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One Kine Day (2011)

One Kine Day (2011)

Ryan GreerChrista B. AllenJulia NicksonSteve Parker
Chuck Mitsui


One Kine Day (2011) is a English movie. Chuck Mitsui has directed this movie. Ryan Greer,Christa B. Allen,Julia Nickson,Steve Parker are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2011. One Kine Day (2011) is considered one of the best Drama movie in India and around the world.

Over the mountains, hidden from the touristic beaches of Waikiki, Ralsto, a 19 year old Hawaiian skateboarder, wakes up to a day he will never forget.

One Kine Day (2011) Reviews

  • A fairly pedestrian film, which as authentic and beautifully photographed as it may be is not meant for anything except maybe daytime TV.


    The story of One Kine Day follows Ralsto, played by first time actor Ryan Greer, as a teen skateboarder who works at a skate shop and pretty much only knows skating. The film ignites with Ralsto finding out that his girlfriend Alea is pregnant. This being the second time she has gotten pregnant and possibly the second time she will have to go through an abortion. However Alea is having second thoughts about the abortion and with her best friend having a neglected daughter of her own pushing Alea to keep the baby this creates a rift between Alea and Ralsto. Ralsto being fired the same day of the news must come up with a way to make some quick cash so that he can afford to pay for the abortion. This leads him into illegal gambling and drug dealers thus bringing some drama to the film. The film has a very Hawaiian laid back tone with that very island feeling of isolation. There's a variety of characters on the island all with different quarks and philosophies. Ralsto is a lost soul trying to do the right thing put under the pressure of jockeying adults telling him how he should live the rest of his life. Ultimately this is a story of maturity but Ralsto's final decision at the end of the film hardly seems like a decision but more of a yielding to parental powers and circumstances. This is a first film from a first time narrative director with a very non polished cast and it shows in almost every scene. The cinematography and soundtrack really have something going for it but other than that your not gonna find the type of refinement you'd want from a 1st class independent film. One Kine Day is a noble attempt at telling a truthful Hawaiian story but is without the tools or foundation necessary to succeed.

  • Realistic depiction of life in Hawaii


    The bad: it isn't a very good movie. The script was pretty weak for the first half of the movie and the lead actor, Ryan Greer, lacked emotional variety and transparency. He walked around looking vaguely petulant for most of the movie. There were better actors in the movie, but the whole thing rested on Greer's sulky shoulders. The good: this is the most realistic depiction of people and life on Oahu I've ever seen. The dialogue was exactly right. Compare the cartoonish pidgin in other films and TV shows with this. This is what people in Honolulu sound like. The art direction in general was fantastic: the clothes, the hair, the locations, the culture in general. The types were recognizable to anyone who's lived there. All that was missing was a visit to Longs Drugs. Hell, they even had a loco moco. The cast: Aside from Greer, some of the other performances were pretty good. Nalu Boersma was completely believable as the sleazy drug-dealer and gambler; I hope he gets more work. Jolene Blaylock, the sexy Vulcan from Enterprise, is unrecognizable as Alea's pathetic, tawdry-looking mom; too bad she didn't get more screen time. Julia Nickson-Soul was a pleasant surprise playing an unglamorous middle-class mom and postal worker. The recycling moke in the blue t-shirt (didn't catch his name) had some real presence, despite his small role. The weird "Vegas Mike" guy brought some energy to the screen as well. Finally, if you can get through the first two-thirds of the movie, the last third gets unexpectedly tense. It doesn't quite make up for the rest of the movie, but it's good.

  • Excellent Movie


    This is a movie about a young man faced with some life events that he is overwhelmed by. He is a skater, and trying to figure out what he can and cannot live up to. It is a refreshing change from other commercialized big budget movies usually depicted about Hawai'i in an unrealistic manner. This is a movie made by local talent with local kids whom most, are not professional actors, but wanted an honest movie made about Hawai'i.My favorite actor in One Kine Day is Nalu Boersma who actually the movie is based upon his life as a young man. Comparing what movies are out representing Hawaii, I appreciate this movie hands down! These are local kids portraying what its really like growing up in Hawaii. Not Disney in Lilo and Stich, give me a break!


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