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Russia 88 (2009)

Russia 88 (2009)

Benik ArakelyanArchibald ArchibaldovichPyotr BarancheevAleksandr Demin
Pavel Bardin


Russia 88 (2009) is a Russian,German movie. Pavel Bardin has directed this movie. Benik Arakelyan,Archibald Archibaldovich,Pyotr Barancheev,Aleksandr Demin are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2009. Russia 88 (2009) is considered one of the best Crime,Drama movie in India and around the world.

A gang of skinheads 'Russia 88' are filming propaganda videos in order to place it on the internet. At the same time the camera records the life of the gang, they become accustomed to this and stop paying attention to it. The leader of the gang 'Blade' discovers that his sister is dating a Caucasian guy. This family drama develops into a tragedy.


Russia 88 (2009) Reviews

  • Sometimes Ignorance is NOT a bless


    This movie already made a small history by getting banned in Russia. Of course the meaning of "banned" is not the same as it was before, there is no prosecution of the filmmakers nor burning the negatives. It's just not allowed to get screenings in theaters and will not be screened on TV as well, but people will be able to buy it in video stores. The film is a mockumentary about Nazi underground movement in Russia, the skinheads. You know, fascist swastika, quotes from Mein Kampf, Nazi salutes, hunting and beating "others" on the streets, training camps in the forest, lots of cursing, the usual. The story is told through the video camera, filming "real" people and events, and following group of young working class punks in Moscow in their racist and violent life. All of it was staged, but the documentary quality of the film successfully creates unpleasant sensation and involves the viewer in the watching experience. And it is very disturbing, some scenes are truly stunning in their rough and gritty feeling. Of course, you can't hold feature film without some kind of a plot, without protagonist and some kitchen sink drama. So it is there as well, but dramatic subplot is really the weakest part of the film, resulting in ridiculous and over dramatic ending, spoiling the overall impression. I guess lack of experience of the director is to blame in that case I won't be surprised if some film critic will write a big academic article or a book, analyzing the political, cultural and cinematic sides of Russia 88. It is possible to write many pages, reviewing this film from all angles, and there are many things to discuss about this film. Recommended, but don't expect too much.

  • Racist Russia revealed in above average mock-doc.


    Synopsis: 'Russia 88' is a gang of fascist skinheads who roam the streets filming themselves being a right bunch of racist twats. Continuing the filmic trend for charismatic psychos followed by sensation-seeking camera operators, Russia 88 successfully uses the mock-doc aesthetic to deliver its derivative but engaging narrative. Following in the footsteps of Man Bites Dog, The Magician and Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon, Petr Fyodorov plays Shtik, an angry, ranting lunatic who just loves having an admirer film his every move. Though not as memorable as Edward Norton, Stephen Graham or Russell Crowe's terrifying performances as Nazi thugs, Fyodorov holds the movie being reminiscent of Colin Farrel's early appearance in Tigerland. While the pace lags at times due to the minimal plot, the last act of the film veers into predictable but vaguely silly territory after building up a strong sense of realism in the rest of the film. The hand-held camera and other traits of the mock-doc format such as the voxpops with (real?) members of the public, direct address to camera and seemingly unedited material give the film a powerful feeling of watching the footage of a bunch of rhetoric spouting racist thugs keen to share their life and views with the world via the internet. Like an anti-American History X, the film uses no fancy tricks like excessive slow-mo, black and white or orchestral and choir filled music, making the film feel more real and closer in tone and style to This is England. However there are also moments of humour (mainly in the first half of the film) where the mock-doc style is used to undermine and humiliate these characters who take themselves too seriously. Briefly touching on what turns young men into Nazi's, the film comes up with one or two interesting answers. The scene in a training camp may be a reminder of the hatred and indoctrination that is spawned in other training camps around the world and the use of voxpops and the constant references to the footage being put on the internet make this a very contemporary spin on the skinhead psycho cycle. Overall, Russia 88 is filled with realistic detail but tries too hard to create a powerful and shocking 'movie' ending that feels out of place with the rest of the 'documentary' style. However Bardin may be a director to watch out for in the future.


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