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New Eden (1994)

New Eden (1994)

Stephen BaldwinLisa BonetTobin BellMichael Bowen
Alan Metzger


New Eden (1994) is a English movie. Alan Metzger has directed this movie. Stephen Baldwin,Lisa Bonet,Tobin Bell,Michael Bowen are the starring of this movie. It was released in 1994. New Eden (1994) is considered one of the best Action,Sci-Fi movie in India and around the world.

In sum, this plot follows many other sci-fiction futuristic tales of a post-apocalyptic society whose remnants fight over the scorched Earth. In this case, the Earth is a desert planet much like the Sahara or Mojave Desert. Similar to "The Road Warrior" "Waterworld" etc. the people are torn between being survivalists and trying to form some vision and some community for the future. Beyond simply a survivalist tale of good versus evil, this story has many valuable themes: man's nature towards good or evil versus environment shaping behavior, redemption, marriage and commitment, Biblical themes in the real world, etc.


New Eden (1994) Reviews

  • Spew Eden, more like!!! Do you see?

    Leigh L.2000-05-05

    It took me three sittings to get through this film. Three. It's that exciting. Tobin Bell's the only one who gets something resembling an interesting character to work with here, while Lisa Bonet does the best she can with the uninspiring lurve interest role. The sub-Snake Plissken bad guy, though, is about as menacing as a courgette, while Stephen Baldwin - not the most charismatic man in the world to begin with - has never been more irritating in his life. Someone kick his face in, for God's sake. And you'd think that a film with absolutely no aspirations beyond nicking various cliches from Mad Max 2, Steel Dawn etc. etc. would at least have a worthwhile idea of what to do with them at the end of the day, but sadly it can't even manage that. Not only is New Eden staggeringly boring, it's also full of conflicting messages: hey kids, live in peace! Sacrifice yourself for others! And if you have to fight, fight with honour! (Except when you've got a shotgun and the bad guys are unarmed, in which case feel free to blow big holes in them.) New Eden = Big Cack. Don't waste your time.

  • i was an extra in this movie


    I was an extra in this movie it was my first and only stint in film, It was filmed inside the Albuquerque convention center and in white sands NM around 1993. I wish I was in the credits but they forgot to mention me despite my awesome acting skills. I'm in the first few scenes I'm a prisoner on the ship there is about 3 scenes were i can be seen if your quick with the pause button. The film was not a very big budget movie but I'm not really sure how much it costs to shoot. The reason I auditioned for the film is because I wanted to be a sand pirate but they ended up casting me for a prisoner due to my poor horse riding skills. The movie was originally made for the Sci Fi channel and VHS copies were scarce and expensive to purchase, however you can pick them up on ebay from time to time.

  • Groooaaaan!


    Stephen Baldwin, futuristic convict (but he's actually an excessively good guy) gets abandoned on a desolate planet by the futuristic prison people. . . .meets beautiful woman (Lisa Bonet) with cute child in tow. . .desert pirates who repeat cliché bad-guy talk and do cliché bad-guy things, etc., etc. Sorry I couldn't finish this one to give more info(gave it about 45 minutes) due to the boringness. I gave this movie three stars just because the actors make a concerted effort but even they can't save it. Formulaic, predictable (oh so predictable!), recycled story and dialog, etc. Bad movie. . . . .bad, bad, BAD movie!

  • The Worst Film Ever Made


    This, quite simply, is the worst film ever made. It's hard to say whether the almost entirely stolen story line, the horrific plot holes, the embarrassing special effects, or Alec Baldwin made this movie so ruinously poor. Probably all of those factors are very important, but mostly, the film is crashingly, achingly dull. Even the occasional random dip into soft core pornography with the lovely Lisa Bonet does not raise even the slightest flicker of interest, neither when the buggies come and circle round our "political prisoner" (He was imprisoned for writing a slogan on a wall, oh yes...). Watch it, because this is a landmark.


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