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Nemesis III: Prey Harder (1996)

Nemesis III: Prey Harder (1996)

Sue PriceTim ThomersonNorbert WeisserXavier Declie
Albert Pyun


Nemesis III: Prey Harder (1996) is a English movie. Albert Pyun has directed this movie. Sue Price,Tim Thomerson,Norbert Weisser,Xavier Declie are the starring of this movie. It was released in 1996. Nemesis III: Prey Harder (1996) is considered one of the best Action,Thriller,Sci-Fi movie in India and around the world.

Alex again fighting the cyborg mercenaries in 1998 East Africa. This time, Alex finds that she has 20 half sisters who are waiting for her to return to 2077. Central Command wants Alex captured alive and scanned to see if her DNA is a strong and more powerful strain than the normal. But Alex may be too tough for Farnsworth to capture.


Nemesis III: Prey Harder (1996) Reviews

  • Nemesis III Prey Harder: The terror has returned, really!?


    Nemesis III Prey Harder otherwise known as Nemesis III Time Lapse is a contender for the worst movie in the franchise and that's really saying something. The third Nemesis movie but seventh movie overall in the Cyborg (1989) franchise (Yeah it still confuses me as well) follows directly on from Nemesis II but that's just about all it has to its credit. 3 of these movies were made within the space of 2 years, that may explain why they're so poor. Picking up from Alex's adventure as the sole hope for humanity's battle against the cyborgs and yadayadayada. Sue Price returns looking like a great action heroine in a movie that is quite frankly beneath her. Industry veteran and original Nemesis (1992) star Tim Thomerson returns and is on usual great form but nothing can make up for the dreadful cast around him. Awful sfx, snoozefest of a plot and absolutely nothing going for it this is the absolute pits within a franchise that's consistently bad anyway. The Good: Follows on well from Nemesis 2 (1995) Tim Thomerson The Bad: Naff cgi Plot is terrible Things I Learnt From This Movie: Girls love stamp collections

  • Just plain sad.


    I really wanted to like this film. The second film in the series had this silly, drive in movie feel to it that was fun (of course, I was also drunk). I watched this film with the highest expectation of a similar experience of high cinematic hilarity, a-la- Mystery Science Theater 3000. I WAS WRONG!!!!! This movie is a god awful waste of film, and I LIKED THE SECOND ONE!!!! From the effeminate villain with the David Bowie fright wig, to the tacky, obnoxious female villains with laughs that could strip the paint off a garage door, this whole thing was just a painful mess. I actually felt bad for Sue Price, because the material was beneath an actress of her stature (that pretty much says it all). An awful, awful film (that's not a recommendation).

  • Part 2, Take 2


    Perhaps the worst of the "Nemesis" films (and that says A LOT!), this mess features so many flashbacks to part 2 that you might as well say that you've seen them both, even if you've only endured this entry. Making matters worse are two wisecracking cyborgs who have absolutely no entertainment value. In other words, they are a perfect fit for this endlessly boring cinematic mistake.

  • "Prey" for deliverance....


    There's something about a movie that features female bodybuilders that gets me in front of the screen every time. I've seen "Pumping Iron II", "Aces: Iron Eagle III", "Raven Hawk", and even the TV movie "Getting Physical", which featured some big names in the sport. They were tolerable in their own ways (mostly, because they featured Rachel McLish. ROWWR!!). Then I went and watched "Nemesis III: Prey Harder", on the sole basis that it featured such luminaries as Sue Price, Debbie Muggli, Sharon Bruneau and Ursula Sarcev. Love the ladies, always will, but after this I'm kinda glad I missed the first two "Nemesis" flicks. Well, the first one, anyway. Most of the footage here is lifted bodily (and kicking and screaming, I would guess) from "Nemesis II". Actually, that one looked marginally entertaining from the evidence supplied here. But even though Price and company flex and pose, they don't get much of a chance to do anything else (like, say, ACT!). In fact, this whole film is an exercise (Get it? Ha-ha...) in oblique story-telling, ambiguous characters and open-ended movie-making (in terms of filming as well as the story-line). Nothing makes much sense but even if it did, there would still be issues - such as making such small parts for such larger-than-life women as these. What a crime. Of course, it was written and directed by Albert Pyun, so what did you expect: cohesion? One star only, in consideration for all the hard work that Price, Muggli, Bruneau and Sarcev obviously put into their bodies, NOT the "craft" work done within the movie itself. Thanks, ladies.

  • Nemesis 3: Time Lapse


    Third times a charm right?...right?!! well no. The plot continues somehow in this weird ass sci-fi action franchise. The first film was pretty unique and turned out to be a bit of a cult, the second film turned out to be a reasonable 'Terminator/Predator' rip off which had a nice rubber suit involved. This time Pyun makes a film virtually out of flashback material from the previous two films, yet somehow he manages to nab his muse Tim Thomerson. Continuity is good for this series of films mainly because they were all shot back to back, almost, so at least the cast sticks around. The problem is you can clearly tell this is the arse end of filming from the second film and they've made a third out of it, the leftovers. The plot follows on from the second film naturally (back to back remember) and simply sees Alex our muscly female heroine trying to regain her memory. This is the reason most of the film is flashbacks from the last film and rather dull, other than that there are more cyborgs on her tail yet again. The effects are extremely basic this time, embarrassingly so. In short there aren't any real effects, its all very primitive looking superimposed digitally glowing electronic lights and dreadful looking blur effects that have all been added in post-production. It looks like something a student would achieve in school frankly, it all looks so hokey and cheap. Yet on the other hand they still manage some half decent explosions and vehicle action so there was some cash to use. I think the reason this film feels so mundane is because you merely have human looking cyborg characters running around trying to kill everyone. Its not very exciting and the characters themselves look pretty crappy costume wise, I did miss the Nebula/Predator hunter that's for sure. Pyun obviously likes sexy ladies if you haven't already guessed because the main two cyborgs are super slim fit females with trashy blonde wigs. Plus weightlifter Price gets her tight tanned ass out in the sun again with a very thin thong running between her hot buns. Was that a contractual obligation or something? Its all very boring really this one, the worst bit about it is the fact it all looks the same in every shot, the same locations over and over. The second film was exactly the same locations wise too of course, so it really feels like a slog getting through this without the cool Nebula cyborg hunter. The only bit I quite liked was seeing Thomerson's human projection break up and seeing his real cyborg identity shine through underneath, (he's a cyborg hunter with a human image/camouflage-like shield being projected around him). Its actually a neat little idea and the effect is probably the best in the film, his robotic glowing green eyes and scan lasers looked hilariously bad but a little creepy I guess. 3.5/10


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