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Saltwater (2000)

Saltwater (2000)

Peter McDonaldBrian CoxConor MullenLaurence Kinlan
Conor McPherson


Saltwater (2000) is a English movie. Conor McPherson has directed this movie. Peter McDonald,Brian Cox,Conor Mullen,Laurence Kinlan are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2000. Saltwater (2000) is considered one of the best Comedy,Drama movie in India and around the world.

An Irish-Italian café owner in a seaside town faces a life crisis, as his wife recently died and he's severely in debt. His oldest son tries to help, but has serious problems of his own, while his younger son and daughter are having troubles in school.

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Saltwater (2000) Reviews

  • an encouraging directorial debut that deserves to be seen


    As any fan of Irish movies knows, the people of Ireland generally like to while away their time - between warm pints of Guinness - by embarking on secret affairs with ginger housemaids, further corroding their repressive relationships with their fathers, and building nail-bombs for the IRA. In recent years, films like 'Waking Ned' and 'I Went Down' have shamefully attempted to re-orientate this perception, emphasizing the inherent amiability and humour of the Irish people. Conor Mcpherson's 'Saltwater' dares to take this dangerous agenda even further, by setting the action in a small South Dublin seaside community and actually making the characters within it seem real. 'Michael Collins' fans beware – you have been warned. There are several plot lines in the movie, but they all orbit around the family of chip-shop owner George (Brian Cox), who has recently lost his wife – and a lot of money at the bookies. His son (Peter McDonald), frustrated with the way his life is going, takes it upon himself to steal some money back for his father. And his younger brother Joe (Laurence Kinlan) is having his own problems, covering for a rebellious school-mate, and witnessing a rape that he can't get out of his mind. Meanwhile, their friend Ray (Conor Mullen), a university lecturer with a mid-life crisis, is juggling two women and an imploding career. Around these simple ideas, and from his own script, first-time director McPherson (author of hit play 'The Weir') builds up a charming, convincing environment in which beauty can be found in monotony and havoc can ensue from familiarity; a timewarped town in which everybody knows the local policewoman and great ripples can be caused by the tiniest splash. Most impressively, he manages to inspire exceptionally natural performances from every single member of his cast, from the adolescent bully to the elderly drunkard. Rising middle-aged star Brendan Gleeson is especially good, in a supporting role as a corrupt loan shark, but top acting honours have to go to Kinlan ('Angela's Ashes'), who manages to make all American child actors look silly with a striking performance as the young man who knows too much. 'Saltwater' is an undeniably small movie, and this means it's not for everyone. There is little that is cinematic about the script, which seems to naturally belong somewhere between theatre and television (the film was adapted from McPherson's play, 'This Lime Tree Bower'). There is also some horribly plinky-plonky music, and some paper-thin characters. But elements like these didn't inhibit 'American Beauty', and, although 'Saltwater' lacks the mass-appeal of that movie, it's often just as enjoyable, and just as adept at veering between the subtly dark and the genuinely hilarious. Yes, there's nothing here that hasn't been done before – but when a movie contains the most memorable hangover scene in recent memory, (worth the admission price alone), it's scarcely worth complaining. It's a very encouraging directorial debut, which deserves to be seen; a small landmark for Irish film. And there's not even a leprechaun in sight.

  • Disappointing directorial debut from writer of "I Went Down"


    "Saltwater" is the directorial debut of Conor McPherson, the writer of the very funny film, "I Went Down". As such, "Saltwater" promises much but delivers very little. It is a disjointed and ill-conceived attempt to do for Dublin what "Short Cuts" did for Los Angeles. The main stories concern an Irish-Italian café owner in debt to the local bookie and the attempt by one of his two sons to exact revenge for his father's humiliation, the adventures of another son of the above man and his latchkey schoolfriend, and a university lecturer and friend of the above family who embarks on a fling with a college student. There are vague references to a woman who could possibly be the mother of the family who is no longer present but this is never made clear. The separate plots barely relate to each other and have significant holes which stretch credulity. Furthermore, the story set in the university (University College Dublin, for the benefit of location freaks) seems to exist entirely for the purposes of its 'hilarious' climax. Characters are not well developed and some are almost cardboard cutouts, such as the schoolgoing son, his friend and their teacher, to name but a few. The stories do not develop logically and fail to reach any satisfactory conclusion leaving many loose ends unresolved. Finally, the film is so blandly photographed as to be a TV film rather than a large screen motion picture. There is no appreciation of the art of cinema at all. McPherson is better known as a writer for theatre and this is patently obvious from "Saltwater". It appears that he has made the transition from stage to screen too quickly for his own good. Overall, I cannot recommend people to go and see this film.

  • Interesting and different film


    You wouldn't have thought a film about an Irish chip shop having money troubles would make such a great film, this is a mini classic if I have seen one. Great work and it is well deserved. You'll laugh a lot and you'll probably be shocked at some parts also.

  • Above average


    Not a lot happens. Plot is thin but McPherson spreads it out nicely. A nicely controlled and very competent debut feature. Manages to get beneath the skin of the script and make us feel for the piece. At times film transcends script and becomes something else entirely. Unfortunately it's all somewhat marred by McPherson taking it as read that viewer will understand more than he's telling us - eg What exactly was relationships between all male characters. Understand 2 were brothers but who exactly was blondie puke boy? Nice cast. Not sure what they were all doing in such a small movie which didn't quite transcend it's smallness. Ending felt somewhat tacked on.

  • " Less is more " and it works.


    I finally saw this film a couple of weeks ago. I had originally wanted to see it on it's release back in 2000, but as luck would have the local cinema didn't bother to get it. They instead opted to get some mainstream thrash that's name I cannot remember. What a pity. I really enjoyed this film from start to finish. Conor McPherson has proved himself to be one of Ireland's leading modern playwrights with such classics as The Weir and a Dublin Carol. In time to come along with Lance Daly (last days in Dublin)they will prove themselves as two of Ireland's greatest directors knocking Neil Jordan & Jim Sheridan off their artistic position. The story is a simple one that revolves around a family who run a fish and chip shop in a small Irish town. Their community that surrounds them also plays a vital part in the form of Brendan Gleeson and his nephew. Their is also Conor Mullen's character a philosophy lecturer who is having an affair with one of his students. What follows is one of the most enjoyable Irish films ever to grace our screens. The script and it's characters is superbly brought to life by a very talented and capable cast whose " Less is more " style of acting makes this film worthwhile. The script does not have a lot going on in it but the acting certainly makes this film in so many ways. There is no over the top performances by any one. The best credit has to go to Laurence Kinlan who steals the show from his more experienced co-stars. Brendan Gleeson does what he usually does and he provides the best performance of all the supporting actors. Also I have to mention the teacher played by Pat Short. He is one of the best portrayals of any any teacher on film or T.V. everything that was said and done brought me back to my school days. Perfect. I hope to see more films like this one from Conor McPherson. But for those who haven't seen it I urge you all to rent it out or watch it on T.V. because it's one of those classic independents that you'll remember and love


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