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Nocturama (2016)

Nocturama (2016)

Finnegan OldfieldVincent RottiersHamza MezianiManal Issa
Bertrand Bonello


Nocturama (2016) is a French movie. Bertrand Bonello has directed this movie. Finnegan Oldfield,Vincent Rottiers,Hamza Meziani,Manal Issa are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2016. Nocturama (2016) is considered one of the best Drama,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

Some young folks, tired of the society they're living in, plan a bomb attack over Paris before taking shelter for a night in a shopping center.

Same Director

Nocturama (2016) Reviews

  • A promising material for short story/movie – a psychological portrayal of how terrorism is born


    I love the Metacritic summary for „Nocturama": some young folks, tired of the society they're living in, plan a bomb attack over Paris before to take shelter for a night in a shopping center... So simple, so elegant. Unfortunately, I can't say I loved the movie itself. „Nocturama" is artsy in a bad way, all high concept and lacking in every other aspect. Also, at 130 minutes, there's nearly not enough going on to justify the length. Sure, it's a promising material for short story/movie – a psychological portrayal of how terrorism is born. On paper, any summary of "Nocturama" would seem rather captivating... but, sadly, the result is frankly dull and lifeless. The screenwriter-director Bertrand Bonello's approach to storytelling is alienating (the characters are emotionally distant from the viewer and each other), and he likes to stretch many scenes, however empty, so long that it tests the endurance of the viewer. Some filmmakers use this conceptual aloofness and emptiness very effectively, such as Jim Jarmusch, who can make the most trivial on screen actions or details seem meaningful. Sadly, Bonello is not one of those filmmakers. The emotional distance makes sense as (part of the) general message of „Nocturama" – modern life has made us cold and empty – but constantly testing our endurance without payoff does not. At least not to me.

  • Unidentified Filming Object


    I did not expect anything special with this movie but certainly not this I just watched. And I was not disappointed at all. But surprised, yes. A very interesting point of view about terrorism for sure, and different from the MADE IN France aspect. Here, a group of young men and women in their early twenties, and also from different race and class origins, not ISIS prototypes, decide to pull four different bomb explosions in Paris, and simultaneously. And just after this done, they shelter in a big and fancy department store. The first part in breath taking even not spectacular at all. It is a really weird film, I warn you folks. It won't please to every one. The second part could a sort of tribute to Georges Romero's DAWN OF TH DEAD - without zombies. The big department stores means the today consumerist society, and a short scene may also be a little tribute to SHINING. The true surprise is the ending, very unusual but after all not so for a French film. The way the authorities and politic power decide to fight against terrorist threat is a real shock to me. A film that makes you think a lot folks. A lot. But, one more time, most of you may not like it.

  • What Should Be Explosive Fizzles Like a Wet Firecracker


    The first hour or so of "Nocturama" is a dazzling and suspenseful set piece that details how a group of young terrorists carry out coordinated attacks on government and business buildings in Paris. Crisp and playful editing has the story doubling back in time and shows us how the paths of the various characters, which at first are seemingly independent of one another, intersect. Then the film enters its second half, where the terrorists hole up overnight in a shopping mall, where one of their number is a security guard, and the whole exercise falls apart. Meant to be a blistering indictment of consumer capitalism and and I suppose the hollow convictions at the center of political activism -- these kids are obsessed with the very consumer products made by the institutions they condemn -- the film instead suffers from a fatal lack of logic and realism. By the time military soldiers are prowling through the mall randomly shooting whoever they see, whether armed or not, and without the slightest interest in taking survivors for interrogation even though these are all people who are supposed to be involved in a terrorist plot, I had thrown up my hands and given up. I get it, I get it. I shouldn't get hung up on a desire for realism and should instead embrace the symbolic and representational aspects of a film like this. Which I have no trouble doing if the symbolism is handled well. If I'm not meant to take events depicted in a film at face value, then the director needs to be better at indicating that. The film doesn't follow any kind of logic, not even of the internal kind. These kids are mature enough to carry out a detailed and sophisticated terrorist plot, but then have no better plan afterwards than to hang out at the mall? They seem to think that if they can make it for 24 hours without being tracked down then they're in the clear? That doesn't make any sense. And no military group would behave the way the ones in this film do. And no news agency would be broadcasting on television that the hideout of the terrorists was known before the authorities had arrived to contain the situation. The film requires too much suspension of disbelief on the part of its audience, with the result that we can't then focus on what the film is trying to tell us. Visually and aurally the film is impressive. One just wishes the storytelling hadn't been so flabby and lazy. Grade: C+

  • Nocturama - film review


    "Nocturama" is a French film written and directed by Bertrand Bonello. Bertrand Bonello is an acclaimed French director most notably known for being a part of the "New French Extremism" film movement. Unlike his earlier films, "The Pornographer" and "Tiresia", "Nocturama" deviates from conventions of the French Extremism movement and delivers a fresh and authentic vision. "Nocturama" is set in Paris and is about a diverse group of 10 young people ranging from 16 to 30 years, all of whom are from different social and racial backgrounds, yet they are all united under the same goal: to commit bomb attacks on 4 different locations in Paris. Once they've executed the plan they hide in an closed shopping mall for the night. This is where the second half of the film takes place. Upon hearing the plot this film may seen like an ordinary thriller. But, although it has elements of the thriller genre, its focus is not on the plot but rather on the atmosphere and the state of mind of the characters. The film bends the norms of film language, and tells this type of story in a different manner then it usually would've been told. The film opens up with different young characters roaming the streets of Paris and riding the subway. Their paths cross but they only exchange glances. For the first seven minutes of film there is no dialog, which is a great example of show don't tell style. Even though they don't say anything we know they are up to something, and we feel that something big is about to happen. The story is told non linearly, not only does the film jump form the past to present but we also see the same moments from different points of view. This style is especially reminiscent of the film "Elephant" by Gus Van Sant, a film about a high school shooting based on Columbine High School Massacre. Like "Elephant", "Nocturama" is also filled with shots of characters walking with the camera following them from behind their back. This style of shooting a character evokes a feeling of participation in the viewer which heightens the tension. Another interesting aspect of the film is that there is no main character, but all members of the group are treated equally. We observe them as a collective. Unlike an average thriller this film is not burdened by the need to tie all loose ends. It does not explain how the group came together nor how they came to the idea to commit a terrorist act. We are only given glimpses and hints about these elements of the narrative. The manner of withholding information in telling a story usually leaves the viewer unsatisfied, because he is not given the whole picture. But I personally like that style, for it is expected of the viewer to put all the pieces together and understand how and why it all happened. Once they executed the plan, and the bombs go off, they hide in a closed shopping mall. Here they anxiously wait for the danger to blow off, even though they believe their plan was flawless. Hiding in the hallmark of capitalist consumer society our rebels slowly relax and spend the night trying out new clothes, eating, drinking, playing music, goofing around and following the aftermath of their act on many television sets. Yet even though there seems to be nothing to worry about, we are constantly given the feeling that they are not going to get away with it. In the end the police find out where they are, and even though our characters are unarmed, the police kills them off one by one. How the police tracked them down is left unknown. The idea of "Nocturama" is obscure. The film asks many questions yet doesn't bother to give any answers. It shows the general discontentment that young people have with the government and social conditions. It portrays them as unified even though there are racial and class differences between them. Their attack was not aimed to kill any civilians, rather to damaged certain government buildings and certain corporation headquarters. Therefore, was their act morally unjust? Or is the question of moral in todays society relevant? At the end when the police arrive they are portrayed as merciless, yet clean and very professional, almost non human. The ending gives out a nihilistic vibe, and leaves the viewer wondering whether any form of rebellion against the government is possible.

  • Warnings, My Rating and Thoughts


    This film truly lives up to its description as a thriller. For much of the first part, and almost all of the second, I was biting my nails and sitting on the edge of my seat. Additionally, the scenery is very beautiful as it takes place in Paris and then an extravagant department store. My thoughts are these: Firstly: BE WARNED if you don't speak French. I do, so I could understand without the subtitles. However, my friend who was sitting next to me often had to ask for translation because she didn't understand what was happening, due to the fact that the subtitles are often inaccurate. As in, whole chunks of dialogue just left out. Secondly: A few of the other reviews mention how the terrorist's motives are unclear (as in, we have no idea why they did what they did). However, I didn't see this as a flaw: It allows you think about possible motives and identify with the characters more easily. Thirdly: For anyone who cares: I would rate this movie R (it's not rated last time I checked) for: Cursing (In French and English) Some nudity (two butts) Violence - not for the sake of being violent though. Overall though, I really enjoyed this movie. I am still thinking about it for days afterword.. a good adjective is PROVOCATIVE. Don't be scared away by the long run time - it wasn't boring at all. Bonus points if you speak French, that would definitely help your understanding.

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