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Red Serpent (2003)

Red Serpent (2003)

Michael ParéRoy ScheiderOleg TaktarovIrina Apeksimova
Gino Tanasescu


Red Serpent (2003) is a English movie. Gino Tanasescu has directed this movie. Michael Paré,Roy Scheider,Oleg Taktarov,Irina Apeksimova are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2003. Red Serpent (2003) is considered one of the best Adventure,Action movie in India and around the world.

An American businessman is coming to Moscow to conclude a contract. Little he knows that this will be just a cover for a drug-trafficking operation, where the drug supplier - "Red Serpent" doesn't take no for an answer. It seems that the situation is hopeless, however, the Red Serpent has an enemy in Sergey Popov, a former FSB agent with a vendetta of his own.


Red Serpent (2003) Reviews

  • One of the worst movies ever made!


    One of the worst movies ever made! The movie is about a businessman (Pare) who gets mixed up in the Russian mafia run by Hassan (Scheider). To get straight to the point: This has some of the worst editing ever! There are jagged cuts everywhere. The special effect at the end was terrible and the acting was very bad and dubbed horribly. If you like Roy Scheider watch "The Peacekeeper", "Jaws" or "Citizen Verdict", or "Blue Thunder". "Streets Of Fire" or "October 22" showcase Pare's talent much better than "Red Serpent". For more insanity, please visit: comeuppancereviews.com

  • Just Awful


    Well this has got to be the single worst movie I have ever watched. I am Russian and I couldn't believe this crap. This movie takes advantage of every single Russian stereotype and it does so without any skill or taste. Acting literally sucked. Special effects..... WHAT SPECIAL EFFECTS!? I thought this movie couldn't have got any worst until I saw the helicopter scene at the end of the movie. That scene left me sitting there with my mouth half open in disbelief that someone thought that was a good idea. This is as low budget as they get. If on certain night you find yourself desperate for some entertainment and just happen to have a copy of this movie laying around might I suggest finding a nice brick wall and just bang your head on it for an hour or so... I think you will find that a whole lot more satisfying

  • Somebody said this is the worst movie he had ever seen. I agree


    Defining this movie as awful is a compliment. I can't imagine that money could make a PRO such as Roy Schieder lend his name to such a plot less and silly movie. After the naive exploding cars (not shown just heard) and stuff the ending is the cherry on the cake. This movie deserves the Razzie of the Century. Anybody that reads these comments and then watches this movie anyway will not be able to say they hadn't been warned. The dubbing out of sync makes even the most terrible of villains become a clown. The snarling between people "fighting for their lives" just seems to be slapstick. The "technological" effects show screens with the pertinent details of each main character. The speed of these screens is so exaggeratedly fast that not even a trained fast reader could do without the DVD remote. Luckily for all the serious movie lovers of this world the efforts of these "craftsmen" have not had a sequel. Bad taste, bad costumes, bad acting, bad directing, no continuity. I have never seen a movie about which not one good thing could be said until I saw this one.

  • A career low for everybody involved


    The last years of Roy Scheider's life had him making one direct-to-video movie after another. Most of them were awful, and "Red Serpent" may be his worst. He only shows up for a few scenes, but he manages to give a really awful performance in part due to his really unconvincing Russian accent. (And he has a sex scene showing him with his shirt unbuttoned - ugh!) As for the rest of the movie, it manages for the most part to be even worse than Scheider's performance. You can tell they tried to save this in the editing room due to some real awkward editing and insertion of new material. But there are countless other flaws, like bad audio or inappropriate music. But the biggest flaw of the movie is that it's so boring, with most of the movie devoted to dreary chat or people stumbling in the snow. The reason why I'm not giving this one star is that there is occasionally some nice visual candy, ranging from impressive camera movement to pleasing cinematography. Though the movie is still definitely a stinker!

  • Worst movie I have ever seen!


    I once had such a great urge to be entertained that I fell to the temptation to buy "Supergirl". It's by far the worst movie in my DVD collection. Until yesterday evening it was also the worst movie I've ever seen. Now I've found one orders of magnitudes worse. Or should I say hilarious? Me and two friends rented this movie, Red Serpent, which first nearly bored us to death with its lousy technical quality, really really bad performing actors, homemade stunts and awful(ly missing) plot. In the second half of the movie, we honestly didn't think it could get any worse, but it just continued going downhill, and we just couldn't help laughing louder and louder. The final scene was the funniest of it all, no thanks to the creators of this awful goo of a movie. If you're looking for an action movie, shy away from this one. If you like movies a la "Jackass - The Movie", and you're looking for a good laugh, this may be a good candidate.


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