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Searching for Bobby D (2005)

Searching for Bobby D (2005)

William DeMeoChuck ZitoMatthew ZiffRobert D'Aleo
Paul Borghese


Searching for Bobby D (2005) is a English movie. Paul Borghese has directed this movie. William DeMeo,Chuck Zito,Matthew Ziff,Robert D'Aleo are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2005. Searching for Bobby D (2005) is considered one of the best Adventure,Comedy movie in India and around the world.

Searching for Bobby D is a comedy about four New Yorkers, the film's star Johnny Argano, Tommy, Mike, and the only non-Italian in the group Jerome who are all stuck getting the worst parts as New York actors. They are all sick of it and want to move up in the world. But things begin to look up when Johnny's cousin Leo says a rich guy in Pennsylvania loves movies and would be willing to put up some money for the film for which Johnny has written a script. Desperate, the boys decide to take a road trip down to Pennsylvania, but soon enough the boys come to realize Leo is still a complete goof and that he's told their potential investor that Robert Deniro has signed on to appear in the film.


Searching for Bobby D (2005) Trailers

Searching for Bobby D (2005) Reviews

  • Are you kidding me???


    I cannot believe this movie ever got made, let alone got into video distribution. I am tired of going to the video store and reading nothing short of b.s. and lies on the back of the covers. This is one of the most lame-brained, ultra-formulaic, New York Italian drone movies I have ever seen. I believe my girlfriend and I may have slightly chuckled once. I can't remember exactly where we chuckled....maybe it was on the road trip where the 3 stereotypical things happened to the dips traveling to PA. You know...1) flat tire, 2) the couple giving opposite directions to the lost mullets, 3)getting pulled over by the neo-nazi cops (for no apparent reason). Or, maybe we chuckled at the 3 references to the guy banging the sheep (that's right all you aspiring writers out there, great comedy gags happen in 3's). I also couldn't figure out why half of the dimwits living in PA had southern accents. Nice touch. The only thing amazing about this movie, is that I am sure the making of the movie actually mirrored the making of the movie within the movie. Overall....the writing sucked, the acting was worse, and the scenes lingered on way too long (direction also sucked). Please take this out of circulation so that no one else inadvertently loses 105 minutes out of their lifetime. And for all of our sakes....please take "fahgedaboutit" out of all future NY Italian movies. It's old, it's worn, and I have heard mongoloids with more original dialogue.

  • Light Hearted and Funny


    Okay, not a Spielberg or Lucas film, but it is funny and an interesting idea for a movie. Definitely, good rainy day watching movie. I give it a 7 for independent film, it would be lower if it was professional. The characters are stereotypical Itialians, many folks made a lot of money doing this, i.e. "Friends, etc." because you can't help laughing at the way these people talk. Compared to other independent films I have watched, this is well made and has a professional quailtity, it would be a good film for a studio to buy a re-do professionally. I would not buy the DVD, but its certainly worth a rental on a rainy or snowy day. The characters are many people I have seen in Robert Deniro movies as extras and background actors, I would imagine this is how they came up with the idea.


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