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Still Small Voices (2007)

Still Small Voices (2007)

Catherine BellMark HumphreyDamir AndreiDeborah Grover
Mario Azzopardi


Still Small Voices (2007) is a English movie. Mario Azzopardi has directed this movie. Catherine Bell,Mark Humphrey,Damir Andrei,Deborah Grover are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2007. Still Small Voices (2007) is considered one of the best Drama,Fantasy,Mystery,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

After suffering the stillbirth of her child, MICHAEL SUMMER returns to her job as a 911 operator and tries to lose herself in work. She starts to unravel when she receives an emergency call from a terrified child she believes is the dead girl from her reoccurring nightmare. The girl's cryptic words haunt her until she becomes obsessed with finding out who the girl was and how she died. When a menacing stranger starts stalking her, Michael realizes the little girl wasn't the only one that slipped through the mysterious door that's opened up to her. As she follows the clues to the girl's home town, she discovers no one, not even the girl's parents, knows the truth about her death. Now Michael believes the menacing stranger stalking her is the girl's murderer and will stop at nothing to prevent her from finding out the truth. When Michael finally places the last piece of the puzzle into place, the picture she sees is too horrific for her to comprehend.


Still Small Voices (2007) Reviews

  • Wow! A thoroughly entertaining movie!


    Excellent! Totally unexpected, this movie has it all. This is my first comment on a movie, but I enjoyed it so much, it deserved all the credit it can get. I am not often moved by movies, but all of us watching tonight could not hold back the tears at the end of this movie. Believable characters, excellent acting and a great story with a very different twist. Don't leave the room as you must follow carefully or you will miss the plot. It is not hard to stay put, as the pace is fast and filled with riveting action. The story was planned, told and wrapped up neatly into a great ending. Thoroughly entertaining and congratulations to everyone involved with this little movie.

  • Changing my opinion about Lifetime


    I honestly wasn't a Lifetime channel watcher because the movies are always the same, but this one knocked me out. It was better than most I've seen in theaters. I thought I solved the mystery a couple times, but was wrong. Talk about plot twists! And everything added up at the end. The acting was very good across the board. Catherine Bell was great, totally believable and played the role very sympathetically on many levels without that typical Lifetime blubbering. I hadn't seen much of her before this. (I never saw Jag, but remember her from Bruce Almighty) We talked about the movie for twenty minutes after it ended, going over how things added up (like the Sixth Sense)and it really did add up. If you haven't seen it...PAY ATTENTION! There's one part we couldn't figure out...I won't spoil, had to do with losing some hair, but that's all I'll say, so I'm definitely watching it again to relive all those moments and figure that one out too. I never write comments on these sites. A+

  • A really great movie, full of suspense


    I thought Catherine Bell played a wonderful part; it really showcased her skills in a way that some other parts have not. I've seen CB in a lot of other things (Men of War, JAG, Crash Dive, Hercules and Timeshifters, to name just a few), but it was really great to see her in something with a starring role, rather than a supporting/co-starring role; I feel it really gave her that space to shine! The opening scenes really hooked the viewer and the next few really drew them in. I thoroughly enjoyed the whole of the film, felt it flowed smoothly (kudos to Mario Azzopardi!)and I didn't even guess the ending until the big reveal! I usually find suspense and psychological movies a big let down, because I usually figure them out way before I'm 'supposed to'(Well done Jolene Rice!) This film was great and just like other viewers have commented to me, once the film finished, I would have happily started it up to watch all over again!

  • What a movie!


    We all know that Catherine Bell is one of the top most beautiful women on TV but I think what people don't realize is what an amazing and gifted actress she is too. Catherine gave a performance that will make you stand up and take notice of what a truly talented and terrific actress this young woman is. She keeps you riveted to the screen the entire movie in Still Small Voices-- you would be afraid to blink because you thought you might miss something... the plot was so suspenseful and the ending was something that made you say huh? This movie is so worth watching-- if you haven't seen it yet, see it. And even if you don't think the movie sounds intriguing enough, then at least tune in to see the acting performance that Catherine gives. She will not and does not disappoint. NEW: I watched SSV again (last week) and it honestly has to be the best movie on TV I have ever had the pleasure of watching. It has everything that you would want in a movie--the emotions are a roller-coaster. Great great movie and again a TERRIFIC performance by Catherine Bell!!! Btw to see more of Catherine's amazing acting, watch Army Wives!! Will not disappoint!!

  • A roller coaster of emotions!


    I am not normally a TV movie fan but this one kept me riveted from the start and left me an emotional puddle at the end! I saw the trailers and was expecting one thing but the story turned out to be something entirely different. There was nothing predictable or formulaic about it, that's for sure! The only minor criticism I have is with some of the secondary character actors...slightly overacted at times, but the story line/writing more than made up for the minor distraction. Was this an original screenplay or adapted from a book? I have a feeling the book would be even better because there seemed to be a lot of symbolism and detail that could have been missed if you weren't paying close attention in the movie (and could have been more significant/dramatic in book form). Loved the movie...I'd buy the book!


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