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Silence Patton (2018)

Silence Patton (2018)

Cait BraselLeland PraterPeter ReznikoffDebbi Tucker
Robert Orlando


Silence Patton (2018) is a English movie. Robert Orlando has directed this movie. Cait Brasel,Leland Prater,Peter Reznikoff,Debbi Tucker are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2018. Silence Patton (2018) is considered one of the best Documentary movie in India and around the world.

Silence Patton asks the question: Why was General Patton silenced during his service in World War II? Prevented from receiving needed supplies that would have ended the war nine months earlier, freed the death camps, and prevented Russian invasion of the Eastern Bloc, and Stalin's murderous rampage. Why was he fired as General of the Third Army and relegated to a governorship of post-war Bavaria? Who were his enemies? Was he a threat to Eisenhower, Montgomery, Churchill, and Bradley? And is it possible as some say that the General's freakish collision with an Army truck, on the day before his departure for US, was not really an accident? Or was Patton not only dismissed by his peers, but the victim of an assassin's bullet at their behest? Was his personal silence necessary?


Silence Patton (2018) Reviews

  • Spot on and very objective.


    I'm suprised this was allowed to be made in this day and age. Patton, was right about most of his statements and comments. Maybe tholis will encourage people to read the Patton papers along with other historical diaries, documents and data and stray away from the approved set of lies that is stamped as history.

  • Eye Opener


    I was very worried this might be a screed with iffy facts. Instead I found it a fascinating convincing and prescient film. Talking heads are used only as necessary, real footage is most of it. Sappy lol Patton in the hospital is like a music chorus. I'm not a military fan unless it's fiction but this was well made. As a child raised in a family that turned FDR into a God it's a revelation. Ignore your fear of being manipulated

  • No Conspiracy to Assassinate General Patton


    I thought the entire premise of the title of the movie/documentary was to prove a conspiracy theory to silence General Patton? So, in my opinion, the film misses the mark. Charles Province summed the conspiracy theories all up when he said, "They didn't kill Patton...but they were glad he was dead." They being the Russians and the president and the military high command i.e. FDR, Truman, George Marshall, Dwight Eisenhower, and Omar Bradley. Certainly Eisenhower was thinking about his political future at the end of the War which explains a lot about him (Patton mentions this many times in letters to home and in his book, "War As I Knew It"). The Russian's played our leaders like fools. And we didn't learn our lesson about de-Nazification when we instituted de-Baathification in Iraq. General George S. Patton was right in so many ways...its a damn shame. We have the same problem today: with a certain brainless leader who knows more than his generals and national intelligence advisors.

  • A slog. A conspiracy movie without supporting facts. A waste of my time.


    Made me think that it could have been made by the aging and addled filmmakers of B&W BBC true crime shows of the 1970's collaborating with the people that made "In Search Of....". Somehow an attempt to silence Patton was clumsily accomplished by a traffic accident (and maybe more...) two weeks after the war... How unimaginative those assassins were. Apparently sneakiness just wasn't in our silencing bogeymen's DNA "Blood n Guts" could have been whacked by faking...... fanatic German snipers, unwilling to give up,. a tragic plane crash.... unexplored ordinance while reliving a battle....something resembling wartime dysentery.... but, a paralyzing crash (always easy to predict) and a coup de grace. Not any spinal shock symptom common in these types of injuries Please....

  • This is one way to look at things, but not very objective


    This documentary is full of adoration for Patton, and it is interesting. It also is a bit of an anti FDR propaganda film. At one point the narrator outright states the FDR had soviet spies in his cabinet. This is stated without any explanation and the more gullible viewer will swallow it hook line and sinker. To fully endorse this film, one pretty much has to be in the mindset that we should of pursued war against the USSR after defeating Germany, also be a big believer in the domino theory. There's a manipulativeness in this film, the way it drives home it's one sided point.


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