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Mr. Blue Sky (2007)

Mr. Blue Sky (2007)

Chaney KleyRichard KarnMary Kate SchellhardtNancy Rita Wolfe
Sarah Gurfield


Mr. Blue Sky (2007) is a English movie. Sarah Gurfield has directed this movie. Chaney Kley,Richard Karn,Mary Kate Schellhardt,Nancy Rita Wolfe are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2007. Mr. Blue Sky (2007) is considered one of the best Drama movie in India and around the world.

An unconventional love triangle between three childhood buddies; two girls, one born with Down syndrome, and one boy, who all grow up fighting who they are inside, how they are perceived by society as a whole, and who they ultimately strive to become as individuals through the obstacles that are inherently present.

Mr. Blue Sky (2007) Trailers

Mr. Blue Sky (2007) Reviews

  • EVERYONE Should See This Movie About Tolerance


    In today's day and age where we're having rallies about black lives matter, and feminists are saying that women are getting treated worse than men, and then you have Mexican Nationals saying that they have a right to stay in the United States illegally and a wall should not be built, everyone everywhere is saying the everybody else hates them and doesn't have tolerance but when it comes to a birth situation like down syndrome people just sweep it under the rug and see it as normal to treat someone with an extra chromosome or a disease is though there less than human and that's supposed to be okay? Everywhere in this world today there's so much hate. This movie really points out how much innocence and love people who have birth disorders like down syndrome have. All they want is to be loved and accepted and more often than not they are treated very poorly, less than equal to the rest of society, and like they cannot live normal lives. Well I've worked with people with special needs and I hope to tell you they are some of the most wonderful, amazing, Love Field people you will ever meet! This movie does a absolute amazing job pointing out so many facts. First and foremost the beauty in the hearts of people who are born with Down Syndrome. But it goes farther than other movies about people with Down Syndrome that I've seen, it also discusses the way that even people that children with Down Syndrome thought were their friends treat them with such utter disregard when it isn't convenient for them especially when they get older. It discusses the fact that parents quite often have to put their entire lives on hold and have to worry about what their children are going to be faced with once they're gone. It discusses what the people with Down Syndrome are capable of such as a girl in this movie trying to get her associate's degree. It discusses how much of a normal relationship with other people people with Down Syndrome are able to have and if they are able to have a say marriage with a normal ability person, how the rest of the world will treat the two of them. It gives you so much to think about and gives you so much truth the person who wrote the script truly must have some experience in this. This obviously is some sort of an indie flick because you can tell it's low budget, this sets are low-budget, most of the actors are low-budget, but when you're swept up into the script and most of the actors are good actors you tend to forget that it's low budget. I truly believe that this movie should be played in schools I think it would diffuse a lot of this hatred that's going on right now with the whole black lives matter and all lives matter and all the other stuff that's going on right now and maybe people will start learning to love each other for who they are. God has blessed us with one life and we need to cherish it and cherish the people around us regardless of color, race, sex, and mental ability.


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