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Project Viper (2002)

Project Viper (2002)

Patrick MuldoonTheresa RussellCurtis ArmstrongJoe Avalon
Jim Wynorski


Project Viper (2002) is a English movie. Jim Wynorski has directed this movie. Patrick Muldoon,Theresa Russell,Curtis Armstrong,Joe Avalon are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2002. Project Viper (2002) is considered one of the best Action,Horror,Sci-Fi,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

A space shuttle crashes containing a lethal prototype organism designed to survive in any environment. The only people who can stop the creature are the Secretary of Defense agent and the female scientist who created it.

Project Viper (2002) Reviews

  • Enjoyable 'B' level sci-fi/horror.


    Yes, this borrows ideas (and in some cases, actual scenes!) from other popular recent horror/sci-fi films, but that doesn't make this boring. In fact, it's actually pretty entertaining overall. Astronauts aboard the spaceship Olympus, which is doing some work around Mars, have some major power surge problems right before they're about to do a live TV broadcast and are all presumed dead after contact with NASA is lost. It may have something to do with Project VIPER, an experiment mixing gene microbiology with computer technology and developed at Novagen Industries, a government run facility rife with corruption. Scientist Diana (Lydie Denier) is shot dead and replaced by an identical double who breaks into the lab, guns down a dozen or so people and escapes with the second VIPER prototype. She's involved in a plane crash near the Mexican border and the program, described by one character as "living, breathing acid," kills her and the pilot and escapes into the woods. Confused yet? Well I was too at first, but after the busy opening twenty minutes or so, this settles down quite nicely and becomes an entertaining little low-budget thriller, with horror and sci-fi elements. The program creators; chief scientist Nancy Burnham (Theresa Russell), programmer Steve (Billy Keane), computer expert Sydney (Tamara Davies) and doctor Alan (Daniel Quinn), are teamed up with smart-ass, tough guy government agent Mike Conners (Patrick Muldoon) to stop the creature before it can multiply. Naturally, one of the five has intentionally tampered with the program and created a nearly unstoppable killing machine. Tim Thomerson has a nice supporting role as a cancer-stricken small town Springfield sheriff perplexed by the string of grisly murders in his town. The ever-growing creature impales and gobbles up victims whole, can mimic any molecular structure, is usually seen as a tentacled silver blob, leaves behind a metallic slime trail wherever it visits and hangs out in the small town because of the high uranium content in the water supply, which has also led to a high cancer rate in the town. Does that make this the horror movie answer to ERIN BROCKOVICH? Actually it sort of does now that I'm thinking about it; especially when Curtis Armstrong ("Booger" from REVENGE OF THE NERDS) shows up as a lawyer trying to get the townsfolk to sue the city. Regular viewers of Cinemax may want to note there's also a brief appearance by buxom Ohio native Lorissa McComas in a small supporting role. Though a bit hard to follow at first, the story is passable, there's plenty of action (and explosions) and some welcome comedy. The production values, acting and special effects are all pretty good and it is one of more professional offerings from 'B' kingpin Jim Wynorski, who for some reason uses an alias ("Jay Andrews") for what turns out to be one of his best films. It debuted on the Sci-Fi Channel.

  • Utterly silly and formulaic


    Viper is a man-made monster bred by some evil government agency, which is engaged in sinister covert operations etc., etc., you know the drill. Needless to say, the creature gets loose and starts feeding on people, starting with the ones who have few or no speaking lines, later going after credited cast members. Patrick Muldoon as a government cop who beats up a lot of dudes, is one of the most annoying actors I've ever seen. I was rooting for Viper to hunt him down and shut him up. A scientist, played by pretty Teresa Russel, tries to help the obnoxious cop catch the thing before it eats everybody. She at least tries to act, but her lines are scatterbrained and more like a teen in a zombie flick, rather than a scientist. The plot is deranged. The actions of the creature follow no consistent pattern; it does what is needed in any given situation. Sometimes it oozes on to its victim, killing slowly and discreetly, other times it smashes things down to get to its prey. Sometimes it chases people, other times it magically appears out of the ground and seizes them. Sometimes it's looking for water to survive, other times it's trying to sniff out radiation for its sustenance. Sometimes bullets hurt it, some time they don't. Some times it feels like a nut, sometimes it don't. Corny and ridiculous from end to end, but possessing a so-bad-it's-good personality. It actually is an OK watch, just for the non-stop goofiness and action.

  • "You know I can't get it up unless I take a leak, I'll be right back." Rubbish low budget horror/sci-fi.


    Project Viper starts on a spaceship named the Olympus which is heading for Mars on a mission to deliver a genetically created organism named Viper which will terraform the planet & make it inhabitable for us humans. Unfortunately things go wrong & the entire crew end up dead & the Olympus ends up floating helplessly in space. NASA suspect a conspiracy & call in Mike Connors (Patrick Muldoon) to check things out & retrieve the other Viper from Novagen Industries where it was developed, however some very bad people want the sole remaining Viper & kill scientist Diane Cafferty (Lydie Denier) & replace her with someone who looks exactly the same. The impostor manages to gain access to the Novagen labs where she steals the Viper, despite the best attempts of Connors & the security guards she manages to escape. Connors job is now to track the Viper down & destroy it, he enlists the help of the Novagen scientists who created it, Nancy Burnham (Theresa Russell), Steve Elkins (Billy Keane), Sidney Bream (Tamara Davis) & Alan (Daniel Quin) to track it down. News soon reaches Nasa that a plane has crashed near a Mexican town & the Viper was definitely on board, by the time Connors gets there the Viper has disappeared, is on the loose & killing anyone it comes across... When I discovered that Project Viper was directed by Jim Wynorski under his usual pseudonym of Jay Andrews my heart sank, I went from hoping that I was about to watch an entertaining sci-fi horror to just hoping I would stay awake for the duration & not lose the will to live. The tedious, slow-moving, unoriginal & overly serious script by Curtis Joseph & David Mason is standard low budget sci-fi crap that focuses on the deeply dull conspiracy theory's & double crosses rather than the films main selling point the genetically created creature thing which isn't even mentioned let alone seen for a good 30 minutes! The character's are dull & clichéd, the plot twists are extremely predictable & routine. It's never really explained how the Viper thing was created & Project Viper eventually descends into a bland alien killing random townspeople type film that there are literally 100's of already. There are so many better more worthwhile sci-fi monster films out there for anyone to be bothering with such a bland, boring, routine, unexciting & throughly predictable piece of low budget film-making. Director Wynorski again turns in another forgettable slice of low budget nonsense. It has no style or visual flair & two of it's best scenes are in fact taken/stolen from Species (1995) & Air America (1990), I wonder if he's allowed to just take footage from another film & use it? The special effects aren't too bad actually, the opening shots of the spaceship orbiting the Earth are fairly impressive as is the scenes of the Viper chasing a jeep through some caves at the end, I was expecting worse. There's no gore in it, a couple of gory mutilated bodies & that's it. I'm pretty sure the budget was low on Project Viper but that still doesn't excuse it from being bland & dull, it's reasonably well made but it's hardly going to win any awards. The acting was poor & nobody seemed liked they wanted to be there & had that 'what am I doing in this?' look on their faces, I can't say I blame them. Just to reassure actors everywhere there is life after a Jim Wynorski film as Russell has gone from this to having a role in the forthcoming Spider-Man 3 (2007) film. Project Viper is crap, it's as simple & straight forward as that really. Not worth your time or money, there are far better films out there, one to avoid.

  • the movie is total crap, Theresa Russell is awesome


    A DoD special agent is sent to investigate the failure of a space-shuttle just above earth. What seems to have killed the astronauts is a creature specially designed on Earth to perform terra-forming on Mars. Of course, as you already suspects, the creature doesn't just create vegetation in order to produce oxygen, it also has some nasty homicidal tendencies. Actually, it feeds on humans. So our special agent goes to meet the scientists who've created the monster to figure out a way to kill it. Again we don't have a full-on military strike, just one law-enforcement agent and a couple of scientists hunting what seems more dangerous than the T-Rex. Yeah, right. The creature settles in a small town in Illinois, where everyone is dropping dead from cancer, which is caused by their uranium-contaminated water purification system (the main water pump is in an old uranium mine, and nobody suspects anything in this town, although they had 38 deaths in 7 years, and over two thirds of the population suffering some form of cancer... another priceless thing in this movie). We also have a "traitor" in the team (it's an inside job, as they say). And yada yada, so on and so on. It's boring as hell, and you could really live better without watching this. What makes this movie worth watching is Theresa Russell. She does her acting job as usual. But this time, she looks really sexy. I'm telling you, it doesn't matter that she's old. She is a real MILF. And she will certainly lead you through the movie, without switching it off.

  • Seen it before, made on a shoe string.


    I've set this as containing spoilers, but it's hard to spoil an already awful movie. A cliché move with cliché roles done on a shoe string budget. The lack of money is obvious given the two scenes taken from other movies. The first scene a car crash down a hill taken from species, and the second a plane crash taken from Air America. There may have also been a third scene taken from Broken arrow of a mine exploding. The actors aren't normally this bad but being hampered by the awful dialog I almost felt sorry for them. It's the actor job equivalent of stacking shelves at a super market. The only reason I didn't vote this movie as (1)-Awful is because I actually watched it all, and if I had voted it (1) it would be saying it was as bad as Street Fighter.


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