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Sextet (2007)

Sextet (2007)

Steve AernoutsMarlies BarkGene BervoetsDieuwertje Blok
Eddy Terstall


Sextet (2007) is a Dutch movie. Eddy Terstall has directed this movie. Steve Aernouts,Marlies Bark,Gene Bervoets,Dieuwertje Blok are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2007. Sextet (2007) is considered one of the best Comedy,Romance movie in India and around the world.

Feature film about love and relationships in Amsterdam, consisting of an ingeniously interwoven plot of several stories and characters. Together with the feature SIMON (2004) this one is part of Terstall's trilogy about the liberties of the present Dutch society.

Same Director

Sextet (2007) Reviews

  • Functional Sex with a wink


    Terstall uses every style he knows, but the funny thing is, he knows best himself. What really stuck with me were the funny, poetic and strong dialog, fresh acting and of course the scene where Katja Schuurman was taken by Horace Cohen doggy style. Strong dialog, funny scenes, Terstall shows life but also doesn't take it too seriously. Sometimes things like the Maroccan neighbors of the lesbian couple are surprising and disturbing because it's not the serious. I must say he knows how to show things about the Dutch society without rubbing our noses in it.I had a wonderful time watching this movie. Everything you can comment on about the film, Terstall does in the movie for you. So just watch and enjoy.

  • # 30 : Sex position: doggy-style


    it's not from me : that's the way her nude scene is titled on the web. From what I have understood, the movie is about (raw) relationships in Netherlands between native and emigrate. The Arabic brother who banged Katja are totally badly mannered and I wonder how they can achieve to seduce Katja this way… Anyway her part is one among many and as I don't like Hydra movies (= those who collect an endless cast around a empty story), I don't think I would watch more then this scene!


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