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Monkey Love (2002)

Monkey Love (2002)

Jeremy RennerSeamus DeverAmy StewartMary Margaret Robinson
Mark Stratton


Monkey Love (2002) is a English movie. Mark Stratton has directed this movie. Jeremy Renner,Seamus Dever,Amy Stewart,Mary Margaret Robinson are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2002. Monkey Love (2002) is considered one of the best Comedy,Romance movie in India and around the world.

An L.A. college student becomes romantically involved with her two oldest friends.

Monkey Love (2002) Reviews

  • I liked the movie a lot with a few reservations.


    My first impression watching Monkey Love was that the characters were shallow. Based mostly on excessive use of the "F" word, which is a little hard on my sensibilities. Ten minutes into the movie, I was hooked on the frustrations and feelings of young single people trying to cope with mixed emotions. There are a couple of insane characters in the movie and cuts to silent films, leading to a surreal emotional state in the middle of the show. I found the ending completely satisfying. Overall, I liked the film and came away well entertained and felt good.

  • A fun night at the movies


    Monkey Love is a well crafted story about a young girl coming to grips with life as an adult. Actually, it's a funny, interesting, even quirky story about compelling people and their romances. The writing and directing are first rate, and performances by Amy Stewart, Jeremy Renner and Seamus Dever reveal new talent bound for bigger things. What a great way to enjoy a night at the movies...making Monkey Love. Even the music is not the usual collection of the first 8 bars of current pop hits. Enjoy.

  • Cute, funny, and overall a decent movie..


    This was a cute little flick to watch. I don't see why it's rated as low as it is. I thought it deserved a pass in my books! Of course when you first being to watch it the "soap opera-ish" camera is a little bit of a setback, but once you forget about that tiny detail and focus a bit more heavily on the movie aspect, the film's adorable aspects shine through. The acting was quite good, and I did end up chuckling a bit in several scenes ^_^ and the overall storyline wasn't too bad. There was funny dialogue and humorous situations. I gave the film a 6 out of 10, mostly because it was actually quite good and left somewhat of an impact. But I did have some minor issues regarding character motives: just a bit of an issue with Amy's motives for wanting to ditch her friends, and then the fact that she was depressed afterwards... that didn't make much sense, and also the random psycho scythe father guy. (was he really needed? XD)

  • Not too impressed


    I found the box made the film more appealing than it actually is. The script is interesting if not resembling that of a soap opera. Despite a hard attempt to watch this film, I eventually ended up discarding it for few reasons; It feels like a long soap opera with static, repetitive shots in over-lit sets (or what look like sets), and it's visually dull. Examples being that the colours often seem saturated and dull, while all possibilities for visually boosting the appeal of the film are ignored - even something as simple as altering the depth of field, which is almost always infinite and again, dull. The sound is well recorded, crisp and clear but again lacking a certain something. Above all, this feels very much like a student film: undeveloped, simple and shallow on many accounts. The writing, however, could possibly be the saving grace of the film were to be backed up with equally appealing direction, lighting, sound and editing. This does appear to be a film made in the youth of the said director's career which could explain why it is how it is. Despite my negative views, I can say that there are no, or not many errors with boom shadows, editing errors, continuity errors in the shots, narrative or lighting and it's obvious much care has been taken to avoid such issues. As a film that has been placed in the genre of comedy, I feel it has been misplaced. This is a very performance orientated piece which would sit neatly in the genre of drama or docu-drama along side a short such as 'Tape'. With this possibility in mind, it could still be seen as a comedy from a narrative perspective. I do feel though, that this film could be very useful in a learning environment as something for beginner to intermediate film students to critique as a piece that's not too complex in an particular way, as something at a quality to aim for when producing their first short. I hope this is a useful review, and that I haven't overlooked the direction the makers were approaching this project from.

  • This was Horrible.


    How can anyone say this film is good? It's not even film. It's video. And it sucked. The acting. Directing. Lighting. Everything. No wonder it doesn't have distribution. Everyone...please don't listen to the hype-machine written here, because it's most likely written by crew members from the film. They are lies. This movie screams of student film! DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE!


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