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Stay with Me (2011)

Stay with Me (2011)

Christina OchoaStephen AmellDeirdre WallRafael Feldman
Chad McCord


Stay with Me (2011) is a English movie. Chad McCord has directed this movie. Christina Ochoa,Stephen Amell,Deirdre Wall,Rafael Feldman are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2011. Stay with Me (2011) is considered one of the best Short movie in India and around the world.

She thinks he is cheating. In reality he is not, he is in love with his partner. She suffers from sleepwalking... he tries to create a comfortable atmosphere, tries to protect her and prevent harm. She does not remember anything from the night. During the day they are like two strangers, they argue and avoid each other. In the last scene, she reacts annoyed at the touch of his hand... but he remains there still, unmoved, saying nothing and accepting.


Stay with Me (2011) Trailers

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Stay with Me (2011) Reviews

  • Try-hard


    "Stay with Me" is a 14-minute short film from 4 years ago and it stars Stephen Amell shortly before his rise to fame on "Arrow" and Christina Ochoa, who was one of the three writers as well. It's pretty sad to see 3 writers on such a short film and then it still turns out a massive failure. The director is Chad McCord and I cannot say I am familiar with any of his works. This was certainly a very aspiring project, but it all went so wrong. The drama, the music, the acting, the nudity, nothing here became artistic, it's all generic and try-hard in my opinion. Honestly, the only reason to watch this I can think of is when you are very horny and want to release the pressure as the people in here are certainly attractive. So she is raging, confused and naked out on the street where she gets almost run over by a car. Then he takes her inside and what happens? The two have hot wild sex. Are you kidding me? A joke of a movie with a horrible script.


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