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Se til venstre, der er en svensker (2003)

Se til venstre, der er en svensker (2003)

Sidse Babett KnudsenBjörn KjellmanSøren ByderLotte Andersen
Natasha Arthy


Se til venstre, der er en svensker (2003) is a Danish movie. Natasha Arthy has directed this movie. Sidse Babett Knudsen,Björn Kjellman,Søren Byder,Lotte Andersen are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2003. Se til venstre, der er en svensker (2003) is considered one of the best Comedy,Drama,Romance movie in India and around the world.

Katrine is getting married. Her boyfriend's discretion, their apartment is great, her in-laws is okay. Katrine has only one problem, she has sometimes so difficult to tell the truth. A few days before the wedding forces her old friend, Thomsen, suddenly. Katherine finds out that there is something wrong with Thomsen, but she gets in one way or another said the opposite, leaving a relieved and happy Thomsen, who shall personally see to it that they are both something used, something blue, something new and something borrowed here the day before the wedding. It starts with a used dog, something strange hair, no little blue pills, and it ends in Glostrup with a crazy sister who Thomsen definitely think they should borrow from the closed ward. But tomorrow there will be another day. A wedding day .


Se til venstre, der er en svensker (2003) Reviews

  • Undogmatic Dogma


    This Danish film begins with the famous Dogma Certificate, but it's not orthodox. Not orthodox at all. Handcamera isn't used all the time and there are definitely sound put on afterwards. It as a comedy however with dark bottoms. It is about the girl, played by Sidse Babett Knudsen, who's going to get married, but has a serious problem. She is too much a coward to tell the truth about important things. For example, she doesn't dare to tell her sister at the psychiatric clinic, that she's getting a husband. A Swede from the past, Björn Kjellman, comes in with some life (it's not often boring Swedes play that kind of character). There are some laughs here and some tough conflicts. Worth seeing, although not a masterpiece.

  • addict able


    I have not been entertained so much by many movies.The one's Hollywood pump out are so plastic and baseless generally,or stolen plots, rehashed into some patriotic garbage meant to entertain gullible audienes. But this one really hit my funny bone and tore my heart out,as a true romantic as i am.I watch it habitually, for the great acting and excellent script,plus the songs that Jimmy sings are so sweet to my ear,even though i can not understand the lyrics yet.All in all,i will cherish this film forever.And now i have been captivated by Sidse's acting ability also, i will delve into her acting history and follow her future with great interest.How refreshing to see a film that displays the ever presence of love prevailing,in an insecure world and outdated customs.

  • Absolutely wonderful


    It's simply wonderful. Every bit of it gets to me. It's just... reality. No more, no less. It's like the most truthful and sharply realistic fantasy you could ever have. Sure - it made me laugh, but more than that, it made me just... shiver. According to the above. I don't think many people would share my reactions to this movie - but you couldn't possibly hate it, never. Unless you weren't willing to see it, and if you aren't, if you think it's nothing for you - then don't. Don't waste your time - it's worth more than that. I love it and I always will. Björn, you're the best, forever.

  • Better than I expected.


    When the credits for this picture rolled, I was disappointed and assumed I wouldn't like the film because it said that it was a 'Dogme 95' movie. Dogme 95 is an odd film movement begun in Denmark which strives to make films super-realistic. I don't mind that at all, but the Dogme directors actually have a manifesto with some very odd MUSTS--musts which sometimes make the film a bit difficult to watch. For example, the films are ONLY shot with hand-held cameras--and often this results in a jerky picture. And, props are not allowed! There are many more MUSTS and while some of the Dogme pictures are great (such as "Festen"), I feel that sometimes these musts get in the way of making a good film. So, I was prepared to hate this film. Odd, then, that I turned out to enjoy it--and it improved as the film progresses. When the film begins, Katrine is at a mental hospital visiting her sister, Mette. It seems that when Mette's boyfriend, Tomsen, ran off to Africa two years ago, she's been so depressed that she's been in this hospital. Katrine is there to tell Mette that she is about to marry a nice guy, Jonas, but Katrine has a HUGE problem telling people important news that might upset them. So, she ends up leaving without telling her. This pattern continues throughout the film, as when Tomsen shows up unexpectedly just before the wedding, Katrine STILL doesn't tell her sister about the wedding or Tomsen's return! What's next? Well, I don't want to spoil it, but the film does get pretty kooky (being a bit like the movie "The Hangover") and there are lots of surprises. The best thing about this film is that it is difficult to predict. Additionally, the director did a great job sticking within the Dogme framework BUT still being unique and clever. For example, while there is music in the film (rare for the genre considering the strong constraints of the movement), to get around the rules, the singers appear on the screen along with Mette--and you assume she's imagining them. Overall, a unique and fun film--and one that makes me think twice about the Dogme films.

  • Horrible


    The only good acting you'll see in this film is by Björn Kjellman. I can't say that I've ever been very fond of dogma films, and calling this a comedy is really stretching it. With misery packed on misery, so-so acting, shallow and undeveloping plot and characters, I can't really recommend this to anyone. Avoid!

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