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Snow White: A Deadly Summer (2012)

Snow White: A Deadly Summer (2012)

Shanley CaswellMaureen McCormickEric RobertsTim Abell
David DeCoteau


Snow White: A Deadly Summer (2012) is a English movie. David DeCoteau has directed this movie. Shanley Caswell,Maureen McCormick,Eric Roberts,Tim Abell are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2012. Snow White: A Deadly Summer (2012) is considered one of the best Horror movie in India and around the world.

A modern retelling of a timeless tale. Snow is abducted at the order of her wicked stepmother and taken to an isolated wooded discipline camp, run by a ruthless hunter. When each of her fellow seven campers begin dying off one by one, Snow must uncover the dark and twisted secret of the forest before she becomes the next victim.


Snow White: A Deadly Summer (2012) Reviews

  • Yea it's bad!


    Well I heard Maureen McCormick hasn't been in too many films in a long time, so I was surprised to see her in this one! And Eric Roberts, wow I guess he will take any acting job. This is a crappy movie, I cannot think of one good thing to say about it except some of the sexy girls. The story stinks, the action is boring, the plot is bad, absolutely no craft went into making this movie. It was just a movie for the sake of making a movie. There is not suspense or entertainment value, I did watch the whole movie but I could have turned it off at almost any point and not cared! The story and the characters were just not interesting in any way to get you to care anything about them or what happens in the movie. This is about as bad as a movie can be!

  • On a whole new level of terrible


    The only thing I can say about this film is that I hope they were trying to make some kind of parody. It's so incredibly bad it's destined to end up in the IMDb worst movies of all time. The night scenes were shot in the day just with a filter. Due to the production values I thought I'd accidentally hired porn for the first 30 minutes (if only). The acting seemed like they just picked random people off the street as part of an experiment. The script is possibly the worst part of the film, and the story, I've experienced more suspense going to the bathroom. Save yourself the effort and only watch this film if you enjoy really really seriously awful movies with no redeeming features whatsoever. It's actually not even so bad it's good, it's just bad.

  • Terrible!


    I watched this with my friends and we rented it from red box thinking it would be actually a legit Snow White story or something slightly related but no... Honestly.. It was the worst movie I've EVER SEEN!! Oh my god.. the acting was TERRIBLE! and the lighting was all during the day so the night scenes just looked blue while the daytime scenes look yellow. The plot is extremely cliché and really uncreative. The only thing related is the fact that her name is Snow for some stupid reason that doesn't make any sense. The editing was so terrible! The script was awful! "S**** you!" "No thanks. I already have a date." WHOA HO HO!!! CLEVER!!!!!! Seriously the whole time we were just sitting there like are you serious?? How do you "hide" a body by putting it pretty much on an outdoor couch covered with a blanket with her feet and face sticking out. What REALLY made me mad was EVERY night, there was a cloud before they show the actors talking in their sleeping bags. The SAME cloud. Every. Single. Time. Seriously? They can't film more clouds?? Really?? So that's my incomplete review on how terrible this movie was. I have SO much more to say but honestly, if you're taking the time to read this you hopefully won't watch it. :) PS the stars are there because they wouldn't let me say the actual word..

  • Very cheesy, bad acting and kinda lame. Marcia Brady being evil is only good thing. End is stupid. I say D+


    "25 years ago a camper was killed, the person who did it disappeared never to be seen or heard from again." A girl named Snow (not kidding) is sent to a discipline camp by her evil step mother (McCormack) because she thinks she is trying to break up her and her day (also not kidding). While there Snow begins to notice strange happenings and uncovers a hidden secret about the camp. This is a movie very much geared toward younger high school girls so that may be a reason I didn't really like it. The movie is very cheesy and low budget and you can really tell. A girl gets killed by a necklace she is wearing and there is no blood (still not kidding). The best thing I can say about this is that it is kinda cool to see Marcia Brady in a role like this. Overall, not very good but it is kinda entertaining for a while. The ending is so dumb though it makes you regret watching it. I give it a D+.

  • A movie so bad, I just had no idea what was going on in it.


    It's a trend to update classic fairy tales, or even let them take place in modern times, like this movie does. Or well, at least tries to do. You can't even really call this movie a modern update of the classic fairytale because this movie has absolutely nothing to do at all with the Snow White story. It just happens to feature a character named Snow White but that's about it really. It's a completely different story but definitely not a better one. On the contrary! To be honest, I don't even know what the story is all about or what this movie is supposed to be exactly. Apparently it wanted to be a horror movie but I just can't really see it as one. It has no scares, no tension, no gore, no mystery but what is even worse, it has absolutely no enjoyment value to it. You don't feel involved with anyone or anything in this movie, also because the story just seems to be going absolutely nowhere and makes some weird and completely redundant choices, that add absolutely nothing to its main story. It makes the movie even confusing and not in a good way. It's also a terribly cheap looking movie with a the sort of TV look to it. The kind of movie in which the night scenes are obviously taking place during the day time because they didn't had the right equipment to film during the night. They also seemed to have a problem with keeping the cameras out of the wind, since the image occasionally starts shaking a bit, which personally often distracted me as well. Actually in all fairness, I was prepared to give this movie a 3 but that was before its horrible ending came along. It's one of those movies that feels the need to end with a surprise ending. Problem is that the surprise just isn't anything original and has been done death in movies already and besides feels like an extremely lame ending, that is an insult to its viewers. You have bad movies that are so bad that they become fun and then you have some movies that are just simply so bad that they are just bad and nothing more than that...guess under which category this movie falls. 2/10 http://bobafett1138.blogspot.com/


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