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Shackled (2012)

Shackled (2012)

Emilia ClarkeHadley Fraser
Nour Wazzi


Shackled (2012) is a English movie. Nour Wazzi has directed this movie. Emilia Clarke,Hadley Fraser are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2012. Shackled (2012) is considered one of the best Short,Drama,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

Held captive by a circus, Malu is frantically rescued from her shackles by her husband. As she waits anxiously in the darkness for her chance to escape, a disturbing truth she's hidden away seeps back in.

Same Director

Shackled (2012) Reviews

  • nice


    The story is more than ambiguous. But the atmosphere, the use of light, the tender details are well crafted. And Emilia Clarke gives a beautiful performance. The world of circus, the freedom as desire, the not comfortable details and the discover of truth. Nothing spectacular. But real seductive. For a form of refined beauty.

  • Only known because of the star attached to it


    "Shackled" is an 11-minute short film from 2012, so it will have its 5th anniversary next year. the director is Nour Wazzi and the two writers are Shirine Best and Ellie Emptage, so a female-centered project all along. And this also applies to lead actress Emilia Clarke that millions of people have seen as Daenerys in "Game of Thrones". Here, her role is entirely different though: She plays a young woman apparently held captive, but luckily her prince charming comes and helps her get away. In order to keep the focus on Clarke, the big star however, he disappears as quickly as he came into this movie and we all watch Clarke's character's attempt to break free and also find out about her relationship with birds. This film has several core problem. Who is she? Who is he? Who holds her captive and why? The lack of answers to these questions makes it practically impossible to create any bond with the protagonist and as a consequence I could not care less if she gets away or what happens to her. Also I felt that despite the solid screen time she had, the script offered Clarke no chance at all to convince us with her acting at least. Overall, a very stylish short film that lacks majorly in the story department though. You can call it pretentious and you would not be wrong. I don't recommend checking it out. Thumbs-down and as I already wrote in the title of my review, i am sure this film would not get any attention at all without Clarke being a part of it. I hope the makers here step their game up considerably and I hope Clarke chooses better projects for her to star in for the future.


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