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Nuit #1 (2011)

Nuit #1 (2011)

Catherine De LéanDimitri StorogeVéronique RebizovRaphaël Boulanger
Anne Émond


Nuit #1 (2011) is a French movie. Anne Émond has directed this movie. Catherine De Léan,Dimitri Storoge,Véronique Rebizov,Raphaël Boulanger are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2011. Nuit #1 (2011) is considered one of the best Drama movie in India and around the world.

It starts as a one night stand that evolves in a long discussion with infinite subjects between a québécoise and an immigrant.

Nuit #1 (2011) Reviews

  • I suspect most will hate it.


    I suspect that most people who would watch this very low budget film might consider it simply awful. Some will consider it pornographic for the fairly explicit sexual scenes in the first part of the film. Others may consider it depressing (it is but not without a ray of hope) and/or self-indulgent. However if, like me, films dealing with the dark side, "Leaving Las Vegas" for example, resonate with you you may enjoy this as it is a film that explores the emptiness, alienation and loneliness of life in our time. Personally I felt a sense of empathy for the characters and liked it quite a lot. I recommend it to like-minded viewers.

  • "I want to cry but there are no tears in me..."


    "Nuit #1" (2011 release from Canada; 91 min., English title "Night #1") brings the story of Clara and Nikolai. As the movie opens, we see them dancing away, as if in a trance, at a rave party, bouncing up and down the floor, all in slow motion. We then jump forward to them arriving at Nikolai's apartment, where they have passionate sex. Later on, Clara gets ready to leave, but at the last minute Nikolai hears her leave and calls her back. The two start talking... At this point we're 15 min. into the movie, you'll just have to see for yourself how it all plays out. Couple of comments: this is the feature length debut from Canadian writer-director Anne Emond. Here, she tackles a bunch of topics, most importantly the loneliness and sense of being adrift of two young people (although the Nikolai character is 31, so not that young anymore). At one point Clara sighs "I want to cry but there are no tears in me", wow. As the title implies, this is, literally, the first night (#1) but to me it also implies between the lines that it is not the last night, although we don't know this of course. my point is: don't call this "the one-night stand movie" as that belittles what this movie is really about. As other have commented, the movie gets better as we get deeper into it, and the last half hour, when we finally hear the perspectives and thoughts of Clara, the movie is at its best. Kudos to the two lead performers, Catherine de Léan as Clara and Dimitri Storoge as Nikolai, who brings us fearless performances. This movie was up for a number of awards, including the Canadian equivalent of the Oscars in 2012. Certainly, this is not for everyone. There is a fair amount of nudity, in particular in the first 15 minutes, so if that offends or bothers you, please check out another movie. Much of the movie takes place in Nikolai's apartment, and in that sense this is pretty much like a filmed theater play, so if that is something that may bother you, please stay away from this. I stumbled upon this when browsing in the foreign movie section at my local library, and took a flyer on this. I'm glad I did, and I will seek out other movies from director Anne Emond. Worth checking out for fans of "all talk, no action" foreign language films.

  • Michael Winterbottom Meets Eric Rohmer = Success


    Much more a short story than a novel, but Nuit #1 has some very powerful moments, especially during the latter half so stick with it (it takes a good 20-30 minutes to truly establish itself). Well acted and shot, with some good music here and there. Deep, frank monologues dominate, sometimes reminiscent of Rohmer, yet the subject matter more often recalls the themes of Michael Winterbottom (i.e. drugs, sex, music, the outsider, despair, etc...). Definitely worth seeing if you like either of these fine directors. Bravo to all involved in this film, esp. Anne Emond and Catherine de Lean. Similar films: Candy and Morvern Callar.

  • The first night or second chance?


    First of all it's hard to call this motion-picture film a movie (in general meaning of this word) with a storyline and some action on the screen. It is rather a stage play based TV play (similar to "Sunset Limited") than a cinema movie. But this is not the point for real judges of chamber pieces and the art of acting. "Night #1" is an emotional and serious minded film at once. And the love scene (though it plays its role) an the beginning is nothing comparing with much harder and frank talks throughout the film. They are two, each of them is at the bottom of society and lowlife, furthermore, they both know about it. But their characters contain and reflect not only tough things but many other elements of modern life and state of things in the real world. Closer to the end some dramatic monologues have a very depressing tone, culminating some concepts and problems. I didn't understand the film's ending - what exactly the author wanted to say or to show. Maybe that the first night can be the second chance or that strangers and randoms can also be happy together?

  • I'm Screwed Up, You're Worse


    I recently saw this at the 2012 Palm Springs International Film festival where writer/director Anne Émond was on hand at my screening for a Q&A following the film. Clara (Catherine de Léan) and Nikolai (Dimitri Storoge) go to Nikolai's apartment after meeting at a rave club for a one-nighter. Strangers to each other but each, no stranger to late night sexual romps with people they have just met. This film plays out like a three act stage play with the passionate sex as act one, his story as act two and her story as act three. They open up to each other in frank tell-all discussions about themselves and their thoughts and views on life and love. Mathieu Laverdière skillfully works the camera shots as cinematographer capturing the angst and disregard of the actors in tight and shots and confined spaces. Mathieu Bochard edits. The role of Clara as an elementary school teacher by day and cruising the city bars by night for multiple sex partners in one night stands is reminiscent of the 70's film Looking For Mr. Goodbar, although Émond has never seen that film. Clara ultimately gets audience sympathy as a lost girl trying to get back on the right path bu Nikolai has little hope in his future. Some great acting by these two veteran Canadian television actors with lots of dialog. I would give this film an 8.5 and recommend it. There is no violence but there is a lot of sex and sexual language that may offend some. An excellent debut feature film from a short film director.


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