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Tales from Beyond (2004)

Tales from Beyond (2004)

Adam WestJosh AustinNate BarlowEric Manning
Josh Austin,Nate Barlow,2 more credits


Tales from Beyond (2004) is a English movie. Josh Austin,Nate Barlow,2 more credits has directed this movie. Adam West,Josh Austin,Nate Barlow,Eric Manning are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2004. Tales from Beyond (2004) is considered one of the best Drama,Fantasy,Sci-Fi movie in India and around the world.

When a trendy young couple enter a quaint-looking antiquarian bookstore seeking a present for their friend, they find more than they bargained for. A mysterious shopkeeper takes them into the world of his books, leading them through four amazing stories. What happens next they could never have imagined!

Tales from Beyond (2004) Reviews

  • I actually felt bad for the actors in this film


    I actually felt bad for the actors in this thing. No doubt a high school drama class could do a better job or at the very least as well a job. The actors must have thought this would be their big chance working in a film, it certainly was not. Besides the terrible acting the stories were boring and for the most part predictable. The one about the remote control didn't even make any sense. To bad cause it had the best premise in the bunch. I'm all for supporting low budget films and giving new film makers a fair chance, but this turkey is a waste of time and an insult to the viewer. I only watched it because of some good comments posted here. They must have been planted by people with ties to the film. You may fool people into watching this, but you can't fool them into liking what they saw. I gave it a 2 instead of a 1 because at least the boxer story tried to be heart warming. Sure it failed miserably, but it tried. I reserve 1 s for the worst of the worst. Do yourself a favor and skip this dribble. I wish I had.

  • Tales from Beyond... the garbage can


    This doesn't quite plumb the depths of Creepshow 3, but it comes close. It also uses the same technique of using some of the same actors in multiple roles throughout the anthology, which is distracting to say the least. It also rather irritating rips off The Twilight Zone (with the bookshop being comparable to Serling's later Night Gallery). Unfortunately, the producers & writers forgot that Serling would build up sympathy for his characters before messing them over. None of the characters are particularly sympathetic or interesting until the last segment. Framing story: Adam West is... well, himself. He doesn't go the Bruce Wayne/Batman campy 60s route, but he rarely does. He simply plays the not-particularly-enigmatic "Jay" (there's an ominous spine-chilling name to compare to the likes of Dr. Terror, Eramus, and The Cryptkeeper), and makes some mildly awkward/creepy statements. Abernathy: Seen Rod Serling's "A Stop in Willoughby"? Then you've seen this. The red herring of the nutso wife is introduced to no purpose, but even the main character's friend identifies him as a wimp. As well directed as can be expected, but basically incoherent. Nex's Diner: Reminiscent of various Serling time travel stories, mixed with Steve Allen's "A Meeting of Minds." Most of the actors aren't too bad (except for Josh Astin as Cassius, who manages to walk, talk and even breathe awkwardly), and the idea is mildly interesting. But like Abernathy, it doesn't go anywhere. The main character raises some relatively reasonable questions, bugs out a bit (who wouldn't?), and for some reason he ends up banished to a nuclear wasteland. Life Replay: Not a bad little piece, and manages to predate both Click and Creepshow 3. I suppose it says something that people are fascinated by the magical properties of remote controls. The main character is mildly sympathetic. Nothing substantially innovative here, but it's okay. Fighting Spirit: You see the twist coming a mile away but like the main character, it has some heart and it's a decent story of defeat and redemption. Finale: So... why do people end up in cold storage in silver lame suits? Don't know. And doesn't make sense. So... all the protagonists wandered into the bookstore and became trapped? Kinda undermines the happy ending with the boxer (thanks, guys!), and the guy in the first segment died. So how did he get trapped? Did he visit the bookstore before he died, got trapped and... didn't die? What? Huh? I supposer this isn't expected to make sense because it's supernatural. But still... Overall: basically not dissimilar from the two newer Twilight Zone series, or some episodes of Tales From the Darkside or Monsters. The last two stories and part of the second are probably worth your time. But there's nothing really spectacular here.

  • Incredible Flick!


    I saw this movie at the Temecula Valley International Film Festival in September and was extremely impressed. Adam West was both charming and creepy; it was wonderful to see him being used in a non-campy manner. Production value was extremely high, especially the cinematography and music -- much higher than one would expect from a film with such a small budget. The variety of the stories definitely captured the breadth and flare of "The Twilight Zone", and the ending caught me completely off-guard. I expect great things from these directors in the years to come, and I wish them the best of luck as they search for distribution. I would highly recommend for anyone to see this film if he or she has a chance.

  • One hell of a flick!


    I saw this movie at the Temecula Valley Film Festival and I was truly blown away. Adam West was charismatic yet creepy as the bookstore owner and the segments each had their own unique flair. In addition to solid acting and directing, the movie had an impressive score, sets, wardrobe and cinematography, which added to my shock of the shoestring budget. The film's title conjures up images of such cult classics as "Tales From The Crypt " and "Tales From the Darkside," from which it does contain elements, but I'd say it felt more like a series of well-crafted psychological dramas with a paranormal twist. With a bevy of time travel, bizarre dream sequences, and even a touching story about a prizefighter, this flick's definitely got something for everyone. Looking forward to seeing this thing again on DVD, TV, or theaters soon.

  • Pleasant surprise


    I attended a screening of this film recently and was pleasantly surprised. I did not expect an indie type film to have such an impressive look and sound to it. The acting and stories were solid throughout and Adam West was remarkably subtle and charming. Although slow at some points overall the pacing and dialogue were a refreshing change from the MTV style fast cuts and shaky camera movements that plague most thrillers today. Kudos to these guys, I look forward to seeing where they take this.


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