erikkson "alumni", and his rehabilitation methods are far from the norm... The closing story (KALI) revolves around a quack "faith-healer" and his assistant who perform "miracles" for a fee. When the healer unwittingly helps one of his clients and actually expels a force which had been possessing her, the demon is now free to roam and looking for a new host... I gotta say I really enjoyed TEARS OF KALI. There are some faults with the film that keep it from being truly excellent - but it is an original and ambitious film for what it is. My biggest gripe with the production is the poor and uninspired over-dubbed dialogue. The dubbing is sub-par and I would have much preferred to have a subtitled option with the original language track. Some reviewers have said the acting is poor, which I don't necessarily agree with. I think that the dubbing is so lack-luster that it makes the performances seem stunted, which isn't really the case. In fact, a few of the performances are pretty damn chilling (the "doctor" in the second segment, and the "client" in the third readily come to mind...) and notable. The gore FX are very well done for a low-budget film, with some graphic scenes of eyelid-removal-via-cuticle-scissors, a pencil-in-the-throat-suicide, some decent (but irritatingly "shaky") self-flaying, and a few other goodies thrown in for good measure. Not as rough as some of the more "extreme" gore films out there, but definitely stronger than your average horror fare. I also found the story concerning the cult-group to be intriguing and a welcome change to the typical horror-story nonsense. There are plenty of scenes of genuine atmosphere and tension, the likes of which I haven't come across in a while. Although flawed in some fundamental ways, I still think TEARS OF KALI will appeal to most "underground" horror viewers - some scenes may prove too much for the more mainstream viewer. Definitely Recommended - 8.5/10

  • Bloody low-budget German horror—worth a watch.


    Three macabre and bloody tales are loosely connected by a mysterious cult which practices bizarre rituals. The first story tells of a woman named Shakti, an ex-member of the Taylor-Erikkson cult who is now an inmate at a mental hospital. A journalist (supposedly investigating the cult) interviews Shakti, but it transpires that she has other reasons for wanting to talk to the woman... The next story follows a violent young drug abuser who is sentenced to rehab. His doctor turns out to be a follower of Taylor-Erikkson and his methods of treatment are far from orthodox. The final tale deals with a faith-healer who unwittingly releases an evil force from one of his group (who is terminally ill). The malign monster is seeking a new healthy host, and has got its evil eye on the healer. The movie is obviously low budget, and the dubbing on the version I saw is pretty lousy, but Tears of Kali is original enough and has plenty of nastiness and gore to make this movie worth a viewing. It takes a while to get going, but those willing to make the effort will be rewarded by some nice death scenes which don't skimp on the red stuff. The second story is my favourite as it manages to be quite creepy and genuinely disturbing (and it also features a scene in which which a guy has to peel off his skin!). It may not be a wholly successful venture, but the makers of this film certainly have to be praised for trying something a bit different.

  • A Must See!!


    I saw this movie on the BIFFF Festival in Brussel, spring 2004. What a surprise! This German production, a stylish and imaginative shocker, is one of the scariest flic i have seen. Be warned: this is not a joke! This terrorizer has a big cast of good actors (as an example:Peter Martell as a European guru has a strong presence), excellent direction, nice production design, a very good soundtrack and a lot of heavy gore sfx like Italian horror movies in the eighties. Flesh ripped clean to the bone...and the blood runs red ...this savage Heart Stopper will grip you...and give you some dark dreams ... A must-see!!

  • 3 gory stories of transgression


    Three horror stories based on members of a transgressive Hindu cult that return home but changed in some way. In the first story our former cult member is now in an insane asylum and is visited by a reported who wants to find out about what went on at the cult. Somewhat slow going as story is told in flashbacks while the two sit on chairs and face each other. Reporter is particularly interested in what lead to the death of the participants. What seemed rather boring suddenly turns very exciting with a surprising twist in the story. Things get quite bloody. Second story has a violent young criminal visiting a psychiatrist for mandatory therapy. The patient seems to have some type of agenda but the psychiatrist is up to the task. Again, things slow down a bit and get weird. Then there's a strange twist in the story that is very well written and surprising. Final story deals with spiritual healer who claims to be able to remove the persons illness from them with his hands. One of the patients is a former cult member, so the successful healing gets more complicated. Again, we are surprised by a twist. Has a pretty gory scene in there. There some nice female full frontal nudity as well as male full frontal nudity for some reason. I found the stories to be very well written and the director succeeds entirely in setting up each story with its surprising twist and the gory aftermath. Note: review of the German DVD.

  • strange


    one of the best low budget movies from Germany! is this is the dark side of new age? if you believe in esoteric, please don't watch this movie! it blows all your positive fantasies away. this movie shows that beyond the peaceful façade of spiritual soul searching lies a world of extreme transgressions and terror. i hope there will be a 35 mm copy soon! Andreas Marschall's first film is just the beginning of a new area, making movies with a few euros! i'm waiting for the second hit!


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