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Shooting Livien (2005)

Shooting Livien (2005)

Jason BehrSarah WynterDominic MonaghanJoshua Leonard
Rebecca Cook


Shooting Livien (2005) is a English movie. Rebecca Cook has directed this movie. Jason Behr,Sarah Wynter,Dominic Monaghan,Joshua Leonard are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2005. Shooting Livien (2005) is considered one of the best Drama,Music,Romance movie in India and around the world.

A dark psychological drama, Shooting Livien explores the inner psyche of John Livien, a disillusioned New York musician who deals with a childhood trauma by claiming an alter ego. His band on the brink of success, fantasy becomes dangerously blurred with reality as Livien struggles with his identity crisis. At the peak of his insanity Livien decides to take his dementia to the furthest reaches...


Shooting Livien (2005) Reviews

  • Shooting Livien a Beautiful Rock Drama


    Shooting Livien a great beautiful Rock Drama by Rebecca Cook. This was excellent filmed in a sort of POV from John Livien's (Jason Behr) vision. John Livien plays in a band with two of his friends Owen(Dominique Monaghan) and Robby(Joshua Leonard) and are trying to make it in the music business. Along the way you will get a look in Livien's mind, and experience his fears, his past and his drug addiction, that lead up to his craziness and dysfunctional life. The music that goes with this movie is outstanding and was done by Fionn Ó Lochlainn. It fits the movie and the lyrics give also a clear view how dark Livien's mind is. One of the items in the "Special Features" on the DVD is Behind the Scenes. Filmed and produced by Scott Eathorne. It was very well done, and it also includes some scenes that weren't used in the original movie. I loved it and can recommend it very highly if you want to buy the DVD. Sandra

  • wow.


    This is a really well made movie. I went to the premiere last night and stayed for the talk back with the director and cast, and i was extremely impressed. The acting, directing, cinematography, script, lighting, everything was so detailed and precise and beautiful. I am a huge John Lennon and Beatles fan, so that was an added bonus for me, and the references and paralleled story lines were incorporated really nicely into the script. Not to mention, a great soundtrack that plays a big role in the movie. Rebecca Cook chose some very unique camera choices, that sets this movie apart from so many others from the start. The feel of the movie i would relate to movies like Requiem for a Dream, Basquiat, White Oleander, and possibly even a pessimistic version of Garden State. I highly recommend this movie to anyone who likes narrative features or any/all of the movies i mentioned above

  • Great Movie...Jason Behr amazing in it!


    I saw this movie in Philly on Saturday, April 16, and it was absolutely amazing. It was a very dark movie and it was unlike any other movie I have ever seen. I really liked the camera effects that the director used as well. It made it seem more like a documentary and it made you feel as if you were right there with the characters. The music was awesome too. I can't get the songs out of my head! :o) I loved that the actors were all actually playing their instruments. The whole cast was amazing (especially Jason). I'm going to Boston in September to see it again. I really hope a national distributor picks it up and that it comes out in theaters soon. It was so amazing, I can't wait for it to come out on DVD. It's my new favorite movie. It was so great...i absolutely LOVED it!

  • Like it... A lot!!!


    I bought my DVD because i like Jason Behr and want to follow his career. I read the previous comment and found it interesting so...after seeing it...this is mine: It's a different movie. You must stay tuned from the first second until the last one so you don't miss any important fact. You'll also enjoy it if you're the kind of person that likes very different movies, the type that you have to get into the character mind and try to think like him. If you're looking for a romantic, normal, and relaxing movie; this is not the one. It's a complete different plot, far away form Roswell or Dawson's Creek, you will see a very grown up J.B. in a very different roll...so don't be mistaken if you're hopping to see anything like that. My advise to you?, see it and get your own conclusions...but don't miss it.

  • Shooting Livien


    I saw Shooting Livien at the Philly film festival. I'm not going to go into detail cause I'm hoping it'll be shown in more venues, so that more people can enjoy this movie. I love the Beatleness of the movie and the songs in the film will definitely be playing in your head after the movie is through. The filming is gorgeous and I love how Rebecca show's two perspective's. One...John Livien's drug dazed POV and that of everyone else. I love the friendship between John Livien (Jason Behr) and Owen (Dominic Monaghan) I'm afraid to say more, because I'll get involved and spoil everything...So If Shooting Livien comes to your town...Support this movie. Carolyn


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