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Offending Angels (2000)

Offending Angels (2000)

Susannah HarkerAndrew LincolnShaun ParkesAndrew Rajan
Andrew Rajan


Offending Angels (2000) is a English movie. Andrew Rajan has directed this movie. Susannah Harker,Andrew Lincoln,Shaun Parkes,Andrew Rajan are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2000. Offending Angels (2000) is considered one of the best Drama,Comedy movie in India and around the world.

Offending Angels (2000) Reviews

  • A charming, fresh, British movie


    The beautifully framed opening scene of a break in the clouds signals the timely descent of a charming, fresh, British movie that explores a post-modern, upside-down version of angelic delights. The two main characters are slackers looking for love and a life beyond work, football and serial affairs. Two angels are shipped from above to sort them out. But these are angels with a difference - one is an ex-dolphin and the other an ex-squirrel. Come on believe this, it's fun! There's a fab, sexy swimming scene with the ex-dolphin (it works, well she's beautiful)and the ex-squirrel proves his worth too - he's a brave protector and warrior who crunches nuts with relish. Of course because this is a rom-com there are hitches, but don't let that put you off, this is a great movie for a night in. In the 21st century, Offending Angels is a special experience, a movie with heart. Watch it and enjoy.

  • makes you feel good


    I saw Offending Angels about one and a half years ago. Even now the memory makes me smile, and I'd love to see it again. One and a half years is a long time you might say, nevertheless I remember some things quite clearly: a beautiful story about friendship, finding out what you really want, changes in life, about love and other miracles; characters so likeable and natural; great laughter and happy smiles in the audience. Lovely and funny details and the humorous tone make every scene and second worth seeing. I know there are people who cannot enjoy a film that does not leave them with a head- or heartache. I like happy endings. Some stories are simple, often the greatest. And some films leave you with little wings, Offending Angels is one of them. On my way home I was singing (great soundtrack, by the way).>

  • good low budget


    all these people slagging off a good film. most of the journalists don't appear to have even seen it. i saw it run at the Prince Charles.. and i could swear the place was lots more than half full so i don't know where 89pounds comes from. he got a good bunch of actors before they became famous I think.. Lincon hadn't done Love Actually and Davenport hadn't done Pirates. I thought the film was good. it was obviously very low budget, but so what? the performances are top notch and me and my boyfriend were in hysterics over the squirrel scenes. its so refreshing to see a film with English humour and not the glossy rubbish Hollywood fare.. something a little rough around the edges but with so much charm. it looked like they were enjoying themselves making it and that comes across a lot in the film. also the story is original. i say good luck to Rajan and i hope he gets to make more films.

  • Believe me. Its bad. SOOOO bad......


    Nothing is worth your time on this film. Bad performances, a deeply shocking screenplay (you'll hate the characters, be bored by the "plot" and despise the "dialogue") and its shot in the most unimaginative way well, imaginable. Tough talk - but THIS is exactly what is wrong with contemporary British cinema. Its so sad that tripe like this is allowed to exist. Career car crash for all concerned is whats needed, as unpleasant and spiteful as that sounds. Don't believe me? Seek it out.....

  • Amusing, warm, intelligent gem


    Proof that an interesting and amusing film can be created by home-grown British talent working on a low budget. The movie combines an intelligent sensibility, warmth and humour, appealing to a broad audience. Actor-Director Andrew Rajan has made a gem of a British movie!

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