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Là-bas... mon pays (2000)

Là-bas... mon pays (2000)

LANGFrench,Arabic,Berber languages,Hebrew
Antoine de CaunesNozha KhouadraSamy NaceriSaïd Amadis
Alexandre Arcady


Là-bas... mon pays (2000) is a French,Arabic,Berber languages,Hebrew movie. Alexandre Arcady has directed this movie. Antoine de Caunes,Nozha Khouadra,Samy Naceri,Saïd Amadis are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2000. Là-bas... mon pays (2000) is considered one of the best Drama movie in India and around the world.

Famous TV news anchorman Pierre Nivel left Algiers for France in 1962. That's been a secret; his Paris co-workers have never known that he was formerly an Algerian pied noir. An Algerian delivers an urgent message to Pierre from a Leïla Jalal... Algiers, 1962. The Nivels live in the same apartment building as the Moslem Jalal family. Lycée student Pierre is in love with their daughter, Leïla. The civil unrest in Algeria is heating up and violence is spreading in Algiers. At school, Pierre is friends with a Moslem student, Issam, but he is made fun of for that... Pierre's jet arrives in Algiers. As a celebrity, Pierre is met on arrival by a government official, Nader Mansour. Because of the civil war raging between the government and Islamic terrorists, they drive into the city in a heavily armed convoy. Pierre does not tell Mansour his real reason for returning: Leïla has asked him to help her daughter Amina escape to safety in France. Leïla has been unwillingly married to a terrorist...


Là-bas... mon pays (2000) Reviews

  • A love story set against uprooting and religious fundamentalism.


    Twenty years after "The blow of sirocco", Alexandre Arcady retraces his childhood footsteps in Algiers, where he could film, for the first time since the Independence. Combining past and present, covering history on both large and small scales, he films this painful account of his return to the country from which he was exiled for 30 years. Antoine de Caunes experiences the torments of this journalist torn between his teenage nostalgia for the sun-drenched paradise and the tragedy of a country ravaged by religious extremism.


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