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Ricochet River (2001)

Ricochet River (2001)

John CullumEddie ThielTyler MillerJason James Richter
Deborah Del Prete


Ricochet River (2001) is a English movie. Deborah Del Prete has directed this movie. John Cullum,Eddie Thiel,Tyler Miller,Jason James Richter are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2001. Ricochet River (2001) is considered one of the best Drama movie in India and around the world.

Not a lot is happening in Calamus Grove, a backwoods logging town where high school sweethearts Wade and Lorna spend their days dreaming of escape. But when they meet a sensitive Native American teenager with a rebellious streak, everything changes.

Ricochet River (2001) Reviews

  • Nice independent movie


    Two teens from a conservative little town become friends to an indian boy. The townspeople aren't happy with the friendship of the teenagers, and the teens will realise what small-minded community they live in. There will be some struggles between them, but they manage to stay friends. I thought this was a nice independent movie, and the acting of the three teenagers was pretty good. Overall a nice film about friendship.

  • Has a good message, even if it is not technically that sound.


    It was very late at night when I turned this movie on. I had decided to check it out because TV told me that Kate Hudson was in it. The first scene I saw was one of the first, the baseball game where Jesse is introduced. For a minute I was pondering changing the channel, but then I noticed a very special cameo. The man announcing the base ball game was none other than Ken Kesey. I watched the rest of the movie waiting to see if he would pop up again, but he did not. It turned out that the movie was not that bad, so it worked out alright. It has an excellent message about prejudice and coming of age. Where it falls short is in the writing mostly. The acting has a few short comings as well. The directing is solid, but presents the movie in a straight forward, no frills way. This wold be a good family movie, even though there is a bit of swearing.

  • A pretty good film


    When I started watching this movie on TV I thought that it was an ordinary film with anything special on it, after ten minutes I've changed my mind and started watching it very carefully. I thought it was a story about a native-american like "Un indien dans la ville" (imdb reference: 0111543) but it turned out to be a very interesting story about society and the best ways to survive to a small village's monotony. The best detail about this movie is that Kate Hudson acts in a role totally different to the only other she played until this movie, after that she acted again with her co-workers from "Desert Blue" in the famous "200 cigarettes", and in "About Adam" and "Gossip" (this one is a bad movie with a good script) and then she became one of the most famous actress in the world, well "almost famous". In "Desert Blue" (which I also recommend) she is a movie star trapped in a village in the middle of the desert and learns how wonderful that place can be (with some more explosions), here she is a small village girl who likes rafting and wants to get away from her home village as soon as possible. There is also a criminal to punish, and salmons to protect, with a lot of romance in the middle and an important lesson about the respect for the other races and species. See it if possible, It's worth it!

  • Wonderful!!!!!


    I Was dying to see Ricochet River because it was filmed in my hometown and Kate Hudson's first film and I appeared as an extra in it. It was a wonderful coming of age film and independent film star Dougals Spain (Star Maps) was excellent in his performance the best in this film. I suggest if you can find this film see it!!!!!

  • nice film


    Low budget film with no pretentions, nevertheless is a nice film good performances, the story is simple but is amusing. Good for a TV film, if you're bored a saturday afternoon you can see this movie and relax.

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