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Pactar amb el gat (2007)

Pactar amb el gat (2007)

Alberto JiménezPau RocaRose AvalonBelén Fabra
Joan Marimón


Pactar amb el gat (2007) is a movie. Joan Marimón has directed this movie. Alberto Jiménez,Pau Roca,Rose Avalon,Belén Fabra are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2007. Pactar amb el gat (2007) is considered one of the best Comedy movie in India and around the world.

In a couple, dominates the one that loves less. Julia (Rose Avalon), 17 years old, has a blind in one eye cat and an enormous dependence from his uncle David (Alberto Jiménez), veterinarian, of the one who is deeply fallen in love. Julia makes what is impossible for remaining the greatest possible time beside his uncle David. But David has one very attractive girlfriend, Sara (Belén Fabra). The best friend of Julia is Aparisi (Pau Roca). He's more than a good friend, he loves her in secret. The blind in one eye cat escapes and Julia, beside Aparisi and his uncle David, starts a search through the terrace roofs of the neighborhood that lasts several days.


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