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Sevdah za Karima (2010)

Sevdah za Karima (2010)

Amar SelimovicMarija KaranAdnan HaskovicAsli Bayram
Jasmin Durakovic


Sevdah za Karima (2010) is a movie. Jasmin Durakovic has directed this movie. Amar Selimovic,Marija Karan,Adnan Haskovic,Asli Bayram are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2010. Sevdah za Karima (2010) is considered one of the best Drama movie in India and around the world.

Sarajevo, after 11th September 2001. Karim works as deminer in the hills around the city while waiting to be sent to Iraq with his group. His main reason -- the money. But a love story with unhappy ending will change his life. It's a tale about a love triangle between him, his best friend Juka and Ivana, girl from Belgrade, but at the same time this is a story about the clash between West and Islam and how one young Bosnian copes with this issue. Karim is a Bosnian Muslim, but he is not a "walking mine"; he only tries to de-mine his own little corner of the earth and to make it safer. This is


Sevdah za Karima (2010) Reviews

  • Interesting movie


    The story is pretty interesting. The script and the dialogues seem much realistic and objective. They are reflecting the real life in Sarajevo. The movie has much emotion which follows the main character Karim, who is pretty straightforward, smart and rational, but yet confused and concerned about his future and his life in Bosnia and Herzegovina. He observes the today's world in which we live and brings the Western democracy and Islamic law in question. The movie shows his inner fight with himself, exposing it with his social context. Karim fells in temptation and passes through some outrageous experiences with his friends. The experiences disagree to the morality and ethics of Islam, thereby he comes to an inner conflict and the story gets more complicated. Although the movie is a social drama, the funny dialogues and some situations bring some humor in it and as well there is some philosophical talking present to keep the viewer thinking about. It has a balanced mix of action, drama, erotic, humor and thrill which deliver us different emotions in different points of view. I think it is a well balanced concept. The production is not bad although you can see that it is not a big budget film, the actors are convincing and the music is OK. I say it is worth to watch.


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