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Les Kaïra (2012)

Les Kaïra (2012)

Medi SadounFranck GastambideJib PocthierAlice Belaïdi
Franck Gastambide


Les Kaïra (2012) is a French movie. Franck Gastambide has directed this movie. Medi Sadoun,Franck Gastambide,Jib Pocthier,Alice Belaïdi are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2012. Les Kaïra (2012) is considered one of the best Comedy movie in India and around the world.

Mousten, Momo and Abdelkrim spend their time letting their lives slip by. Until the day they discover an auditions advertisement in a porn magazine. From their standpoint of no girls and no money, being a porn star seems like the best job in the world.

Same Director

Les Kaïra (2012) Reviews

  • Par for course for this kind of movie


    Whether French or American, this kind of comedies screens quite similar: a very fun first ten to twenty minutes where one exposes the characters, their humor and their regular situation - which is often what's most fun about them. Then the movie embarks in a "story". This one, though on the successful and funny side of the spectrum, falls into the same pitfalls as its peers: sometimes pointless, often too long. During that time, the gags become more sparse and you laugh less; always an issue in a comedy. Here this is balanced with cute cameos that do require a knowledge of french TV and pop culture. It's still a funny movie and was great for a lazy Sunday morning viewing but definitely happy I didn't go to the theater to watch it...

  • Growing up


    Actually already grown up (no pun intended), but not quite there yet, if you take our three leads. This is very silly and if you are in the right mood, you might be able to enjoy this more (if not then even less than my vote suggests). Kudos for going all out on the nudity front (or not, if you don't want that in your movies). But that is not the most important part of the story. Even if the storyline involves a "sexy time" plot point (we know where it is going). There doesn't seem to be too much redemption or re-thinking. The reward (sticking up - again no pun intended) towards the end seems not really justified. If you think in movie terms that is. Because the movie does not really care (for better or worse). There are some outtakes during the end credits


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