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Starkweather (2004)

Starkweather (2004)

Brent TaylorShannon LucioJerry KrollLance Henriksen
Byron Werner


Starkweather (2004) is a English movie. Byron Werner has directed this movie. Brent Taylor,Shannon Lucio,Jerry Kroll,Lance Henriksen are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2004. Starkweather (2004) is considered one of the best Action,Crime,Drama,Horror,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

Since childhood, Nebraska farm-boy Charles Starkweather has a schizophrenic Mr. Hyde side, a nameless dark figure, who inspires him to be cruel for the kicks. Having grown up to a 19 year old garbageman and fallen in love with weird girl 14 year old girlfriend Caril Ann Fugate, he gets completely out of control, killing of her entire family and various other singles of groups during their ensuing inter-state car-chase, hunted down by sheriff Merle Karnopp and a growing army of cops and press, then unprecedented.


Starkweather (2004) Reviews

  • Very low budget film with too many mistakes


    First off, I have lived in Lincoln most of my life and I lived through the days of the killings. I know what went on. Now let's get down to the film. This is a very low budget film and it shows in every way possible. You are forever seeing microphones and set people on the screen. The cars are the wrong years. The killings started in December of 1957 and ended in January of 1958, yet the trees and other plants all have green leaves on them even though Nebraska is very cold in winter. They have Lincoln in the desert of what could be Arizona or Nevada while Lincoln is in fact located in typical Midwest farm country and is hundreds of miles from the nearest desert. They show Lincoln as a very small town when it was around 100,000 or more people at the time of the killings. The one real picture of Lincon in the film shows the capital building with fountains in front of it, even though the fountains were put in on what was once 15th street and is now called Centennial Mall many years after the killings. It shows Starkweather being captured in Nebraska by the Lancaster County Sheriff when in fact he was captured near Douglas, Wyoming by local Wyoming law enforcement. I could go on and on. There are just too many mistakes in this movie to list. To it's credit they did get the names and order of events right, but that's about all they got right and that's why I gave it two stars. The story of the killings does deserve to be told in a movie and one that would be factual and show the fear the killings put in the people who lived though them, but this is not that film. If you want to learn about the killings and what they did to the city just do a web search for the name Charles Starkweather and you will learn the real story. If you want to watch a movie with so many mistakes you'll be laughing at it from beginning to end then watch this movie.

  • Truly awful


    Setting aside all aspects of accuracy of story or landscape or props or whatever, and any problems with boom mics this is plain and simply just very bad. The script is the worst offender, truly awful, after Charlie's first murder when he tells Caril-Ann that he did it for her I couldn't believe the response. I actually mouthed to myself verbatim what a corny line would have been in that situation but she actually said it. For a film dealing with a serious subject with a purported serious tone was the sheriff's assistant comic relief or just atrociously written. The car-chase scene near the end was pure farce. This film is lazy on many fronts but none worse than the character of the mentor. This is the sole justification for why Charlie Starkweather would embark on a killing spree, although at least this is more justification then for why Caril-Ann would go along with it. This seems to me the biggest of corners cut to tell a story, surely there must have been more to Starkweather's background than this, and how accurate is this sub-conscious cloaked man as a part of Charlie's personality anyway? I think better analysers than me will be able to give a whole load more reasons not to see it, all I can do is tell you it's bad, very bad, and despite the occasional flirtation with so bad it's good, it doesn't even merit that.

  • Really Bad!


    I lived in Lincoln during the Starkweather era & couldn't believe this movie. First off, there are no cacti & mountains in Nebraska. Even in the 50's Nebraskans didn't talk with southern hick drawls. Also, I've never seen a '48 Ford described as a '55 Chevy. Starkweather was a short (5'8") bow-legged red head that wore very thick glasses. He was a real loser. So was his girl-friend. I thought this might be a good movie but have changed my mind since seeing it. It had the possibility to be one, but was really messed up. I had never heard that Starkweather heard "voices" or saw a "devil" when he was on his rampage. I don't know where that came from. Don't bother watching.

  • Beyond Description


    There is a fine movie about the serial murderer Charlie Starkweather and his hostage/girl friend Karil Ann Fugate out there. Its title is "Badlands." There is also a very good TV movie on the subject, starring Tim Roth. This thing is so bad that no words can describe it. Everything about it is less than poor. It's not just the low budget. With imagination and talent that kind of obstacle can be overcome -- "Mean Streets", "The Honeymoon Killers," "The Littlest Fugitive," "The Savage Eye," "Detour." But this abortion lacks not just money but everything. The acting, or rather its absence. Not only isn't there a decent performance from anyone in the cast. Some are so bad that I've seen better in high school productions of "Our Town." The sheriff is probably the worst, but they're all bad, about as reactive as a noble gas. The editing. Continuing with the sheriff's disarticulation, please note what happens on the screen when he has a line. ("A line" because he reads them as if they didn't come in packages.) The camera shows us the sheriff's grim and uninteresting face. Seconds pass. Finally he speaks. "If they want to go out in a blaze o' glory, this is their chance." The camera lingers for a few seconds more on his face although he has nothing more to say and the muscles of his face remain marmoreal. After a few scenes like this the effect on the viewer is that of a hypnotic drug -- and not even a good HIGH first, but a precipitate drop in consciousness of the sort you get from chloral hydrate. The direction. Abominable. Nobody can hold a gun still. It must be jerked around or waved from side to side, or jabbed as if shoveling dirt. Even when a lawman takes a bead on a window he waves his rifle as if it were a magician's wand. Location: Not Nebraska farmland but clearly the Mojave Desert in California. I can't go on with this, really. I hate to dump on people and this is no fun. It's more embarrassing than anything else. Reminds me of a professor who once told us that when we wrote our term papers we should do our very best. Then he paused for a moment and mused out loud, "What if you did your very best and it turned out pedestrian?" Okay. Fair and balanced, right? There are two valuable things in this movie. There are some nice shots of vintage 1940s and 1950s cars, though sometimes mislabeled. And this film would serve as a very good bad example in any film school.

  • They can't be serious, can they?


    Well, I can't work out all the people mooning over this movie. I was told the wrong version contains some boom mikes, etc. Well I've got the right version and I still see boom mikes. Never mind that, this is Nebraska, right? Then why are the characters talking with redneck hillbilly accents? Why does the scenery look like Arizona, not Nebraska? Are we presumed too stupid to notice? And the best one of all, the time-frame is 1957-58, right? Well then why are all the cars from the 1940s? OK, a couple are from 1950-51, but not a one newer than that. Again, I have to suppose we are credited with being unable to pick the difference. Old cars are old cars, what's the big deal? And just to ice the cake, several characters are wearing 2004-style eyeglasses. I'm sorry, but these stick out like dogs' balls. Any one of these items fatally damages the film's credibility. Put them all together and it becomes a joke. Sorry, guys, sort out your backdrops, authenticate your props, localize the dialog and most importantly, get the cars right. I'll give it a 3 anyway, because the actors did a pretty good job. They even managed to keep straight faces.


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