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Shadow Fury (2001)

Shadow Fury (2001)

Sam BottomsMasakatsu FunakiAlexandra KampBas Rutten
Makoto Yokoyama


Shadow Fury (2001) is a English movie. Makoto Yokoyama has directed this movie. Sam Bottoms,Masakatsu Funaki,Alexandra Kamp,Bas Rutten are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2001. Shadow Fury (2001) is considered one of the best Action,Sci-Fi movie in India and around the world.

A discovery in the near future makes it possible to create genetically engineered and enhanced human clones. The consequence of this discovery results in bio-ethical chaos. In order to right this wrong, the World Health Organization imposes a global ban on all human cloning activity. A group of scientists at the Nova Corporation, a leader in cloning research, have made miraculous advances in the replication of human beings. When one of their colleagues, a mad scientist by the name of Dr. Oh, creates an "Obedience Strain" that will allow him mind control over the clones, Nova Corp casts him out and revokes his license. Dr. Oh vows revenge on his three partners, Drs. Markov, Forster and Hillier, and creates a clone that is the perfect killing machine, Takeru, a killer ninja clone. Meanwhile, Nova Corp learns of Dr. Oh's plan and dispatches a bounty hunter, Madsen, to destroy Dr. Oh, Dr. Oh's laboratory and any clones he may have developed. Madsen has his work cut out for him because ...


Shadow Fury (2001) Reviews

  • Action , fighting and explosions starred by a cloned Ninja fighter


    The film concerns a near future when the World Health Organization prohibits globally on all human cloning . However a discovery creates genetically engineered . Nova Corporation hires to Madsen (Sam Bottoms), a tough bounty hunter with bad liver . He sets off in pursuit Takeru (Funaki) , a perfect ninja clone with extraordinary strength and agility . He has been created by a scientist named Dr Oh(Pat Morita) , Madsen must destroy Oh's lab about replication of enhanced human beings and any clones and the killer Ninja . But the laboratory explodes and Tareku on the loose . Madsen is helped by the lovely Dr. Foster (Alexandra Kemp) and taking on another Doctor who is developing the Alpha phase project containing 256 live specimen failed prototypes with physical deformation and mental incapacitation . The Doctor creates a new perfect killing machine , as disposal required , a teen named Kismet, a miraculous advance in slickness and intelligence . Meanwhile , a gunrunner (Fred Williamson) hands over Madsen weapons and Ninja arms such as Shuriken and Katana . The picture is a low budget actioner with suspense , spectacular fights , and crude violence . The movie displays nice choreographic struggles with punches and kicks and sensational bounds and leaps by the killer Ninja . Wooden acting by Sam Bottoms, an actor whose career began splendidly (Apocalypse now , Bronco Billy) but failed , continuing with television movies ; plus , Alexandra Kemp , a German actress playing several B films (Sumuru , Dracula 3000 , Space travesty) , furthermore Noriyuki Pat (Pat Morita of Karate Kid, recently deceased) , Fred Williamson , a Blaxploitation King and a child played Taylor Lautner . The motion picture was regularly directed by Yokoyama , an usual stunts coordinator and habitual director of Power Rangers episodes . Rating : Mediocre but some moments result to be entertaining.

  • This film deserves more credit *may contain spoilers*


    This film is quite rare to find in the genre of action/sci-fi but once you see it, you'll find out why it is so different than other cliché films of it's type. It is sometimes predictable but you will feel sympathetic for the main character even though he isn't real. All the fight sequences rip off Jackie Chan movies but they are executed with raw intelligence. We see that Michell has troubles with his liver but the main character kills himself with Kismet to give up his life so he could save Mitchell. It might seem a little cruddy for a film like this one but it does make you feel for something that isn't real let alone makes you want to feel anything for the characters. If you have time, watch this film and you'll be surprised, like me, on how much emotion is packed into an action/sci-fi film. Rated MA15+ for Aussies for Violence, Language and Nudity

  • OKAY but Less than stellar


    I bought this film for the sole fact that Bas and Funaki from Pancrase were in it. I had no idea what its story was like except that it involved ninjas and Bas was the bad guy. I thought it was an OK film but it could have been better. The fight scenes with Funaki were pretty cool and the final fight between him and Bas was really cool, but the story, acting, and characters were kind of mixed up. Pat Morita should have been in it longer too. The actors looked like they were really trying to act good but ended up less than stellar. The hired killer, Madson, was actually funnier in serious spots than his comedy lines. Anyway it was an OK film because Bas and Funaki were in it, but if they weren't I probably would not have even looked at it.

  • Go rent this movie...Immediately!


    I love this movie!!! Everyone should rush out and rent it! A "take no prisoners" kinda movie that is very entertaining. A must see! My hats off to the writer and the director. A Superb film! A brief synopsis: In the future, a bounty hunter must stop a vengeful scientist and a killer clone! Starring the 'dry as a bone' Sam Bottoms - Excellent performance! as the bounty hunter, and MMA Star Masakatsu Funaki as the kick-ass, road-weary warrior clone. Bas Ruten is superb, as always, as the older version of the ultimate battle clone. Pat Morita is great as the white, wiry-haired mad scientist, and the always cool, Fred 'The Hammer' Williamson makes a few appearances. 'The Hammer' has got the cool gadgets (He is the Q character, if you will). Great editing, great casting, and very fun to watch. A roller-coaster ride, for sure. Great flick!! -J.Alan Johnson (jalanjohnson73@msn.com)

  • Worth watching for the fight scenes


    It is based in the future where genetic cloning of enhanced human killing machines is possible. However to prevent this from happening the world health organisation makes this cloning illegal. A group of scientists at the Nova Corporation, a leader in cloning research, have made miraculous advances in the replication of human beings. When one of their colleagues, a mad scientist by the name of Dr. Oh( Pat Morita ), creates an "Obedience Strain" that will allow him mind control over the clones, Nova Corp casts him out and revokes his license. Dr. Oh vows revenge on his three partners, Drs. Markov, Forster and Hillier, and creates a clone that is the perfect killing machine, Takeru, a killer ninja clone. Meanwhile, Nova Corp learns of Dr. Oh's plan and dispatches a bounty hunter, Madsen, to destroy Dr. Oh, Dr. Oh's laboratory and any clones he may have developed. Madsen has his work cut out for him because with Takeru on the loose, it's only a matter of time before the clone finds them all! Madsen kills Dr. oh but suffers severe injury at the hands of takeru. With Takeru on the loose hunting down those who killed his maker Madsen is hunting Takeru with the plan of killing him and using his liver to replace his own as he will die without a liver transplant due to his excessive drinking. Dr.Markov is then eliminated by Takeru and Madsen teams up with Dr.Forster( Alexandra Kamp-Groeneveld) to take down Takeru. Meanwhile Dr.Hiller has created clones of his own to take out Takeru. Takeru then meets up with a lonely prostitute who teaches him to be human. In a confrontation with Madsen Takeru has a change of heart and decides to let Madsen live rather than kill anymore innocents. Takeru falls in love with the prostitute. In an accident Takeru kills the prostitute as she attempts to stop him killing again. Takeru is grief and guilt stricken and teams up with Madsen and they go up against Dr.Hillier's evil clones for the big finale where Takeru takes on Kismet. Even though some of the acting isn't up to much the fight scenes are first class as the 2 fighters( Bas Rutten & Matsakatsu Funaki ) are from the UFC and have fought each other for real in the octagon!


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