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Owned & Operated (2012)

Owned & Operated (2012)

Jiddu KrishnamurtiThe Dalai LamaGeorge CarlinEric Schurenberg


Owned & Operated (2012) is a English movie. Relic has directed this movie. Jiddu Krishnamurti,The Dalai Lama,George Carlin,Eric Schurenberg are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2012. Owned & Operated (2012) is considered one of the best Documentary movie in India and around the world.

Owned & Operated is a mosaic of the world through the lens of the Internet. Showing our lives as consumers, under the thumbs of privileged individuals and their methods of control. But the world is awakening, and the experience is something outside the normal rules of social interaction, causing excitement in those who are not served by the current system... and fear in those who are pampered by it.

Owned & Operated (2012) Reviews

  • A challenging view of our world and economic system with a hint of hope


    A rather long documentary balancing the sadness of our current world's order with a glimpse of how one could change the current course, I was moved and taken by this at the same time. We are set to watch the world as seen by a consumer society where the few eat/consume but do not share most of the resources, how government tries to apply even more control to our lives, the desperate struggle of those who try to speak. In this first wave, we hear about 'Occupy', 'Anonymous', and 'Zeitgeist' but feel powerless. Then, we hear about the so many new ways and inventive approaches taken by small groups across the world to change what is creating great instabilities. This is really an important documentary to watch and is not a classic bad/good but a philosophical reflection on what we stand for as a sociaty. Watch and dare to be challenged.

  • Great summary of what is wrong with the world we live in, but also points the way to solutions.


    Only the most self deluded would fail to recognize that something has gone very wrong with the way that the world is supposed to be. This film draws together the main message most recently associated with Occupy but also shared by many other movements such as Anonymous, Transition, the Zeitgeist Movement and thousands if not millions of lesser known groups of concerned humans. Watch it on Youtube or download the files to 'burn' a DVD of your own to share with friends. How about even going as far as making a few copies to spread around your neighborhood - charity shops, libraries and other local organizations who would appreciate the very very urgent wake up call this film represents?

  • Must See "TV"


    Quite possibly THE most important 'film' you can watch today. This is clearly not a 'conspiracy theory' but is rather, the 'uncomfortable facts', being exposed finally, as the truth of the consumer based world we have been taught to believe in, comes to a crossroads. An eye opening montage of internet video finds, this compilation brings together some of the most informative clips in order to create a narrative of educating the population on the global issues affecting us all. 'Occupy', 'Anonymous', and 'Zeitgeist', are but a few of the revolutionary movements featured in this incredible and creative edit. Watch, Open your eyes and mind, and SHARE! Revolt now!

  • Don't really see why is this one so special...


    OK, the topic is interesting, the marks were good, good reasons to watch it. But only after 20 minutes, it become hard, first due to the technical reasons: images changing hysterically, there just to add weight to the statements without any real context, scenes too vivid, too quick, too imposing... Than a narrative, with quick, taken segments, bits and peaces from countless videos, again frantic, without chance to hear more, to have a chance to digest. During all that time, there is a sound, too strong music in the background, irritating really. Cross section of the society, the first part of the documentary is fine, but there are better ways to do it - in this way is as the author wanted us to feel all of the information bombardment heavily criticized inside. At least, it is not clear whether is it deliberate. Finally, the story - well known the critique of consumerism, shallowness, inequality, government control, financial moguls, lack of liberty... As said, we already know those quite well, and having in mind the year Owned & Operated went out, it is really nothing new. The final part is the offer, or the way out of this nightmare: And what we see - reflect on the various movements appeared in the last years (but again, just desolated), few alternatives, bits and peaces from various parts of the world, but again without any strength and any connection. Besides, all of those movements are already long disappeared or just marginal. Don't get me wrong, the topic is important, but if this is a substitute to the gloomy realm, we are in trouble.

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