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Razortooth (2007)

Razortooth (2007)

Douglas SwanderKathleen LaGueSimon PageTim Colceri
Patricia Harrington


Razortooth (2007) is a English movie. Patricia Harrington has directed this movie. Douglas Swander,Kathleen LaGue,Simon Page,Tim Colceri are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2007. Razortooth (2007) is considered one of the best Action,Adventure,Comedy,Horror,Sci-Fi,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

Two prisoners escape through the swamp land in Everglades and the search party is attacked by a giant mutant eel and is considered missing. The Animal Control agent Delmar Coates is searching a missing dog with his ex-wife Sheriff Ruth Gainey-Coates and he discovers the remains of the animal. Meanwhile members of a canoe club organize an expedition through the swamp. When Sheriff Ruth organizes a manhunt to capture the criminals, Delmar informs that his former friend, Dr. Soren Abramson, who is chasing the eel with a group of college students, is the responsible for mutant species. Sheriff Ruth organizes two teams to hunt the prisoners and the eel.


Razortooth (2007) Reviews

  • Laughable B-Movie with a Stupid Screenplay Full of Holes


    Two prisoners escape through the swamp land in Everglades and the search party is attacked by a giant mutant eel and is considered missing. The Animal Control agent Delmar Coates (Doug Swander) is searching a missing dog with his ex-wife Sheriff Ruth Gainey-Coates (Kathleen LaGue) and he discovers the remains of the animal. Meanwhile members of a canoe club organize an expedition through the swamp. When Sheriff Ruth organizes a manhunt to capture the criminals, Delmar informs that his former friend, Dr. Soren Abramson (Simon Page), who is chasing the eel with a group of college students, is the responsible for mutant species. Sheriff Ruth organizes two teams to hunt the prisoners and the eel. "Razortooth" is a laughable B-movie, with a stupid screenplay full of holes. For example, a team of skilled police officers vanishes in the swamp and a group of rednecks are responsible for the search party. The experienced Delmar Coates hunts a dangerous mutant eel with a group of amateurs equipped with one crossbow to kill the giant creature. But the best is Delmar Coates wrestling with the agile and strong creature in the lake. My vote is four. Title (Brazil): "A Face do Predador" ("The Face of the Predator")

  • Stupid with a capital S.


    The first half of this movie is bearable. Although, some inconsistent things happen like people walking around, terror in their eyes, too afraid to look backwards, while nobody at that point has a clue about the existence of the creature. Once they learn about its existence, it turns out that each an every character has an IQ of around 20. If you really, REALLY want to be killed, then you might do what these people do, provided you are lobotomized first. And if that stupidity (and believe me, it is NOT fun to watch-- it is the only reason that I think this movie is not watchable and deserves the 4 out of 10 that I give it-- it's pure, 100% annoyance that ruins all fun completely) isn't enough; there are other large inconsistencies that are simply impossible, but that apparently the director wants us to take for granted. This eel can bite a man in half in one scene of the movie, and it comes through the waste-pipe of a shower-bath in the next. In one scene it lifts up grown men, throwing them in trees-- and the eel is described to be pure muscle by this professor dude-- while in the end our hero wrestles with the creature, in the water no less(!), and keeps it under control with his bare arms. Yeah right. What an insult. Pure waste of time.

  • It's very far away from being a great movie,but I cannot deny it entertained me


    I have a special appreciation for the "monster movies" which were made between the 50's and the 70's.On that moment,this kind of films were made with little resources,medium talent and a lot of ambition.But,those movies were only exhibited on down at heel cinemas.However,I can say that sub-genus had its "boom" on that period.Nowadays,that sub-genus is having a resurrection on TV and straight-to-DVD movies.Although there has been a big number of craps recently from this sub-genus,I have to admit I have enjoyed some ones,like Razortooth.I cannot deny this movie will be considered as unacceptable for a lot of film experts,but I personally found it to be entertaining and it did not disappoint me because I received exactly what I expected : a mutant monster,blood and some touches of humor.Besides,I appreciated to see that this movie did not forget about its story,something many films from this sub-genus do.The screenplay from this film may not be great,but it is dynamic,well structured and it has appropriate touches of humor.And I also appreciated the fact that this movie does not take too seriously to itself.On the negative side,we can find various elements,specially the amateur special effects and performances,but the good elements from this movie compensate to a certain point some fails.I can give a recommendation to Razortooth because,although it is not great or memorable at all,it made me have a good time,something that a lot of Academy-Award nominated or worldwide acclaimed films have not achieved.

  • An All-It-Can-Chomp Chowhound of a Monster


    They say a shred of truth can make a lie believable. Scenarists Matt Holly and Jack Monroe embrace that concept with a vengeance in their comic creature feature "Razortooth" about a gigantic eel that has a ravenous appetite for humans. First time director Patricia Harrington takes a tip from "Deep Rising" director Stephen Sommers and emphasizes humor over horror in this predictable but entertaining 92-minute straight-to-video epic about a genetic mutation of an eel created by a mad scientist. Basically, the critter is a huge, 12-foot eel with a mouth bristling with spiked teeth and it can gobble a man like a snack. Forgot about "Anaconda." This baby could take that snake out in no time. Holly and Monroe appropriated their idea from an amphibious Asian eel that can live on land and water. The eel creature itself is the handiwork of "Babylon 5" special effects creator Jeff Farley and Farley does not make it look as sinister as he could have, but then "Razortooth" is not a scary chiller like "Primevil." You will lose count of the number of good, bad, and innocent folks that this monster gorges itself on, but the blood and gore on display here is enough for this adventure to qualify for an R-rating. The only thing missing is nudity and lots of profanity. Unlikely hero Delmar Coates (Doug Swander of "October Sky") is a happy-go-luck animal control specialist, and he is abetted in his efforts by a shapely county sheriff, Ruth Gainey Coates (Kathleen LaGue of "House of the Dead 2"), who wears the strangest looking outfit for a lawman that you have ever seen. Delmar and Ruth got divorced because they could not find enough time together for sex in their marriage, but now she cannot get enough of him. The culprit is Dr. Soren Abramson (Simon Page), who is trying to destroy his evil creation, but he has no clue about how large his reptile has grown when he sets out to kill it with a cyanide dart in a crossbow. Our wily monster doesn't discriminate when it comes to feeding. It will chow down on good-looking women bathing in a shower, obese rednecks relieving themselves in an outhouse, lawmen, escaped convicts, and it can strike from anywhere at any time. Literally, you never know when to expect this creature. Although it lacks legs, the eponymous reptile has an Achilles heel, namely, when Dr. Abramson created it, he made sure that it could not eat anything that contains sugar, so technically the critter is a Type 2 diabetic. Unfortunately, our heroes do not have nearly enough sugar on hand to kill it so they resort to the next best thing in the creature-feature book, they have to blow it up with hand grenades. Before they do destroy this fiend, it goes on quite a rampage. What "Razortooth" lacks in credibility, it more than makes up with its high body count and its goofy appearance. If you cannot stand the sight of blood and gore, then "Razortooth" will not whet your appetite. The ending, of course, sets up an inevitable sequel.

  • Hammy but Lots of Fun!


    Fun movie. Fans of ANACONDA and LAKE PLACID will get a kick out of it. Has its tongue firmly planted in cheek. Kathleen LaGue may go places... she's rather swell here. She plays a small town sheriff who discovers a giant creature - eel like thing - is lurking in the nearby waters. With the help of a buddy, they track it down - but not before a few people get razortoothed - and well, you can guess the rest. Yes, its very predictable, and yes the special effects look a little low budget, but considering this is probably made for the DVD market, it's very worthwhile. I'd be pleased if I'd rented it. Make it a double bill and rent out ANACONDA at the same time.


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