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Riding My Tiger (A Cinéma Very Vérité) (2014)

Riding My Tiger (A Cinéma Very Vérité) (2014)

Ascan Breuer


Riding My Tiger (A Cinéma Very Vérité) (2014) is a Indonesian movie. Ascan Breuer has directed this movie. are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2014. Riding My Tiger (A Cinéma Very Vérité) (2014) is considered one of the best Documentary,Short movie in India and around the world.

The story of Ascan Breuer's physical/psychic journey to track down the origins of his family. He is a young German citizen exploring the island of Java along with its culture, traditions and ghosts. The beginning of the film, reminiscent of an intimate diary, soon gives way to a completely different mood. The journey becomes research. The research turns into investigation. Tracks become clues to be deciphered. First-hand accounts are testimonies to be pieced together, like scattered fragments of an uncertain story that is full of gaps. This documentary offers two elements that are usually alien to the genre: suspense and preternatural. Therefore, the viewers are plunged in a film that is also an actual paranormal thriller. Psychological and ethno-anthropological materials are rewritten according to the forms of cinematic narration of mise-en-scéne. Therefore, emotion (pathos) becomes style and culture becomes a (ghostly) character.


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